Analyzing Basics – Dasas (I)

Ok ladies and Gents. Coming to a crucial and a vast, deep topic of Dasas (planetary periods)

It is an ever-vital and indispensable tool of Jyotish in predicting the timing of future events.

Let me mention out-front, the topic is extremely wide and deep and in these tutorials (meant for the beginner) I will be giving only basic yet relevant information, which will arm the reader with the necessary tool missing in combination to her Transit tool. Once armed with both, you are on your way to be able to start making predictions which amaze yourself and your friend and family 🙂

So Dasas in Jyotish are of many kinds (JHora gives the option of about 50 or more of them!)

These differ by calculation methodology and applicability and frame of reference (planetary dasas, rashi dasas etc.). Here we are going to talk about the most frequently/ widely used dasas and that too briefly in the interest of time and the scope of this article.

Among the most commonly used dasas is the Vimshottari dasa (which is an almost default dasa an astrologer would refer to if he mentions the term ‘dasa’). As per Parasara, it is a dasa applicable to All across the board except a few exceptions as explained below-

Vimshottari is started/ calculated as per the exact longitude of Moon at the moment of birth. Moon as you know represent the mind, emotions, thought process/ intelligence among other things and is the primary significator of the above. This is one of the wider differences between Jyotish and other schools of astrology across the globe – Jyotish puts a heavier emphasis on the Moon, arguably due to the logic that whatever happens around us and with us, affects our feelings, emotions and thought process which are signified my the Moon and hence its importance. Also to be noted is the fact that the Moon is the fasted moving entity of the 9 planets and hence the most ‘specific’ differentiator  in terms of difference between 2 individuals born at relatively close time intervals. Moon takes about 2.25 days to cover one sign of 30 degrees whereas the Sun takes a month. Thus making the moon more specific than the Sun in this example.

Due to the above considerations, as per Parasara, as long as the mental faculties are developed meaningfully enough, Vimshottari dasa will always be applicable. Now of course the exceptions will be very young individuals (say below age 6 to 8 yrs) or extremely old individuals or individuals with an impaired mental ability like medical mental retardation etc. are the cases where Vimshottari might not be applicable. However as long as the native is older than 8 yrs. of age and mentally ‘not challenged’, Vimshottari will be applicable.

So lets discuss this dasa system. The moon covers 27 Lunar asterisms (nakshatras) and 12 signs in one revolution, like other planets. Moon takes about 28 days approximately for one such circle so it covers a little less than 1 nakshatra per day (roughly). 360/27 = 13 degrees and 20 minutes or 13 1/3 degrees (length of one nakshatra)

the Nakshatras, as mentioned before in an article are of the 9 planets (3 times each) and follow the order of Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. Then repeat 2 more times the same order.

Once the exact degree of moon is known, it can be calculated that how far has moon progressed into that nakshatra. Lets assume moon is in Venus nakshatra at the time of birth and has travelled 3 degrees and 20 minutes in it. It implies that Moon has traversed exactly 1/4th of the Nakshatra of Venus and 3/4 remains. Now look at the following table for Vimshottari-

Sun – 6 yrs

Moon – 10 yrs

Mars – 7 yrs

Rahu – 18 yrs

Jupiter – 16 yrs

Saturn – 19 yrs

Mercury – 17 yrs

Ketu – 7 yrs

Venus – 20 yrs

For a total of 120 yrs. Vimshottari assumes a total of 120 yrs cycle for dasa. In the rare even that someone lives beyond 120 yrs, the dasa sequence will start again for a 2nd cycle.

So coming back to our moon which had traversed 1/4th of the Venus nakshatra, what it implies is that 3/4th of that is left OR 3/4th of the 20 yrs of Venus is left as a balance at the moment of birth or 15 yrs. So this native will have Venus dasha at the time of birth till his 15th birthday and then sun MD will start for 6 yrs, followed by Moon MD for 10 yrs etc.

The sequence and quantity of dasas is FIXED and never changes for any individual. Only the starting point changes as per Moon longitude at birth

So what we just described is called the Mahadasa or MD in short which is Level I dasa. Below this level will be level 2 dasa called Antar dasa or (AD). Below that would be 3rd level called Pratyantar Dasa (PD) and so on. Technically its a FRACTAL calculation which goes to infinite levels. But important to note is that even till level 6, you will reach a time frame which is already in minutes or hours (as opposed to years of Maha Dasa) and hence for all intents and purposes the first 3 levels are the most important. Finer levels can be used for fine tuning.

Next important point to note is that in each MD, the first AD will be the MD lord itself and then the next AD will be next planet in the sequence and so on. The time frame remains fixed as per the ratio of MD contribution. Pay attention here. What this means is- say Moon MD just started. First AD will be Moon itself and time frame will be in ratio of 10/120 (because Moon has 10 in the MD slot in the above table of a total of 120).

Next AD will be Moon/ Mars with a time 7/120th of the 10 yrs of moon MD or 7 months when you calculate
Next AD will be Moon./ Rahu with a time of 18/120 of the 10 yrs of Moon MD or 18 months when you calculate and so on till you reach Moon/ Sun of 6 months. After Moon/ Sun ends, the Moon MD of 10 yrs is over and you start Mars MD of 7 yrs and so on and so forth

Very much like the above, the 3rd level dasa will be the same as the AD lord itself and then from there. So Moon/ Moon/ Moon will be followed by  Moon/ Moon/ Mars then Moon/ Moon/ Rahu etc. (Again time frame in same ratio as described for AD above)


Good news is that the calculations are all done by the software, however one still has to understand the above logic and hence the ‘method behind the madness’

People with good mathematical skills will quickly realize a Fractal pattern in this, which for some reason is increasingly seen in nature in terms of Golden ratio etc. (beyond the scope of this discussion and hence I wont digress much)

Now once you know what dasa a person is running, keep the following factors in mind-

  • MD lord sets the Major trend in life
  • AD lord gives the finer trend within the MD period and is very important for a relatively shorter time frame
  • PD lord is usually a few months to a few weeks and PD and beyond levels are for fine tuning the effects of MD and AD lords
  • starting from MD lord, analyze what the MD lord planet rules in your horoscope (the bhaavs it rules) also analyze its dignity, aspects and placement in details as described in previous chapters
  • Do the same for AD lord and PD lord etc
  • Then analyze how the MD and AD lord are related to each other and use the compound friendship analysis as described in the dignity of planets article
  • Events are precipitated when the dasas indicate so and the transits also indicate in the same direction. Important now is to note what I mention in the Transit articles – transit of MD and AD lords and even PD lord is very vital as per description in those articles
  • As an overall ‘mantra’ Dasa Proposes, Transit Disposes. Hence correct prediction lie in the ability (developed over experience) in harmonizing the signs given by both. Ideally when you get more knowledge and experience, more than one dasa is also used to confirm results, but for now (and believe me for 99% of astrologers) Vimshottari is enough to prevent information overdose for the student.

I will write more points regarding dasas in the subsequent articles, but the reader can now start checking the dasa they are running in JHora by clicking on the ‘Dasas’ tab on the top of the software and selecting Vimshottari dasa among the ‘Nakshatra dasas’ tab in the feature. Click on the time period of an MD and a drop down will keep giving you lower levels of AD, PD etc. Try. Practice…


138 Responses to Analyzing Basics – Dasas (I)

  1. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    If one has Sun MD and Sun is posited in Cancer does Sun “activate” the moon and its rasi/bhava? Say, for a Taurus asc Sun does good but if the Moon is afflicted..hence asking.

    Thank you

    • VS says:

      yes it does
      sun will give the bhaav results as well as the results of moon in the chart…meaning where moon is placed, how strong etc

  2. Sundar says:

    Can you give a small example of “MD proposes, Transit disposes”? would be helpful..thanks.

    • VS says:

      every reading you do is an example. Just start looking at any chart for events that have already happened. say someone brought a car. now look at the dasa and see how the 4th house, 11th house and/ or venus was involved. Once you see the planets in the horoscope and the dasa, then see the transit.

      transit alone can not give anything, good or bad. but if the chart has a promise in it and the dasas give the promise, then the transit is the one which finally triggers it on a day or weekly basis

  3. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    During Jupiter dasa, are all the bhaavs for which it is a full or partial kara affected?
    Are the effects of these bhaavs seen during the entire dasa or when Jupiter/AD planet aspects these karaka houses in transit?


    • VS says:

      what is activated is where Jupiter sits and aspects as well as they planets that aspect/ conjunct it

      • Sundar says:

        VS, in the context of the above answer:
        Supposing the lagna lord is sitting in a trine in good dignity and conjunct a debilitated but friendly planet (say Sun in Libra), is it possible that Sun’s debility might show its effect on health during the MD of the lagna lord? Assume there are no redeeming factors for Sun.

        Thank you.

        • VS says:

          yes, however when multiple planets are together, a few things happen. Say A, B & C are together in a rashi within 10 degrees of each other

          1. if B MD runs, A & C will also show full effect in the MD
          2. the Karta planet dominates the results

          now finding the Karta planet is a bit of an art and is again learnt via experience and not via any text or literature. For example if Rahu is together with any planet, it will usually become the karta and will take on the bad and good effects of the other planet. Typically planets that are stronger in dignity and closer to the bhaav madhya will become kartaas.

          if you take the example of capricorn lagna, mercury in 9th at say 27, jupiter at 21 and saturn at 18. Bhaav madhya at 18. Now the significations of higher education are actually jupiter and mercury. however since saturn is closest to bhaav madhya and in shadbal reference stronger than mercury or jupiter, it will tend to give more results related to higher education even though it is the anti thesis of higher education by general nature.

          • Sundar says:

            VS, can the karta planet’s effect be more than that of the MD’s lord itself?

          • VS says:

            Actually the karta planet will give the impact of the house more than the others in its own MD or AD. However it will be mingled with its general nature also
            which means lets say saturn is dispensing higher education in its dasa even though it is not a karaka for the same. now saturn will not do it with fluency and grace like for example jupiter. It will do it with some struggles, hard work requirement and obstacles as usually seen in the general significations of saturn. so a karta planet dispenses the results but mixed with its general characteristics and not that of the house or planets it is conjuncting

          • Sundar says:

            VS last question on this:
            “if you take the example of capricorn lagna, mercury in 9th at say 27, jupiter at 21 and saturn at 18. Bhaav madhya at 18. ”
            If the MD was Jupiter’s Jupiter’s effects would still dominate, yes? Thank you.

          • VS says:

            So in this case mercury is exalted virgottam. Saturn in uccha abhilashi in a friendly sign and closest to bhaav Madhya
            Jupiter is enmical sign. How can it dominate? Saturn and mercury will dominate the result. however in this case there is a yoga of 2nd and 9th lord. Jupiter being the karaka of 2nd and 9th will dispense this yoga but by its own significations of 12th and 3rd will be secondary in this situation as it is powerless in comparison to Saturn and mercury in this situation.

          • Sundar says:

            Very intricate stuff ! Thank you.

          • AJ says:

            Dear VS,
            if Rahu becomes the karta and takes on the effects of the planet it conjuncts, then what happens to the conjunct planet – whose effects would it give? For example for Cancer lagna, if rahu sits with Mars in 7th house, rahu will give good effects since it becomes karta, but how can we judge mars’s results.

          • VS says:

            Depends on the strength and dignity of the other planet. Typically strong, especially male planets, will continue to give their own results as well. Say Mars is exalted for cancer ascendant and with Rahu. Mars MD will also give yoga, however Mars will now gain a bit of unpredictable nature, like yoga suddenly getting broken in its own dasa. Rahu dasa on the other hand will also give Mars results in it but in the context of Rahu karakatwa

  4. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    For MD analysis, is it correct to look at placement of the MD planet relative to its karak house (say is venus sitting nth from the 4th), and the placement from its MK house? (in addition to the posited house, aspected houses and aspected planets). I saw this analysis in a YTube video. Does this analysis yield any additional value?

    Thank you.

  5. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    During Venus MD and Jupiter AD, should I think of Jupiter being considered neutral by Venus, in which case I should count the houses where Jupiter is sitting from Venus to determine its temporary relationship..?

    • VS says:

      permanent relations never change and venus and Jupiter are always enemies
      temporary relationships are based out of relative positions and hence will change per each horoscope.

      • Sundar says:

        When Venus sits in Jupiter’s house isn’t she sitting in a neutral house? According to the table in, Venus does not consider Jupiter its enemy or friend.
        Hence my question about Jupiter AD under Venus MD.

        • VS says:

          when you are looking at Jupiter working under Venus, you have to consider what Jupiter feels about Venus and not vice versa
          Jupiter considers venus as an enemy

          • Sundar says:

            Thanks VS.
            To get the whole picture on how Jupiter feels, I would count from Jupiter’s position to Venus’, yes?

          • VS says:

            you have to do some real research and deep dive to learn astrology sir
            for example Jupiter to venus or venus to Jupiter counting will always give the same result in terms of good or bad..meaning 3-11, 4-10 and 2-12 are temporary friendships and others temporary enmities. So it doesn’t matter whether you countr from X to Y or Y to X

          • Anonymous says:

            Just stumbled across your blog today. Will be here for a while 🙂
            This whole Ven-Jup enmity is interesting. I am currently running Ven-Jup and I don’t see the enmity. I have Aq lagna with Ven in 12th and Jup in 9th. I have about a year more of this AD to go, but so far I have experienced only good things (including peace of mind which is rare for me).

          • VS says:

            Generic rules are just that – generic
            every chart is different and dozens of things have to be considered to guage dasa periods along with transits. See my article on ‘how to guage a mahadasa’. I mention around 20 factors, which is still just the top tier list, even more factors need to be considered to come to any conlcusion. Summary is that astrology is a hollistic study and varies greatly with slight variations in a chart and so just 2 planets placed here or there is not sufficient to decipher their results

  6. Baskar says:

    Dear VS ji,

    I thank you very much for your awesome lessons. They are very informative and nicely organized. Greatly appreciated!

    Kindly take a few minutes to explain about Dasa Chidra. I read some where that it is like a time period where you are waiting for a plane changeover in transit in an airport.

    It stated that both the ending dasa as well as the upcoming dasa has no effects on the individual. Is that true? I thought both will have an effect on the individual.

    Is that duration approximately 10% of the two dasa periods? Or is it the last antar dasa of the ending dasa as well as the first antar dasa of the upcoming dasa.

    Will the outgoing dasa lose its control on the individual and the incoming dasa gains control even before its dasa starts? if so, when can we start seeing those effects?

    Please enlighten.



    • VS says:

      this 10% or more has been individual approximations by people. I don’t have any concrete formula for this. Just know that a yr or so before a MD ends, the other MD lord will start to silently show its effect etc. So experience teaches this a bit more

      if the 2 said planets are inimical to each other – Mars/ Rahu or venus/ sun etc. then the impact is more. Also if the 2 said planets are sitting say 6-8 to each other in the horo…they might have a bigger shock as one was working in a very different direction in life than the other wants to take etc

      • Baskar says:

        Thanks VS ji.. Makes sense.. We need to see the relative placement from the Current maha dasa lord with respect to the upcoming Maha dasa lord.


        Thank you very much.

  7. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Can a promise of a chart not be fulfilled? Say Pisces asc, Jupiter sits in the 5th house, but Jupiter dasa or bhukti does not happen until 35 years …but at the age of 20 there is a good aspect on the 5th by Saturn or Jupiter. Is the gochara alone enough?


    • VS says:

      In my experience, a graha rarely gives its promise in its own dasa. Typically any planet conjuncting or opposing it and the depositor planets tend to give out the results of a yoga.

      the promise of any horoscope is eventually delivered, regardless of dasas. transits and activation ages of planets are also important, but the most naïve mistake almost all new astrologers make is to assume that the planet itself always delivers the results

      I, or for that matter, no one can teach the dynamics of which planet will deliver the results. it comes from experience and brute force case study exposure. Typically 3 things to be seen – bhaav, bhaavadipati (owner) and bhaav karaka.
      The planet that delivers is the ‘kartaa’ of that bhaav/ yoga. Usually is the karaka or the strongest in a combination or the one closest to bhaav Madhya.

      I mention again, this can not be taught in one page or one book. it has to be learnt with experience till one develops an intuition for it with experience

      • meena says:

        my 2 cents on this given my own experience & chart-
        kanya lagna with mercury in 11th house. During rahu-mercury I was desperately hoping for a job change to a better job. Never happened despite my efforts, and could NOT figure out why not, since mercury was my 10th lord.

        The better job change did not come until rahu-venus, venus is in my 10th (alone, but aspected by saturn in lagna).

  8. meena says:

    Since you have no section on jupiter dasa, I will ask here.

    I will enter jupiter dasa in about 3 years. My jupiter is in the 12th house (leo, I am kanya lagna), conjunct with moon. Jupiter is a benefic, but how does it act in the 12th house? Especially since it is not a great planet for kanya lagna. But jupiter’s natural house is the 12th. So I am not sure how this would be interpreted.

    • VS says:

      Hi Meena, it shows a person with a clean heart with a spiritual bent of mind. such people help others and have a plain heart. I dont do personal readings here, but generally the results of what you have said will be good for wealth/ assets but not so much for marriage. Saturn in ascendant and jupiter in leo will give difficulties in marriage, whenever saturn aspects the 7th house or jupiter in transit. you are likely born in 1980 and hence will be in the 37-38 age group. leo is a neutral domain for virgo ascendants. the power and position of sun in the chart will be vital to interpret the effects of jupiter MD as it is the depositor of jupiter

      • meena says:

        Interesting. My sun is in my 11th house with rahu (eeks) and mercury. So moon and sun have exchanged houses.

        Unfortunately I am not married, and if it doesn’t happen by then, I guess no problem there.

  9. Vishwajit says:

    Dear Sir,
    There’s Jupiter in 5th house (Taurus) and retrograde at 4.30* from the ascendent at birth. Can this give stable income growth and should these work in the professional job market or work as teacher.
    Here Venus owns this house and is present in scorpio i.e. 11th house.

    • VS says:

      HI Vishwajit,

      It can certainly give good income and children. however the overall chart has to be seen and not just 1 or 2 planets. Unfortunately I can not read personal charts of individuals on this site. Thanks

  10. Sundar says:

    For a Capri lagna, if Moon (maraka lord) is sitting in the 12th..Rahu (maraka planet) dasa, during Jupiter bhukti, Moon in the 12th will get activated and could pose danger to life, am I correct? Since you mentioned age being linked to planets for marana in another post, the age of this person is 51.

    • VS says:

      too generic to say
      moon usually in 8th is very bad as marana karaka. 8th is jeeva Shakti and there moon destroys life force and can lead to a sudden and premature death if afflicted and 8th lord afflicted as well. rahu, Saturn and moon are marakas for makar lagna…so any combination in dasas etc can lead to death in the right kaal and transit

      • BR says:

        Right! Steve Jobs had moon in 8th house (12th lord in 8th) and he died during its MD. But his moon is very malefic also as Sun is in 7th house, so close to Amavas/no-moon….

  11. Baskar says:

    Antar dasha results :

    VS ji,

    Suppose the antar dasha lord is placed well in a Kendra or Trikona from Lagna AND/OR Moon, but I’ll placed in dusthanas with respect to the Maha dasha lord, how do we interpret the effects ?

    Vice verse, if the antar dasha lord is badly placed in 6,8,12 from Lagna AND/OR Moon, but placed very well from the Maha dasha lord, how do we decipher the results?

    Please let me know.

    • VS says:

      generally the placement from lagna is always more important

      placement relative to the MD lord only dictates effects during that particular dasa sequence and not in the whole life in general. Example if Capricorn ascendant and moon exalted in 5th bhaav and venus in own bhaav in 10th forming Malavya yoga. both planets by themselves are placed in very good positions from the lagna and in general in life will give much rise and happiness
      however their mutual AD and MD might give issues related to career or children etc due to their 6-8 relation with each other. Overall the AD-MD might not be very bad, but good results will partially get blocked and some issues will arise.

      just a general example

  12. manu says:

    respected sir
    do we have to give more importance to vimshottari dasha vis jaimini dasha?in vimshottari im running mars situated in 8th and saturn in gemini in 12th house…but in jaimini im starting pisces chara dasha from next week for 12 yrs…pisces contain my bk jupiter..
    atmakaraka saturn in 12th
    amatyakaraka venus conjuct ketu in 11th

    • VS says:

      Vimshottari is a verstalike fully applicable dasa. others are more specific and harder to interpret. In my experience, less accurate also.

      • manu says:

        thanjs sir,in case of jaimini sir..dasha of 9thhouse with Bk In it will signify events related to brothers and short distance travels etc..will it affect career also?

        • VS says:

          Bk lord as per jamini does signify siblings, co workers, neighbors etc. however do not mix and match too much between different schools like parasara and jamini

          that should be done once one has a lot of experience with case studies

  13. Vida says:

    Thank you for the wonderful post

  14. Anant says:

    Considering purely general friendships moon treats mercury as friend and merCury treats moon as enemy.For any native whose Mercury and Moon are both well placed,which dasa will give good results and which will fail ? Moon Dasha Mercury bhukti or Mercury Dasha moon bhukti ? same question for other such non symmetrical planetary relationships.

    • VS says:

      dasa effects are from placement (bhaav) bhaav lord and all the aspects on the natal planet in the chart, mercury and moon are no different. a comprehensive analysis is needed to ascertain the results

  15. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    I was told by an eminent astrologer to count my Vimshottari dasa start from 4th star as my moon was in Second house ( Capricorn for Saggi ascendant ). Found it correlated well with past results. What’s your view on this as I have not seen any reference to this in my web search.



    • VS says:

      not sure what you are talking about. vimshottari dasa balance at birth is a simple and well founded concept of the exact longitude of moon in a particular nakshatra and how much it has traversed that particular nakshatra

  16. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    In JHora, almost all planets seem to be aspecting other planets with varying degrees. Some of them do not have any special aspects but are still having some % aspects. Eg. Sun on 4th house etc. How do I interpret this for Dasa analysis ?


    • VS says:

      Hi Siva, that is partial aspects. All planets have partial aspects, except exactly 6th from themselves. for beginners, only full aspects should be taken into account and you shouldn’t worry much about the partial ones

  17. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    for Nakshatra analysis do you count Abhijit as a separate star ?
    JHora seems to be taking this as a separate star.
    I was born in this star and hence confused as to whether to count for star effect from Abhijit or Uttarashada.
    Every implication changes with Abhijit being counted as separate star.


    • VS says:

      No the star is not of the normal 27 and doesn’t figure in calculations. it can be mentioned in softwares but not for calculations. It is more of a theory than actual practice

  18. Sundar says:

    Hello VS,
    For a Taurus asc with Sun in the 3rd and dispositor Moon in the 11th with Ketu. The Ketu dasa gave mental and physical health issues. The Sun dasa seems quite OK for the first 1.5 years. However, since Sun sits in a Prishtodaya rasi, is it possible that Moon + Ketu’s bad effect will start showing after 2 years? On the other hand, it can be argued that Moon is in a Upachya house and since the bad effects of Moon has been spent during the Ketu dasa and subsequent ones, the following Moon dasa may not be bad as is evident from the Sun dasa at this point. How would you think?

  19. Ravi says:

    If someone has scorpio as their arudhalagna and its depositor mars is exalted in 3rd house of capricon with saturn in ascendant does it show anything..and in arudhalagna planets in which house gives the best reaults and which is the worst house??

    • VS says:

      it shows great courage and determination. in 3rd from arudha lagna shows paraakrama and an exalted mars in there shows a determined and hard working person who can be disciplined in tackling any problem in life

  20. Samhita Lokesh says:

    In the MD of a tenant planet in conjunction with other planets , who is the karta in this situation ? Is it the lord/owner of the house ? Will he give the tenant karakas or his Karakas or the Bhaava karakatwas ? For example, for taurus lagna, having Mercury , Venus and Ketu in fourth house of Leo , in the MD of Venus which planet will be acting predominantly ? Please explain. Appreciate it .

    • VS says:

      this is not as simple. It comes from experience, can not be generalized

      all that can be said generally is-

      1) tendency for a planet that is the karaka of the house, if one of those in the mix will be higher than other planets
      2) planet that is closer to the bhaav madhya will become kartaa
      3) if Rahu one of the combination of multiple planets, it will over ride all others and become the kartaa

      • Samhita Lokesh says:

        Thank you very much for the response. I do have a couple of questions,
        1. If Rahu or Ketu is posited alone in the eighth house , is it possible to cause death during its dasha or is it the eighth lord dasha that will cause death but it will act through Rahu and Ketu.
        2. Could you please elaborate on the 6-8 axis and what does it mean in terms of analysing a chart.

        Thank you very muchin advance.

        • VS says:

          1. both can
          2. not sure what you mean by the 6-8 axis. usually 6-12 will form an axis and in general 6th or 8th from a point or planet is negative for that particular point or planet

  21. Tanya says:

    Hello VS Sir,
    How to interpret the results when first antar is of the same planet as the mahadasha…like Mercury antar in Mercury mahadasha ? and
    If a planet is in late degrees does it mean it’s incapable of giving results in its mahadasha ? I have Mercury in Scorpio at 27 deg in Jyeshta alongwith Sun and Ketu.
    Kindly explain…

    • VS says:

      you have to look closely at the bhaav position of the planet as well as any complete and partial aspects on it in a functional fashion for a meaningful analysis of planets AD in its own MD

  22. Samhita Lokesh says:

    Hello VS,

    Could you please explain the oncept of Avayogi planets and I understand that when the mahadasha of this planet occurs in a persons life, there is total destruction. IF not the native experienes losses on all bhavas that the planet aspects and also wrt its karakatwas. Is this true ? Is Avayogi star and planet a concept explained in Parashari system or is it borrowed from Nadi astrology.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    • VS says:

      your understanding is incorrect. Avayogi is just one concept and a finer one. If the avayogi planet is other wise a strongly placed yoga karaka, its dasa will do mostly good. So no generalizations like this will work

  23. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Re: Princess Diana’s death.
    Born 1 July 1961 at 19:45 (= 7:45 PM ) Sandringham, England.
    Died in car accident: 8/31/1997, 00:25 AM
    She is a Scorpio asc, was running Guru dasa (2nd maraka lord), Rahu AD, Mercury PD.
    Guru is in 3rd in Sravana star (Moon) with natural maraka Saturn. Moon is posited with Ketu in the 4th. Ketu is trinal to 8th lord vakri Mercury in own house with Sun (in ardra lorded by Mercury). Rahu is in Magha star (Ketu) with Lagna lord Mars also in Magha – hence Ketu’s heavy activation.

    Ketu is co-ruler of the lagna though seated not comfortably in Kumbha. Can a lagna co-ruler be a reason? If yes, I think its trinality with Budhan (retrograde, but still in own house 8th) is not a likely reason. May be it’s trinality with Sun (since Rahu is in leo) more probably the cause?

    • VS says:

      i take her time around 8 pm which puts very end of scorpio as ascendant point. gandanta and very karmic ascendant. Jupiter and saturn are both in 2nd bhaav (3rd rashi) and jupiter is 2nd lord as well as 2nd bhaav with mrityukaraka saturn. in this case saturn will dominate jupiter completely and even though neecha bhang, saturn by itself is inmical to the lagna and hence negative. mercury is the most toxic planet for scorpio extremely evil being 8th and 11th lord both and inmical to lagna lord. mercury, rahu and saturn kill in scorprio ascendants if placed accordingly. rahu with mars in close conjunction is angarak yoga (always extremely negative and person can be suicidal in these cases) also mars is 6th lord and hence rahu has full fledged accident effects being with 6th lord and karaka or accidents as mars. saturn is very strong…giving her mass popularity as well as death. saturn becomes activated age 36 to 42 during which this happened. karmic planet rules 4th of vehicles and deposits ketu the ulitmate karaka of accidents and sudden death. also mars and rahu fully aspect saturns house

  24. Sundar says:

    VS, is the 7th Bhaav a maraka bhaav or is the 7th lord maraka lord or are both true? If the maraka bhaav concept is true, mercury sitting in the 7th (Chalit) can become a maraka planet (due to sitting in the 7th) due to the 8th bhaav being more heavily aspected than the 11th. That said, Mercury is neutral to Mars in this chart and probably does not carry the extra blemish of being enemical to Mars. Mars is seated in a friendly house and being Lagna lord, how can you take the 6th lordship as a key factor along with Rahu? There is angarak yoga, no doubt. Ketu with Moon can also result in depression/suicidal thoughts. I think Ketu being deposited by Saturn and its trinality with Budhan in the maraka lord Guru dasa is the clincher. Thanks for your insight as always.

    • VS says:

      mercury is highly toxic for mars ascendants – both of them. any planet deposited in mercurys sign also has the ability to do harm or evil. in this scenario mercury is not just evil but also in 7th bhaav and hence extremely toxic. rahu’s depositor sun is also there and hence rahu has all sorts of negativity to it and is a multi layered killer in this scenario. interesting venus, mercury and saturn are all very powerful by signs. these are all functional malefics for her. on the other hand if you see from 7th bhaav, another picture appears. all functional benefics become super strong and venus – saturn- jupiter trinality is a super strong raj yoga for the 7th (spouse). so she got married into a royal family by destiny. her own important planets – jupiter, sun, mars and moon are all either weak or afflicted. hence the horoscope draws strength from the spouse but the FM nature of these planets kill in an early age

      • Sundar says:

        I see your analysis from the spouse’s house. 5th lord in 2nd, 9/10th lord in 9th, Lagna lord in Lagna. There is a rajyoga due to the Venus and Saturn trinality conferring wealth. But Guru will be the 8th and 11th lord (8th being stronger due to MK and aspects) and he will spoil the 9th lord, would he not? Also the 7th lord Mars would have no direction in the 4th and still seated with Rahu, that’s not good either, so from a marriage angle it does get dicy. Please add your thoughts..

        • VS says:

          guru will augment the yoga even further. as i keep saying, context is important in astrology. as 8th lord MK it is neutral and has some evil touch due to 11th. but when with saturn and debilitated, its agenda of 8th and 11th is gone, only agenda of saturn will overpower and saturn is a raj yoga karaka planet. had it actually been a horo with taurus rising, jupiter will give more raj yoga than even saturn in its MD. because jupiter is karaka of 9th in 9th with 9th lord and neecha bhang. good and bad always coexist together in any horoscope, question always is that how strong is the good and relatively how strong is the bad. the stronger the good and weaker the bad, the better

          • Sundar says:

            Basic question: Is any planet as 8th lord and MK neutral? And If not MK it is not neutral? It is not a FM in either case, I understand that, but it has no ill effects being the lord of the 8th MK?. Thank you if you can clear this up for me.

          • VS says:

            Unfortunately no rule that anyone can memorize and apply always. Jupiter is FM for taurus and not neutral however as I said depends on what is stronger. If Jupiter is exalted for Taurus ascendant it is the worst position possible. In 9th bhaav it freely gives its 9th karaka results. What will they be? Depends on the domain and bhaav lord. For Taurus 9th lord is saturn and a yoga karaka. The effects will be extremely good. Jupiter will give effects of saturn and karakatva of 9th. best of both worlds

            Saturn in 9th will be great but by itself it has no karakatva matching with bhagya sthana and hence with no aspect of jupiter..its good results will be diffused regarding 9th

            On the other hand if Jupiter aspects from lagna or 5th it is still good. If Jupiter aspects from 3rd it’s bad as Jupiter now being exalted will also be in a position to carry out its agenda on 8th and 111th and hence evil

      • Sundar says:

        Re: your last reply, it is getting quite nuanced with the karaka factor kicking in to help the yoga. Much appreciated Sir.

  25. Mks says:

    Any planet’s MD will activate the following:
    1 Bhav in which MD lord sits
    2 Bhavs that MD lord rules
    3 Bhav in which depositor lord sits
    4 Bhavs that depositor lord rules
    5 Planets aspected by & conjunct with MD lord
    6 Planets aspecting MD lord

    Is this correct – please add/delete as you deem necessary.

    Also, common factors among all these with mostly manifest during the MD if supported by transits – is it correct.


    • VS says:

      yes they are all correct. any planet trinal to the planet will also be activated in the MD including any good or bad yogas trinal or conjunct or opposition of the planet

  26. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For ashwini moon, is it true that plants sitting in Krittika,Mrigasrisha and Punarvasu will not give good (expected) results during their dasa/bhukti since they are 3/5/7 stas from moon?

    • VS says:

      it is just one of the many factors to be considered in dasa analysis and no factor is complete by itself. It is like a vector sum of all the factors

  27. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    If a planet in bhaav changes because it is say 16 degrees from bhaav madhya, would it give only the results of the Rasi +/- 1 bhaav or would it be a mixture of both? Similar question about a planet that’s 14 deg from bhaav madhya. Thanks.

    • VS says:

      After years if you are still repeating this question then you need to have done 1000s of case studies by now to see the actual impact. not everything is just spoon fed I am sorry. Because when I spoon feed the question keeps repeating even after months/ years and so doesnt do good to anyone

  28. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Since Vimshottari dasas are based on moon’s nakshatra’s planet, should the effect of a dasa planet be seen from the Moon primarily and Lagna next?

    • VS says:

      it has to be seen closely from lagna, arudha lagna and moon and if any other sign has a dominant effect. example if someone has moon in aries and lagna is cancer but 5 planets in leo including sun, then leo will also dictate results. how much and when is the art which is only learnt via case studies and experience and no direct formulas exist

  29. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Re: nakshatra dasa progression and analysing transits
    Brief explanation: For someone born in Bharani tara, and remaining Sukra dasa is all of 20 years, Moon stays in Bharani for that period and progresses to Krittika for the Sun dasa for 6 years and so on. So Moon and venus progress 13.20 in 20 years; in Sun dasa Moon and Sun progress progress 13.20 in 6 years.

    When we analyze transits, especially in divisionals, is it valuable to compare the transit degrees with the progressed degrees as well as natal degrees?

    Thank you.

    • VS says:

      progression is more of tajika concept and wasnt originally a part of parasari astrology. I do not recommend using progression along with regular vimsottari or other dasas with the normal transit. This is something one can research much later in their knowledge of jyotish

  30. Kailash says:

    Namaste sir, i am studying my own chart and i need your help here.
    while analysing transits which nakshatra should be focused?
    eg, my janm nakshatra is purva bhadrapada, leo ascendant. venus and jupiter is in leo. and sun is in libra.
    consider Jupiter transit in purvashada(venus) and uttarashada(sun).
    now uttarashada is Sadhana Tara while purvashada is Pratyak tara. but jupiter is friendly towards sun while enimical towards venus.
    so which time period will be better for me? jupiter transit in purvashada(venus) or uttarashada(sun)?

    • VS says:

      in astrology you can not apply rules as simply as 2 + 2 =4
      the rules that you learn are not all equally important. only time, experience and lots of case studies can teach you which rule has more weightage and which has more subtle effects

  31. Abhishek Pande says:

    Hello Vivek,

    My question is regarding the co-rulership of nodes, and their role for certain lagnas in these cases. I will list certain scenarios and want to hear your thoughts and experience, please feel free to disregard in case you feel these questions are too generic to answer:

    1. Virgo / Aquarius lagnas where Rahu is the co-ruler, lets say the other lord is debilitated or weak in the chart and Rahu is strong / exalted. In this particular case, will results be according to the stronger graha (i.e. the node); or average to negative results in Saturn dasha and good results in Rahu dasha?
    2. Scorpio lagna (and slightly different question): case where Mars debilitated and Ketu in scorpio itself (i.e. ketu exalted in lagna – exalted per parashari school of thought and your experience) – Mars dasha will depend on NB / depositor moon’s strength and dignity among several other factors, but will Ketu as the co-ruler of the lagna (and exalted) also play any role in some form in the dasha?

    Please enlighten. Lastly, having learned so much from your content and comments, I pray that you and fellow astrologers in this forum stay safe and healthy.


    • VS says:

      yes to both of them. in principle the stronger of the co rulers gives effects
      however the rulership as well as exaltation/ MK signs of nodes is highly disputed and variable. thus I would always take those always in the analysis despite their being weak otherwise

  32. MRG says:

    Hi VS,
    Reading articles and comments mentioned here I find these two guidelines to judge dasa phala.

    1. 2,4,6,8,9th dashas in dasha sequence are good.
    2. If dasa lord is placed in 2,4,6,8,9th nakshatra from moon, then dasa is good.

    Which one of them you found more important/overriding in practice if they point to opposite? E.g., 7th dasha but planet is in 6th nakshatra from moon.


    • VS says:

      basically the owners of 2,4,6,8 and 9th nakshatras from moon are considered benefic and so are any planets placed in them.
      This however should only be 2 of the many factors that need to be considered.

      this is not much different from say the 9th house and 9th lord in any chart is a functional benefic area and planet. so planets placed here or the 9th lord in itself will tend to give positive results. But these factors alone can not decide the result, lots of other factors come into play as well

      • Sundar says:

        related question VS: Going by this generalization alone, the Moon dasa can be bad if it does not fit into either category and also if Moon’s dignity is not that good? By the same token, if the dignity of Moon is good and either requirement is not fulfilled, can it be a notch less than expected?

        • VS says:

          again its a hollistic calculation. Even the roughly 2 dozen points I have listed in the article of how to judge a maha dasa are not exhaustive. So yes your understanding of planets in the 2,4,6,8 or 9 or the planets ruling these is correct. However you have to consider the other 15 plus factors as well for any planet, be it moon or some other planet

  33. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    In your new MD blog, one completely new concept to me was planets that are not aspected by the MD lord but aspect it get activated. For Trump, he is running Guru dasa and Saturn from the 12th has an 80% aspect on Guru (visually, from Cancer to Virgo).
    Perhaps this explains why since Jan 2016, scandals have been surfacing continuously? Fifth lord Guru is in the 3rd bhaav in MKS and that also probably makes it vulnerable to Saturn from the 12th. Your opinion?

    • VS says:

      if the mahadasa of planet X is running, it will active the house where X sits, houses where X aspects as well as functional and generic lordships of all planets that conjunct, oppose or are trinal to X plus those who aspect X

      Aspect is nothing but a partial presence in a house/ sign. So if Y aspects X, ofcourse X will carry that agenda in its dasas

      • Samatha says:


        lets say during X mahadasa, Z planet’s antar dasa is happening. Z is not related to X or Y (through conjunction or aspect). Z is not trinal to X. But Z aspects X’s depositor.

        Will Z’s effects (house it resides, its aspects) be strongly felt? Or will there not be much effects because X & Z don’t seem to be related at the first level ?

        Thank you VS and appreciate your effort to help others!

  34. Abhishek Pande says:

    Hello Vivek, if time permits, please consider adding your analysis on another popular request: US elections and DJT’s prospects. Otherwise, I’m posting some observations (only key points, and some doubts) here and hoping it triggers a good and educational discussion on this case study. He will be running Guru – Shani during elections.

    I’ll not comment on health etc.; but, when it comes to elections, below factors seem to be creating possibility of a comeback:
    – Shani (who is virgottam) – 6th lord (enemies) in 12th bhav of losses: increased probability of losses for enemies. Also creates a VRY: going through all struggles during the pandemic but could emerge victorious in the elections?
    – Shani bit closer to (and approaching) bhav madhya
    – Debilitated (but natural benefic moon) looking at Shani / Venus with partial (well, 70%) aspect
    – AD lord’s rashi dispositor moon (12th lord) 6th from Shani, not allowing him to fulfill his agenda of loss (freely I mean)
    – This you can completely disregard, but if I look at only the D60 rashi placement of shani (placed in Leo): I interpret this is enemy (6th lord in D1) loses dignity there

    Some key negatives:
    – Guru in 3rd bhav in maran karak sthaan – we all know how the tenure has been since 2016 guru dasha in terms of (mis)communication & parakram all over hindering the decision making
    – Shani bhukti also activates Venus here (close conjunction): 10th lord in 12th (loss of office); venus again closer to bhav madhya
    – In D10, venus is placed in enemy sign pieces

    Please opine / guide as you see fit. Thanks.

    • VS says:

      Thanks for your thoughts. I will put an article for my analysis for DJT soon.

      • Abhishek Pande says:

        Sounds good, Vivek. I’ll eagerly wait for your views on DJT and elections (I’m sure many others here are looking forward to it too). Thanks.

    • Sundar says:

      Hello VS:
      Abhishek and I have been in touch on astro issues via whatsapp and have also spoken/chatted about your blogs!!!

      I messaged him thus yesterday:
      “I noticed that Rahu and guru are very trinal in Trumps chart. That’s not good. This trinality is like guru Chandal yoga. He won in Mars bhukti. During this guru dasa the same trinality holds good except that the bhukti is Saturn and it is aspecting guru from the twelfth.

      The Rahu guru trinality caused subversion of democracy through him seeking Russian interference

      But the Nov 2020 Bhukti is Shani (as opposed to YK Mar’s in Nov 2016). Guru as predominantly lord of Saggi MK is a judge. When Saturn aspects it from the twelfth this can mete out punishment. Somewhat Similar to Saturn and guru in Saggi “

      • VS says:

        Thanks for your views

        I will write an article on it very soon in the general predictions section
        Bottomline is that there are always some positive and some negative indicators in dasas + transits

        the trick is to find out the dominating factors and that usually dictates the overall tone of the result. it is easier said that done and even after 25 yrs in jyotish, it is something I keep learning everyday

        • Abhishek Pande says:

          VS, Sundar,

          Another point that is worth noting is that the June 21 eclipse fell on the 11th bhav in DJT’s chart. I’m aware that eclipses are to be seen from more of mundane matters, but taking that as just another “adverse” transit for him (actually a big one), his 11th house of gains (work related) gets impacted (negative point), plus 11th is also 6th from 6th – so that means it can manifest through increased health issues (surya is the lord of his physical body) and 6th from 6th gets badly afflicted here due to this transit).
          So to cut it short, the possibility of a comeback due to the strong vipreet raj yoga has to be weighed against the possibility of worsening physical (and mental) health – potentially unfolding in the next 3-6 months (eclipse impact).

          Just thought of putting it out there for brainstorming purposes. Thanks very much for your guidance so far.

          • VS says:

            As far as eclipses are concerned in general, they are good in the upachya sthanas – 3,6, 10 and 11

            There are always good and bad things happening simultaneously in any chart in context of dasas and transits. One has to see the kaal of life, desh and paristhiti as well as the overall yoga/ avayoga and a harmony of dasa plus transit negativity or positivity. Much easier said that done. Will post an article on DJT within a week as soon as I get some off time

  35. MKS says:

    Great! Will wait for your article on DJT. Also, if you have time, it would be good to have an article on Joe Biden also. Thanks

  36. Promila says:

    Hi VS

    In your article on “How to judge a Mahadasha”, point 11 – you mention a well known technique, which is to use the Mahadasha lord as the lagna and analyze the chart from there (for example, if MD lord is in Cancer, use that as lagna instead of your original lagna) and analyze MD from there

    1) When we do this, should we consider the degree of the MD lord in natal chart as Bhav Madhya?
    >> Step 1 would mean a MD specific Bhav chalit, so planets can move houses. For example, if MD-AD relationship was 6-8 originally (-ve), doing this may make the MD-AD relationship 5-9 (+ve)
    2) Doing this (step 1) seems logical, more accurate to me, does this make sense based on your experience?

    Best Regards

    • VS says:

      yes the MD lord has to become as bhaav madha and no it can not change the relationship relative to the basic rashi/ bhaav chart because from a degree perspective they are already that
      planet A at 1 degree in taurus and planet B at 28 degrees in Virgo is not a 5/9 relationship. it is already 6/8 as you take degrees into consideration and not just rashi

  37. Promila says:

    Thanks VS. This really helps in understanding things better.

    Best Regards

  38. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Does it make sense to look at the Dasa for a varga? Thx

    • VS says:

      its a topic of research. Rasi dasas work more in divisionals than planetary but again it is a complicated and relatively virgin area in terms of research. I would generally just use vimshottari and use same planets as placed in divisional as well as transits of sat, jup, rah, ket in the divisional

  39. Amit says:

    Hi VS

    Going by your Judging a Mahadasha article point 7 and point 9 – suppose for example a Gemini ascendant is running Jupiter Mahadasha and 4 planets are trinal to it, say 2 in 5th from Jupiter and 2 in 9th from Jupiter – so just to confirm my understanding:
    1) During Jupiter Mahadasha the functional results of all these 4 planets (along with Jupiter’s results) will be visible?
    2) Since each of these 4 planets will rule 1/2 houses basically possibly the results of 8-10 houses (including Jupiter) can get activiated during this one single Dasha? Is that correct?
    3) In short – whether positive or negative, but this dasha will certainly be full of events as there will be too much activity
    4) Also I am assuming effect of each of these trinal lords will be more when their respective antardasha runs?

    >> Is this the right way to look at judging such a dasha?

    Best Regards

    • VS says:

      yes they will all get activated. however the closer the trinality or conjunction or opposition, stronger the activation
      If planet A is conjunct 5 degrees away and planet B 11 degrees, away, even though both are activated, effects of A will be much more

      Also find out the bhaav overlap of jupiter itself as well as the planets trinal to it. for example if sun is in 9th bhaav and trinal to jupiter then sun will activate effects of father (sun and 9th have father as karakatva). If sun is in 10th bhaav, it will activate authority/ governmental jobs or positions or recognition (sun and 10th have that in common etc)

  40. Amit says:

    Hi VS

    I have read that if ketu and Venus are conjunct then Ketu MD/AD results continue into Venus MD/AD (as Venus follows Ketu). From your steps of analyzing a MD, this seems correct –
    1)do you agree with this observation about results continuing into Venus MD/AD when it is conjunct with Ketu?
    2) Also – suppose for a lagna, take say Gemini – where one is a functional enemy (Ketu) and one is a functional friend (Venus) – how to analyze dasa results when Venus and Ketu are conjunct? Ideally Venus AD (in any MD) should bring better results than Ketu AD as Venus is a functional friend of the lagna. Does it mean that both Ketu and Venus MD will have good and bad aspects as in Ketu AD – Venus will temper the bad results of Ketu and in Venus AD, Ketu will temper the good results of Venus?

    Best Regards

    • VS says:

      there can be no generalizations for entire MD results

      however a basic rule is that if 2 planets are conjunct in a house and their MDs run in succession (say jupiter and saturn conjunct in 5th) then one MD into another will certainly be intermingled as they both are at the same location in the chart and might have similar conjunctions/ aspects etc from other planets as well as same rashi depositor and potentially same nakshatra depositor as well

      ketu and rahu are reflective, especially ketu. Its dasa will give results of the house it sits in, the rashi, nakshatra and navamsa lord planets and their positions as well as any planet that conjuncts or aspects the nodes. so if ketu and venus are together, their MDs will certainly be intermingled at the junction time or Chidra dasa portion as it is called

      • Amit says:

        Thanks VS, that makes it a bit more clear to me.

        1) So AD results of 2 planets conjuct in the same house (Say Jupiter-Saturn in 5th as you said, or Ketu-Venus in say 9th) will also follow the same principles as you mentioned above for MD?
        (Say Jupiter and Saturn ADs in Jupiter MD, or Ketu and Venus ADs in Jupiter MD)?

        2) In your last sentence you mention they will be intermingled at the junction time/chidra dasa portion – so are the results intermingled only at the junction or just that they are “more” intermingled at junction?

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          in any chidra dasa, both the MD lords start to show some intermingling of results. Now the results might be very different if the 2 MD lords are sitting in different directions in the chart and have different dignities and aspects etc. however chidra portion of any MD will be somewhat unpredictable as the next MD lord already starts to exert some influence, even if in the background and not the visible foreground. No direct math can tell you how long the chidra component is. however tytpically the last AD of any MD is when the chidra component starts

  41. Indu says:

    Hi VS,

    When judgin the MD dasa, and evaluating the Bhav the depositor sits,…… if the MD lord is in Virgo, should we consider both bhavs occupied by Mercury and Rahu? Say Mercury sits in 3rd and Rahu in 12th, are both 3 & 12 bhavs felt? or do we check only the bhav Mercury sits?


  42. Deven says:

    This is the third time I am trying to ask a question but it seems like my question shows up on the webpage for few seconds and then disappears.
    Could you please share if you use 360 days or 365 days as the definition of a year when doing dasha analysis and what level of accuracy have you achieved with that.


  43. KRS says:

    Dear VS
    I have a question about dashas of conjoined planets based on my own experience. I have mercury/ketu/jupiter closely conjoined in Capricorn (2nd rashi/3rd bhav). Saturn is also in Capricorn although not closely conjoined. It would appear that mercury/ketu periods should give very similar effects. But my analysis of anatradashas and pratyantaradasha suggests very different. I have seen a fairly strong U-turn occur for the better when I move from mercury to ketu. Typically mercury periods are the worst but ketu periods are best in my life. Why would that be happening?
    Also, can one extrapolate the anatradasha experience to mahadasha too, i.e., would the advent of ketu dasha improve my life? So far Mercury mahadasha has been the worst mahadasha in my life, consistent with the experience at the anataradasha and pratyantara dasha levels.
    Thank you

    • VS says:

      I can not comment on any chart without all the exact details, which I dont do here. That said I always advise astrologers to ‘learn’ from the past events and dasas within the chart itself. planets which consistently give one sided results in antar or pratyantar dasas will tend to repeat those results in maha dasa as well

  44. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    This is re: if natal planets also move with the dasas. Say Moon is in Ashwini 1st pada 0.1 degrees at birth. During the end of the Ketu dasa, Moon “moves” to Bharani and Venus dasa begins. Moon has moved 13:20. Can I take this as a dasa based movement of the natal Moon? If yes, would the other natal planets would move the same degrees at any point in a dasa. Can the influence of transit and dasa planets be seen against the dasa progresses planets for more acuuracy ( assuming the concept is valid ).

    • VS says:

      it can be a great research point. Some naadi shashtras do utilize this. however I have not done much research into it. If you are able to research on a large number of charts, please do share your views for the benefit of others. Thanks

      • Sundar says:

        Thank you VS for your encouragement. In fact I have studied quite a few events in my family in D-1 and vargas as well using the dasa progression and I have seen a positive correlation. Especially, in the vargas, if an important planet’s dasa/gocahara happens ( say in D-7 for Mesha lagna, Guru and Sun..If one transits over natal Guru and the other transits over progressed guru, it has worked even better. In JH, in Miscellany tab, there is a nakshatra dasa progression feature based on D-1 and vargas.

        I will post some examples here, I have this link in my notes.

  45. Tanisha says:

    Respected Sir,
    Sorry if I’m off-topic but in case Yogini dasha is of Jupiter, will gochar of Jupiter during that time trigger any event as per the native’s chart ?


  46. Purva Shah says:

    Dear VS,

    Does Raja-yoga results manifest during the MD period of a planet involved in
    Kendra-Trikona rajayoga, if the planets that are conjunct are enemies ?
    For example, would Saturn MD be raja yoga giving if Saturn is conjunct Mars in Virgo for Leo ascendent ?


    • VS says:

      inmical planets cause a blemished raj yoga only. the effects come out in the dasas of the planets involved or in the dasas of any planet conjunct or trinal to the raj yoga planets

  47. Rahul says:

    Should we use lunar year (consisting of 354 days) while calculating vimshotri dasa?

  48. Purva Shah says:

    Dear VS,

    I have learnt almost all my astrology from your blog. Very grateful to you.

    I have read and re-read ALL your articles multiple times.

    But I am confused as to how to interpret multiple extremely conflicting outcomes around types of lagna, exchange, conjunction, dispositor etc.

    I request you to provide pointers to dissect a conflicting situation as below for my benefit and benefit of all your readers.

    For Leo Lagna – Saturn is functional malefic.

    Does Saturn cease it’s own nature and lose its functional malfeasance during is MD, based on several contradictory factors as outlined below:

    1) Saturn is in 2nd house Kanya and exchange with 6th house placed Mercury

    2) Saturn is in virgotamma ( placed in Kanya in D9 too )

    3) 2nd house Saturn ( 27 deg ) is in very close conjunction Mars (24 deg) and in Mars own nakshtara Chitra

    4) The moon sign for the chart is Taurus, and the AL is in Taurus too. From both Moon sign and AL, Saturn is Yogakaraka – a supreme functional benefic.

    In conclusion, would Saturn gives its own malefic results based on Leo Lagna ?
    Would Saturn give its own benefic results because it’s Yogakaraka from Moon and AL chart ?
    Would it give Mars results because it is very closely conjunct to Mars in Mars nakshatra
    Would it give Mercury’s results because it is in exchange with Mercury

    I hope you empathize with the confusion this can cause and help clear this doubt with some logical analysis.

    • VS says:

      you have asked way too many questions and some are overlapping. Here is what can answer most of these – no planet, EVER, is only good or bad. this is not a binary 0 or 1 situation and although human nature wants things to be boiled down to white/ black, good or bad, reality is that as in real life, there are shades of grey everywhere in planets and yogas for any ascendant. Good exists with bad. Idea is to find which one dominates. different lagnas can show different results. The essence of astrology can not be learnt by just reading any book or article or blog. That is only for starting. Case studies, in 1000s is the only way to answer most of your questions!

      Thanks for the kind words!

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