Generic Effects of Sun (Surya/ Ravi)

Last in the series of ‘Generic effects’ of the ‘general’ malefics (as opposed to functional malefics – which of course depends on the houses ruled by the planets) is Sun

Sun is a hot, masculine, dominant and kingly/ royal planet. It is not really a generic malefic unlike Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars. Instead Sun can be and is life giving and warm in its nature. However, it is still considered a mild general malefic by nature due to its hot disposition and intense nature.

When close to any planet, it makes the other planet invisible due to Sun’s own intense brightness and this phenomenon in astrology is known as combustion. The combust planet loses some of its ability to do good in certain ways and loses Istha Phala, which has been explained already in another article on this site.

Likewise, whichever bhav (house) Sun sits in, gets hot/ burnt to some extent at the least and hence this nature of Sun makes it a mild malefic in the context of Vedic Astrology.

What is to be kept in mind about Sun besides the domain where Leo sign falls and sun is placed in the chart, the place where Sun is placed in the chart also becomes an angle from which the horoscope can be analyzed in addition to the regular lagna and Moon rasi charts. This is the reason why even the ‘astrology illeterate’ has heard of the sun sign and its implications. Sun represents our soul and inherent characteristics/ tendencies and nature and hence the sign where sun is placed along with the bhav (house) where sun is placed is very important in general.

Below are the important points that help paint the canvas via a broad stroke brush for the analysis of Sun in a horoscope. As always, use liberally not literally and consider these to be a part of the analysis and not the entire analysis itself for any given horoscope.

1) Sun is placed best in the 10th and 11th houses. When placed strongly in the 10th or 11th houses, it can ensure a job/ income through a Government job or atleast a semi-government organization, especially if sun is in its own sign – Leo

2) A strong Sun in the 11th bhav also shows powerful connections/ social circle for the individual and some of their friends might be famous or powerful personalities

3) Sun is not well placed in the Moksha trikona – 4th, 8th and 12th bhaavs. In the 4th bhav it has zero directional strength and the 4th is for inner peace/ happiness and internal/ private life of an individual. Sun here gives a nature prone to anger and frustration and fights at home due to ego and impatience. In the 12th bhav sun is ‘Marana Karaka’ or in a death like state when Sun is placed in bad dignity in the 12th house, the person will not get any favors from the Government and/ or father or father like figures in life. They might also encounter problems with the tax collection agencies of their land

4) Sun in the 3rd house gives courage and if in good dignity, the person performs honorable deeds in life. When ill placed in the 3rd, the actions of a person become questionable and of lose morals

5) Along with Jupiter, Sun is the karaka (significator) for morality in a person. Its close affliction with Saturn and/ or the nodes causes wavering or questionable moral standards in life

6) In the 6th house, an afflicted Sun gives diseases in the lower spine and heart. Also if aspected by Mars can give injury from Fire or wild animals

7) Sun is almost never well placed in the 7th house unless in great dignity and well aspected. This is because the 7th house represents marriage/ partnership and Sun brings in Ego into the picture which spoils the significations of any partnership in general. Further the spouse of the person can be hot headed and egoistic/ dominant by nature

8) Sun does not do well very close to the nodes – Rahu and Ketu. From experience Sun with Rahu gives a bloated ego or some delusional high standards the person believes they have in their own ability, unless this is well aspected by other planets. On the other hand, Sun with Ketu intesifies the fire element and can literally ‘ burn through’ the signification of the house this combination sits in (if within 3 degrees of each other, then the effect is intense). This combination can be very good in the 3rd, 10th and 11th bhaavs

9) As with other malefics, sun in a Upaachya house (houses that improve with time) or 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th is good

10) Sun with Saturn can give a serious nature/ disposition to the person. Such people take heavy responsibility in life and by itself is not as bad a conjunction as typically believed to be. However ideally the degrees should be atleast 8 degrees or more to avoid Saturn getting combust and agitated. Saturn in vedic folklore, even though of opposite nature of sun and its mortal enemy is also the Son of Sun and hence Sun always has a soft corner for Saturn in its heart.

11) Sun with Jupiter is a good combination but can also give an inflated ego to the person, especially if this occurs in the ascendant, if other conditions permit, the person can become famous and do well in the fields of politics, medicine or teaching

12) Sun with Venus makes a good hearted person but the relationships (romantic ones) will tend to suffer, especially for a male. If Venus is weak in dignity and deep combust (within 3 degrees) then the person might have sexual problems (example low sperm count in males) and will typically have to make compromises in their love life to make any relationship work long term.

13) Sun with Mars is a hot combination which is good for leadership abilities and an energetic/ determined nature. If this occurs in a fiery sign of Aries, Leo and Saggi, it will give an active, extroverted nature to the individual (unless it is in the 8th or 12th house, when the characteristics will lie dormant in the personality of the individual). If this combination occurs in the 10th bhaav, it makes for good management skills and the person can quikcly rise up in the corporate ladder at their workplace from hard work, will power and playing the ‘politics’ well in any organization

14) Sun and Mercury combination occurs very frequently and as long as Mercury is outside 6 degrees orb or sun, this typically gives a good communicative/ analytical thought process to the person as long as mercury is in good dignity.

15) Sun and Moon together is an important combination which ensures the following-
a) the sign where these 2 are placed should definitely be treated as an alternative lagna in addition to the regular lagna and the chart be read from that sign. if it occurs in the ascendant itself, then the person’s characteristics are heavily dominated by the nature of that sign as all 3 lagnas become the same
b) It implies that the soul (sun) and mind/ emotions (moon) of the person lie in the same direction which, if in sync with the lagna and other main planets of the horoscope imply a focused personality which can be highly satisfied from within
c) Moon will become dark by definition and hence the significations of the house ruled by Moon can suffer to some extent
d) This combination is good for Libra and Scorpio lagnas in general as it means a combination of the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th lords which is generally good if the combination occurs in good dignity and aspects

16) Sun’s maha dasa (MD) is of just 6 yrs. Hence Sun tends to overrule the effects of the antar dasa lords to some extent. Hence as per the placement and dignity of sun itself in the horoscope, the effects should be adjudged as the 2nd lord dasas will tend to play a relatively minor role in the MD.

17) Typically rulers of the 8th and 12th houses give adverse results. However as per Parasara, Sun and Moon are exceptions. When Sun rules the 8th house (Capricorn lagna) or 12th house (Virgo Lagna) then it becomes neutral for the ascendant and by itself does not give good or bad results. However caution should be used while utilizing this principle as Sun will still tend to give negative results, at least related to health, for Capricorn lagna individuals as it is enmical to the lagna lord Saturn. For Virgos, since sun is neutral to Mercury, it will give the results as per its house placement and also the aspects/ conjunctions with other lords

18) Sun is a functionally good planet for the lagnas-
Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius

19) Sun is functionally negative for Lagnas-
Gemini, Pisces and to some extent Capricorn as explained in #17 above

20) Sun is Neutral for Cancer lagnas and will give results solely on the basis of its placement and aspects for Cancer ascendant  individuals as 2nd house lord is an impressionable neutral and will tend to mimic the effects of its house placement and conjunctions with other house lords

21) Sun will typically give good results in the first 10 degrees of a house, especially a male house or all odd signs – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. In Libra this does not happen as Sun falls to its lowest power in this sign and more specifically at 10 degrees in the sign

22) As explained in another article on this site, generally good to have Sun in Aries or Leo signs in any divisional chart, but Leo is better than Aries in any divisional chart. Only in rasi chart or D1 is Aries even more powerful than Leo as Aries is the exaltation sign. In the divisional charts, Sun is stronger in Leo than in Aries

23) Sun in Sagittarius behaves a bit counter-intuitive for the first 10 or so degrees. Even though a fiery sign and a house of a friend – Jupiter, Sun should ideally be well placed and strong here. Which it is. But there is a caveat – In this sign, Sun has to assume the Dharma upholding duty of a king (Sagittarius being the natural 9th sign of the zodiac) and hence Sun has to shed its powerful kingly role of dominance and be a more gentle upholder of peace and dharma (duty). This is the reason why Sun’s Istha phala actually goes down in Sagittarius for some initial degrees before starting to rise again. Note that sun does not become weak due to the above reasons, however, it has to shed its regular ego and brilliance towards a more gentle fatherly/ law abiding guru role in this sign and hence feels somewhat constrained to its general nature in this sign

24) If you are a follower of Tropical astrology, please read the article Sidereal vs. Tropical on this site for clarification of your actual sun sign as per the Sidereal system as opposed to the tropical (western) astrology system.


418 Responses to Generic Effects of Sun (Surya/ Ravi)

  1. Shuvodip says:

    Hello sir, I am native of LEO ASC. My sun is exalted ( 6 : 59 of aries ). Is it bad for father and son relationship ??

    • VS says:

      Hi Shuvodip

      No one planet or even 9 planets together ascertain the effects of any one or more areas of life. It takes a lot of analysis in a holistic fashion to ascertain the outcome. Please follow the lessons and you will learn yourself with practice regarding different placements in a horoscope.

      unfortunately I am not doing individual readings as of now, when I start doing them again, I will let people know


    • Rupashree says:

      OF COURSE NOT!!!!
      the sun is not only strong here but also functional benefic . it should be good 4 relations with authority figures (unless other combinations make it otherwise)

  2. Arvind says:

    If Su+Me+Ve are close conjuct in 12th house and aspected by Sat from 10th house. Sat is FB. Ve is atmkrk and sun is amatyakrk. Me and Ve are combust.

    What kind of spouse traits you expect and how can relationship go .

    • VS says:

      Arvind it will depend on many other factors. All 9 planets and divisionals and unfortunately I can not read individual charts for now.

      in this case see how sun and venus are in 12th aspected by saturn, if sun and venus are weak, eyesight will be affected and in old age cataract can be an issue. nothing can be told about spouse from info given. thanks

  3. Karthik says:

    Why do profound pundits and gurus say Sun is dead in 12th house and Moon is dead in 8th house. I find it baseless.

    If Sun is in 12th house in enemy sign. Does that mean person will find life purpose when they travel to foreign land?

    Is Sun strong in dusthana houses – 6, 8, 12. Is it true if mild malefic or malrfic occupies dusthana houses it becomes stronger.

    • VS says:

      sun is maran karak in 12th and moon in 8th. However the dignity of planets depends on many things – rashi, navamsa, tara, aspects, shadbala, divisionals, conjunctions, aspects etc. Hence moon in 8th is not always weak nor is sun in 12th. A strong planet will take care of the house it rules and also its general significations. also when a dusthana lord is strong in another dusthana, that is good. example for virgo ascendant if sun is in 12th or 8th, it is good as this is a vipreet rajyoga


  4. Kavita says:

    When kendra and trikona lords are together classics say Raj Yoga is formed.

    Does raj yoga give no results if it formed in dusthana houses – 12th house


    Assume in the case If Sun as 7th lord (marakesh) is involved in Raj yoga with Ve and Mer. Does it cancel the yoga. Assume both planets are combust.
    can markesh be involved in rah yoga

    What if all trikona and kendra lords receive aspect from lagna lord Saturn

    • VS says:


      Raj yogas give result wherever they are placed. If both rajyogas and duryogas exist, they will both give results and not ‘cancel’ each other out. The final result is dependent on the strength of the planets involved. If functional benefic planets (example saturn for taurus ascendant) is strong as well as mercury and placed together in this case say in 5th house of virgo, they will give a strong dhan and raj yoga. Now if mars joins them in virgo, it will spoil this yoga to some extent as mars is the 12th lord and enmical to mercury and saturn. Also mars in general is not happy in the virgo sign or the 5th bhaav.

      but in this case the dignity and shadbala of saturn and mercury if greater than mars, good results will still acrue. however mars in 5th in this situation will still give some stomach issues like ulcers, problems in romance, problems to children especially male children and expenditures related to romance or children.

      likewise rajyogas cocuring in dusthanas give results albeit a bit slower and lighter. Raj yogas in 6th house for example will become better with age as 6th is an uppachya sign. But such raj yogas will tend to give results after a lot of hard work (6th house) by service (job etc) and perhaps some sickness intermittently

      • Kavita says:

        Excellent views VS.

        If Rajyoga is happening in 12th house. Does that mean, success will come in places away from home land?

        In the example, I asked, Sun will be with Ve+Me in Makar rashi. All of them are aspected by Sat. Does Lagna lord aspect on trikona and kendra lords forms another raj yoga?

        Many astrologers will say Budhaditya yog is formed. So on so forth. But Sun in 12th also considered marana karana. So it becomes confusing.

        Assume Sun and Ve holds lowest shadbala values but hold highest degrees.. Appreciate your response in general.

        Reason I am asking to you is even most times experts fail to analyse them. And people say I have this yoga/that yoga..but results are little to cheer about.

        • VS says:

          Yogas in dusthanas, like i mentioned before, can give good results but in hard circumstances or after lots of initial setbacks or losses (12th house)
          yes in 12th it can mean away from homeland. But the lord of 12th should be a friend of lagna for good results or atleast neutral. Example for aquarius lagna, saturn rules 12th and lagna. It is therefore a good domain for these lagna individuals. Likewise for gemini, 12th is lorded by venus which is a friend of mercury and also rules the benefic 5th house.

          I suggest for you to read the chapters carefully. they explain well which planets are good and bad for each lagnas. it takes time for things to sink but you will get there. Dont give up…but dont expect straight black/ white answers from other astrologers. Astrology is not black and white it has millions of shades of grey…with practice it becomes intuitive.

  5. Hari says:

    I have sun at 15degrees conjunct my Ascendant at 14.54degrees Libra, Does this Debilitated sun create problems in life also Venus lord of sign is in 11th bhava in Sun’s nakshatra would that reduce the intensity of debilitation ? thereby decreasing bad effects of sun ?

    • VS says:

      In this case try applying rules for 1st and 11th interchange. It is a good interchange giving wealth through either government job/ powerful people or an elder male (like father)
      Sun and venus are both not very happy in these signs and hence their aspects and strengths will be vital as will be other planets, divisional charts etc

      sun debilitated in the lagna will give a show off nature and the person portraying things which they dont own or master just to look good. Sun in lagna will also cause baldness sooner than average time frame

  6. anmol says:

    If Sun is the marriage lord and sitting in 12th house with shukra in shravana nak of Moon. what kind of spouse traits you can expect.

    Lets take an example – Both receive aspect from kundli lord shani

    • VS says:

      too many things have to be seen and the data you provided is inadequate.
      Unfortunately, I dont have the time for individual readings. good luck in your learning 🙂

  7. Sundar says:

    If Sun is a functional benefic, as for taurus asc, what is the effect of its placement is in the Uppachyaya houses or the Dusthana houses?

    • VS says:

      sun is a functional benefic for taurus as it owns a kendra. Placement of general malefics in 3.6.10 and 11 is usually welcome but not in 8th and 12th

      • Sundar says:

        Hello VS,
        Thank you.
        A well renowned modern astrologist (like you?) says if a functional malefic is placed in 3,6,8,12 it will give auspicious results. What is your opinion? If this is true i.e. the functional character can be changed by placement, one could conclude that a Functional benefic placed in 3,6,11 would give the opposite results. Hence my prior question. I have no doubts about a natural malefic’s placement in 3,6,11. Also, when you evaluate conjunctions and aspects, do you consider the innate nature or the functional? Thank you.

        • VS says:

          Generally any blanket rules are bound to be exaggerated or incorrect. A planet’s real effect (especially during its dasa) is going to depend on the basic nature of the planet, ownership of houses from lagna, moon and arudha lagna, conjunctions and aspects on the planet, its own position as counted from houses it rules and most importantly its bhav placement.

          saturn is a general malefic, generally placed badly in the bhagya sthana (9th) but if lagna is aquarius, the functional benefic saturn exalted in the 9th bhaav in its best friend’s house will give bad results? of course not…so even though a malefic is not generally good in the bhagya trine…it completely depends on individual chart’s aspects etc.

          • Sundar says:

            Thanks. In your example of the Saturn for Aquarius, how does Saturn impact houses 3,7 and 10 assuming the placement of it is also good? From your answer, I conclude the aspects would be +ve (assuming other considerations are also OK). I am learning this at a pretty late stage in my life (57), so I really do appreciate you satiating my curiosity..

          • VS says:

            Sundar – the aspect of a well placed saturn is not too bad. But keep in mind that the aspects of saturn will always have some maleficity to them. Especially if they fall in rashis where saturn is not too happy. now if an aquarius ascendant person has saturn exalted in the 9th house, it will give mostly good results…say 95% of them. however it might create some friction with father or problems in higher education (9th house) as well. but it depends on the strength of venus as well as depositor…if venus is debilitated in 8th house in this example …saturn in 9th will be doing less good than if venus is sitting with saturn in 9th which will make it a strong raj yoga

          • Sundar says:

            Thanks Vivek, much appreciated.

  8. Dharm says:

    Scorpion ascendant and 10 degree sun is placed in 10th house in leo sign along with Mercury affected by Saturn, Is it give good result or not good according to job concern?

  9. Sagar says:

    Sir, All this time I wasn’t interested in politics, but suddenly I find myself becoming interested and trying to make connections in political circles. My sun mahadasha starts next year around February. Is this the reason?

    Because I find this fascinating. Last year I would have laughed if someone said I’d be interested in politics. But now my attitude has changed upside down. I am assuming the astrological significance is the sun mahadasa due next year. Can u confirm?

    Thanks for the great article, Sir.

    • VS says:

      planets show their effects before the actual dasa. results are a combination of generic effects of the planet and functional effects of the planet. so it is quiet possible in your case if sun is related to political houses (5, 9, 10 and 11th) or with rahu

  10. Varun says:

    Hello Vivekji! – What if Sun a functional malefic for Gemini is debilitated(1 degree libra in chitra) in rashi+lagna along with some divisional charts? I think since it is a functional malefic it should not be that bad. However, the debilitation will also affect its general significations like self-confidence and so-on… Also, what can be said if the lagna lord(Mercury) also co-joins Sun and is very closely conjunct(at same degrees).


    • VS says:

      debilitation of a functional malefic is not that bad but the significations of the planet and the house suffer…so if sun is debilitated in the 5th house in this example, then stomach and heart/ spine issues can be there as that is the overlap between sun and 5th bhaav. Also if a 12th lord is debilitated, in one way it causes more gain due to less loss but then the good things represented by 12th house like peace of mind, sleep etc can also suffer at the same time

  11. Varun says:

    Thanks Vivekji!

  12. Svijaya Luxmi says:

    Even if a planet s asubha Graha like sani kuja surya can his vision on a planets do good

    • VS says:

      every aspect has 2 components. One is the general nature and other is the functional nature.
      General nature aspect is always good for generally benefic planets like Jupiter and bad for malefics like saturn.
      However more important is functional nature. If saturn is a well placed functional benefic in the chart, its aspects do good. however due to its generically malefic nature, the good comes only after some initial hiccups and struggles

  13. Annie says:

    What does sun in 10th house conjunct with mercury and mars mean for Gemini ascendant? Currently running sun mahadasha.

    • VS says:

      Annie, it could mean many things. depending on other planets, strengths and combinations.

      generically – Sun and Mars in the 10th will give recognition and administrative/ authoritative roles in terms of profession. The person will like to pursue a career which is inline with their likings/ hobbies. career will have ups and downs in phases. However the strength of jupiter will dictate the real effects

  14. Ram Daryanani says:

    Hi VS – I understand that you are an investment banker doing equity research. Have you turned your hand in applying vedic astrology in predicting the movement of stock markets? If you have, I would be very interested to hear how successful you have been. More importantly to me, is an understanding of the method one could use to predict market movements (teach a man how to fish…). I too have a mathematical background, a retired actuary. Taking up the study of vedic astrology is keeping my old grey cells well oiled and healthy!
    As you know the world is going through a turbulent time at the moment, with Brexit and other major red flags in Europe such as the state of the Italian banks. And of course the slowdown in China. I would be very keen to hear your thoughts on the application of Vedic Astrology to financial markets.
    Keep up the good work. Ram

    • VS says:

      Hi Ram

      That is correct. I have worked in portfolio management, equity research etc. Currently in IB in NYC.
      As for application of vedic astrology in the markets, I have definitely done some research on it. The caveat is, inherent design of astrology is for individuals and humans in context of dasas as opposed to say dogs or other animals.

      When I have enough time, I will write a book on the findings. Macro based research for me is in early stages. But as an example Leo is the generic 5th sign and hence significator sign for stock markets

      if you see emperical data, you will observe that biggest crashes happened in Oct (when sun as Leo lord is deeply debilitated) and/ or when Leo was under severe malefic influence of saturn and nodes- rahu/ ketu

      likewise each commodity has a karaka. example oil is denoted by saturn. Oil prices were highest recently for 3 years when saturn was exalted in Libra


  15. Ganesh says:

    You have not mentioned the effects of Sun in 9th house, above. Will this be good, or will it be detrimental to the father according to karako bhavanashaya?

    • VS says:

      Sun in 9th will damage results related to the father only if it is in its own sign AND only if it is alone with no other planet conjunct with it in Leo

  16. Vikas says:

    Dear VS,
    Could you please confirm effect of sun in Capricorn for Capricorn ascendent.

    • VS says:


      Sun being the 8th lord in an enmical sign of capricorn (ascendant) is not good for health and longevity but other planets, aspects and strengths have to be seen. If in this scenario, there are no natural benefics aspecting the lagna and saturn too is weak, then the person will be prone to ill health (especially inflammation and fevers) as well as a short life due to being accident prone (accidents caused by fire or firearms especially)

  17. Venkataramanan says:

    Dear Sir,

    Please tell effects of Sun in 3rd house in leo along with moon aspected by saturn in Aquarius in 9th house . This is somewhat heavy

    • VS says:

      sun in own house in 3rd will make a person courageous and eager to get fame from his actions in whatever field he/ she works in. It is good for sportsmen, actors, musicians and performers of all kinds. It gives an ability to be very creative in their chosen field of work. Moon as their 2nd lord if full in 9th house will give good luck and wealth being 2nd lord in 9th. They can inherit good wealth from parents as well

      saturn aspecting moon can give tendency to look at the hard part of life in general and be of a serious nature, if jupiter aspects as well, the person can be very spiritual in the combination and have a very balanced head

  18. Amit Mekwan says:

    Dear Sir,
    Please tell effect of Sun placed in 10th house libra in makar ascedent , along with jupiter , mercury , saturn , venus.

    • VS says:

      strong raj yoga as long as planets are not within 10 degrees of sun. Even otherwise some raj yoga will show
      if planets are combust then not

      • Amit Mekwan says:

        any remedies for com-bust planet.
        because saturn , venus , mercury and jupiter are combust.
        can i wear neelam or diamond gemstones?

        • VS says:

          Remedies help slightly but don’t revert a negative placement in the chart
          stones are recommended. but only for the planets which are functionally benefic for the chart and placed in a good house – Kendra or kona.

  19. Kamesh says:

    Dear Sir,
    Poor financial condition even though Sun placed in 10th house Mesha Rasi in Cancer ascedent , along Mercury, Venus and Mars. Both mercury and Venus Combust. Rahu in lagna . Saturn and jupiter in 3rd house . Ketu in 7th and moon in 8th. Which gemstone can be worn to improve Financial condition. Thanks

    • VS says:

      Hi Kamesh

      I do not provide individual readings here. But sounds like Moon in 8th is the culprit weaking the chart. Is the native afraid of heights/ water? how is the health in general? easily get colds/ cough/ infections?

  20. Eknath says:

    Great article, very detailed.

    I take it sun relates to politics, administration etc. more than anything. But out of curiosity, will political writing also come in this category (or only political leadership or administrative stuff)?

  21. Mira says:

    Hello sir,
    Can you throw some light on Sun + Saturn sitting together in third house for tula lagna?

  22. Testing says:

    Dear Sir,

    I have Sun in Leo in the 7th house at 8 degree. Mercury is at 22 degree. The shadbala strength of Sun is 179%. I thought that this combination will give me a spouse from a high-status family who will be filled with ego because of the status of her family. But my wife is from a very poor family. Her dad had to take 2.5 lakhs in loan to pay for marital ceremony expenses. I got married at the age of 34. And, my wife is 10 years younger to me. It is a typical traditional Hindu marriage. Wife is from north-east direction and it is 10-11 hours of drive to her home from my home. My wife has 5 sisters and no brother. I have a very close conjunction, within a degree, of Saturn and Venus in the 8th house at 14 degree while Jupiter is also close by at 16 degree.

    Just thought to share.

  23. Jay says:

    Dear Sir

    Sun and Saturn are bitter enemies, though they are father- son. I read above Sun has soft corner in his heart for Saturn.
    How would it turn out to be for Capricorn lagna with Saturn conjuct sun in 8th. Will there be bitter all out war or good relationship because saturn being in 8th and sun in own house leo, both in strength by virtue of position.


    • VS says:

      Hi Jay

      Soft corner or not, they are still enemies. The soft corner part is seen in transits when they do not provide a ‘Vedha’ to each other. Vedha means obstruction. Sun- saturn and mercury- moon have this father-son relation and do not block each other

      however in a horoscope analysis any planet close to the sun is combust and will not be able to protect fully its significations (houses it rules)

      for capricorn, when sun and saturn combine in 8th of Leo, sun is much stronger than saturn and hence health issues will be remain, especially if they are within 12 degrees. If more than 15 degrees separate them, the results will be better as saturn is not combust in that scenario. Also you need to see if in the bhaav combination, they move ahead into 9th or behind into 7th

  24. Shehan says:

    Hi vs,

    My girl has kuja dosh and mars and sun together in 8th house. Her lagnam is pisces
    Both mars and sun in libra rashi.
    I just want to know if her kuja dosha gets cancelled? And also how long her kuja dosh will last for?
    Regards shehan

    • VS says:

      Hi Shehan,

      Kuja dosha alone is not sufficient to predict anything related to marital life or otherwise. The total horoscope has to be taken into account

  25. H says:

    Here are some contradictory ideas which need clarification. 1. Navamsa becomes important after age 36. Some say it takes over from the rasi chart.
    2. Aspects and neechbhanga don’t apply in navamsa and other divisionals.
    Both 1. and 2. can’t be true.

    • VS says:

      1. No divisional chart ever ‘takes over’ the D1 chart. no matter what age. D1 is the most important chart. Others are for fine tuning. remember the old radios…if the major frequency is out of tune, the fine tuning knob wont help at all
      2. generally in divisional charts, the happiness or lack of it of the planet is more important. Its best to have a planet in its own sign, then exalted, then friend, neutral and then enemy. exaltation and debilitation dont hold too well in the divisional chart. If mars is in cancer in a divisional. the first thing to note is that it is in a friendly sign…

      • H says:

        But do aspects and neechbhanga matter in divisionals, esp. D9. Surely these contribute to a planet’s “happiness”?

        • VS says:

          yes they matter but only if 2 planets are sitting together or in opposite rashis. Special aspects and trinal aspects dont work

          e.g. mars and saturn are not together in the horo but are together in the navamsa chart, there will be a subtle relation in them. not as strong as if it was in D1 but effects will be seen in life, especially married life as navamsa indicates married life too

          • Char says:

            Hello sir, I have sun rahu conjunction in 7th house Sagittarius sign with a difference of 16 degrees between Each other. Iam a gemini ascendant with jupiter in 3rd house, saturn in 8th, moon in 7th, mars mercury in will sun rahu conjunction effect my married life

          • VS says:

            Married life will have turbulence in this situation but can work with sustained effort from both partners
            good luck

          • Sundar says:

            Sri VS:
            I was reading through this and was struck by this: “yes they matter but only if 2 planets are sitting together or in opposite rashis”. For a capricorn asc, Satrun in 3rd house; Saturn is in Leo and Sun is in Aquarius in D-9; also ascendant is virgottam. Lot of Saturn involvement in this case, hence curious.

            Thank you. Can’t say enough thanks to you.

          • VS says:

            No worries

      • Dia says:

        What if sun(AK) is sitting with venus(DK) in Taurus in the 4th house in navamsa for aquaries ascendant? Saturn is exalted in the 9th house. What does this indicate about happiness and peace in marital life?

        • VS says:

          No idea
          Imagine you go to a doc saying – I have a bit fever, also left arm pains at times. what do you think this is, when will it be ok?

          Astrology isnt guesswork, it needs a proper chart analysis and an individual reading is not what I provide here, unfortunately

  26. Rkparmar says:

    Can sun ketu form grahan yog

  27. abhishek says:

    Hi sir
    I have sun on 8th house with mars. Virgo lagna. Leo rashi.

    Is it bad/neutral/good?

    My sun MH starts next year.

    • VS says:

      good/ bad is relative
      what you have is a vipreet rajyoga which is typically good after some initial setback
      in this case the setback can be an accident/ surgery or threat to father (sun in 12th to karak 9th) bhaav

  28. vishal k jangir says:

    Dear sir
    I hace scorpio ascendent and sun is conjunct with mars in 12th house . Here sun is debilitated (at 28 degrees) and is lord of 10th house where as mars is ascendent lord , will it make a raj yoga or I will get adverse effect from this sun . My moon is exalt in the 7th house.

    • VS says:

      by itself, its not a strong yoga. The planets will do nothing much except make you ambitious secretly but calm and composed in real life moon can give good results.

  29. UBR says:

    Dear Sri VS,
    I am trying to understand the following statement mentioned in the article.

    > When Sun rules the 8th house (Capricorn lagna) …. then it becomes neutral for the ascendant and by itself does not give good or bad results.

    Does this mean for Capricorn Lagna, Sun in Libra at 8 deg in D1 will be neutral in its influence (although weak) as a depositor of any planet in the 8th house? Could you elaborate?

    Thank you,

    • VS says:

      Sun will be neutral by ownership
      In Libra it could even get neecha bhang if venus and or saturn are strong
      Such a sun will not cause problems in career. Will give stress early on in career and then success

      • UBR says:

        Thank you!

        One follow-up question: How to know that Ve or Sa is strongly placed given that exaltation or deblitation or aspect or positional strength etc each taken seperately does not provide the true picture?

        Is there one rolled-up quantifier to quickly understand relative strength of planets?


        • VS says:

          No one quantifier. Astrology is a holistic approach to look at the planets, relative placements to the lagna and interpreting dasas and transits to time the events.

  30. gaurav says:

    Sir ,if rasi chart is weak as saggitrus lagn,shani aspecting on surya which is in 10th from lagn n sukra in 9th house but in D10 Capricorn lagn shani in 1st aspecting sukr-budh in 10th(rajyog),i m asking because lf rashi chart weak but divisonal is strong what should one to conclude,2nd -is rajyog also apply in divisional??

    • VS says:

      Rasi chart dominates all other charts
      weakness in D1 can not be fully covered by divisional charts
      however a strong divisional can average out the deficiencies of D1 to a large extent

      • Gaurav says:

        sir Pls tell different b/w ashubh planet and weak planet(not about malfic or benefic) with an example.
        m asking because people say donate things of ashubh planet n use things related to weak planat to make planet strong.

        • VS says:

          if a planet owns good houses but is weakly placed, wear its gemstone
          if a planet owns bad houses from lagna, instead of wearing a stone, remedies should be in the form of donations related to that planet

          • Gaurav says:

            I am bit confusing as sukra is lord of 6 and 11th lord placed in Leo in 5th house, as it is lord of duhsthan it is ashubh but in 9th house it is weak n good also ,clarify it.

          • VS says:

            depends on what aspects venus has and also the power and placement of sun in the chart. if sun is placed well, venus will give good results and wealth in 9th. else it will give sickness and lose character to father

  31. Charu says:

    Hi vs, i have sun rahu in 7th house and my nakshatra is revati. Can i marry a boy who is satabisha nakshatra

    • VS says:

      Hi You have to look at the overall horoscope to give any judgement regarding any area of life, including marriage
      unfortunately, I dont do personal readings

      as a broad generic rule, if malefic planets are repeated in the 1-7 axis of the spouse, the negativity will remain in marriage but the marriage can continue despite of the problems

  32. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    As a significator of one’s father, when Sun is placed in the 12th in D-1 and debilitate in D-9, how do you broadly read it?

    • VS says:

      You have to look at the 9th lord and its dignity/ placement and the aspects on 9th house and 9th lord to come to any conclusion

  33. Grv says:

    as its said that saturn give result after 36(normaly),is it true in both case wether saturn in (capri,aqirus or libra) or in enimy sign?
    2nd- is it must to be dasha to activate rajyog of 1 or both planets of rajyog?

    • VS says:

      Saturn placed anywhere will have intense effects between ages 36-39 good or bad depending on placement, dignity or lordship

      if Saturn is making a rajyoga, it will be activated in its dasa/ antar and also in the dasas of planets conjuncting or aspecting it fully

      • Grv says:

        If saturn of saggitrus in 1st house aspecting 10th House of virgo-sun,is here also saturn give result(profession,job) after 35-36 years,means saturn also delay aspecting house or only in which it sitting.
        2nd thing-in a kundli saturn of scorpio,other kundli has saturn of libra in 1st house,is it means both persons will live same(approx) life till 35 years??

        • VS says:

          No to both, astrology is not piecemeal
          you have to take a deeper dive in the understanding to get understand all the moving parts. takes time and patience. No rule(s) can be applied all across the board with every horoscope

  34. Chandini says:

    Hi vs, Venus is in its own house 5th house and Saturn is in 8th house for gemini ascendant. What is the effect when Saturn aspects 5th house? Will it lead to failure of love or does it make a person more committed in a relationship?Will it effect progeny etc? Is it good or bad to have Saturn aspecting 5th house

  35. Priya says:

    Hi vs, lord of 1st and 2nd houses in navamsha chart is Saturn and Saturn is placed together with sun in 4th house. Plz let me know the effect of Saturn as lagna lord

  36. Siva says:

    Hi vs, for a gemini ascendant, moon is in 10th house and it is lord of 2nd house.jupiter is the lord of 7 and 10th house. But as jupiter has Kendra adhipathi dosham, how does it effect career and marriage of gemini ascendant. Does it cause obstacles in career and marriage.Plz throw some light on this topic

    • VS says:

      not by itself. All depends on placement, dignity, aspects on Jupiter. If they are good, results will be good
      if jupiter sits alone in 7th house for Gemini ascendant with no other planet or clear aspect, then it will destroy marriage due to bhaavo karak naashe, especially for females

  37. Jayan Sen says:

    I appreciate your insights which appear to be your depth of thought combined with your research. If planets are exalted, or in own houses and vargottam, but in Dusthanas (at least some in rashi and others in D9), then what is to be expected (e.g., sun exalted in 6th in D1 and in 5th in D9, Saturn exalted in 12th in D1 and 11th in D9 and Venus in own house in 7th in D1 in 6th in D9). Also, is there any strength to vargottam positions when looking at D1 and D10, or is it primarily restricted to the D9? Thanks again.

    • VS says:

      yes Varg Uttam applies to any divisional. however D9 has applicability to all aspects of life
      on the other hand, if a planet is virottam in D10, it will be beneficial regarding the aspects of career (if well placed in D1). A planet well placed in D1 and virgottam in D9 but in a dusthana in D9 loses some potency but still remains good
      if a planet is placed in a poor situation in D1, then any divisional (including D9) can not rectify it. Perhaps at best, just make it slightly less worse

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS: There are opinions that Navamsa represents the post-married status and that it represents the fruition of the D-1’s “potential”. Your opinion above indicates this to be my understanding correct?

        • VS says:

          Navamsa represents a deeper color of each planet and hence does show the potential of the planets to some extent. If a strongly placed planet in D1 (exalted or own house) is placed in a great enemy’s sign in Navamsa, then its actual potential is decreased to a large extent. This does tend to show a bit later in life in general. However the late doesn’t necessarily mean post marriage. Typically the 2nd half of life is what it means


  38. Gaurav says:

    if 6th,8th,12th lord in 5th or 9th(luck) house,should we strong them or donate of those planet?

    • VS says:

      try never to wear stones of planets ruling 6/8/12

      • ravi says:

        hi Sir,for piscus ascendant some body suggested to ware blue shapere, where lord of 11 and 12 placed in 5th house.Guru in lagna in retrograde. Is is correct to ware?

      • AJAY PAHOOJA says:

        Hi VS,
        1.For Libra ascendant, does this rule apply to Venus ( Lord of 8th….sitting in 10th house… Fire opal Stone was recommended due to navamsa position of the Venus in virgo) and Mercury( lord of 12th house… sitting exalted in 12th house with Rahu … Stone was recommended due to navamsa position of Mercury in pisces).
        2. Is foreign education and settlement possible in this case ?
        Thanks and GOD bless.

        • VS says:

          if rahu in 12th with 12th lord, foreign settlement is always possible. rest can not be deciphered without looking at the entire chart

  39. V says:

    Hi VS,
    What happens when sun placed in 8th house (moksha trikona) – I think that was missing in the 4/8/12 houses explanation. What if Sun is a functional benefic for the lagna and owns a kendra but placed in 8th?


    • VS says:

      Sun in 8th is generally not good for the father of the individual. The person can have problems with the government of the land as well as health issues in the intestines/ hemorrhoids/ constipation
      there is also danger from fire and wild animals as well as fevers and inflammations in the body

  40. Shrishti says:

    Hello sir,
    I have cancer ascendant with debilitated sun in 4th house aspecting the 10th house which has moon in it.I want to know what effect will it give to my career whether I will be able to get good job in private or government department.
    Kindly reply.

  41. gaurav says:

    Sir, if mars in 4th house of pisces aspecting sun(virgo) in 10th house ,is it good aspecting on sun as mars is functional benefic but aspcting enemy Sign(virgo) for career purpose, if both planes are alone and no other planet is aspecting.

    • VS says:

      by itself, it is not bad for career, but you need to consider all the other planets, depositors of these planets etc for final conclusion

  42. mitali says:

    I have Virgo ascendent …. My sun,moon and mercury is in 12th house in leo…. It is combination of 10,11,12,1st Lord…. My 7th Lord jupitar is in 6th house & rahu present in 7th house in Pisces….. I have libra’s Venus & scorpions Saturn in 3rd house…… I have spiritual tendency & want to go Canada for permanent resident??? Is it possible?? I like loneliness…..

    • VS says:

      Hi Mitali

      unfortunately, currently not doing personal readings. However as per your description, foreign settlement is highly likely as well as yearning for solitude

      • mitali says:

        Thank you……
        Leo sun in 12th house with moon & ascendent Lord is good for spiritual or possible to get moksha????

        • Sundar says:

          Sri VS:
          Kindly excuse me for answering the moksha part from a spiritual angle alone. Mitali, I am a seeker myself. In B-Geeta read the charama sloka. “Sarva dharmaan parityajja..” and note the “Maa-mEkam sharanam vrja”. Note the Ek part. Find out what sharanam means. I am from the Ramanuja Sri Vaishnav sampradhaya.

  43. gaurav says:

    you are doing very good job for new learner,big matter is not that you
    learnig to people astrology but spatial thing is that only you(as in
    my knowledge) who reply to learner in this way and i hope you will
    keep doing this work,again thank you.
    my next ques is,should we strong our vakri planet or not in 4 cases?
    1-they are lord of 1,5,9 n sit in 1,5,9.
    2-they are lord of 159,sit in 6812.
    3-they are lord of 6812,sit in 6812.
    4-they are lord of 6812,sit in 159.
    all have no other aspect n sit alone.

    • VS says:

      only in case 1 is a gem stone really advised without doubt
      Case 3 should never be done
      case 2 and 4 are a case by case basis. Generally you can wear in case 2 if the planet is Jupiter, venus or mercury and not otherwise

      • Sundar says:

        What does a gem stone do to a vakri planet? Less erratic? Thanks.

      • Hello VS,

        You are doing a great service by answering these queries. I have searched a lot on google but so far only you- are responding to queries. God Bless you..

        I have folowing query:
        What if a planet is a lord of 6th and 9th and sitting in 8th house. Eg. For Capricorn Lagna, Mercury lord of 6th and 9th house is in 8th house (leo).What would you recommend ? Donation/charity or Wearing Gemstone(Emrald) or both?

        • VS says:

          the most important aspect of any planet is its bhaav placement. If in a dusthana, a stone is almost never recommended (barring some exceptions)
          only charity related to the planet and the bhav can be recommended

    • Sundar says:

      I completely agree with you; There are not many VSs around. I feel guilty but VS keeps getting back !

  44. Gaurav says:

    Is vargottam is good in case of enemy sign,exmp-jupiter of tauras?2nd -is moon of cancer is good or neutral in 8th house if sitting alone and no aspecting?

    • VS says:

      typically not good to be virgottam in an enmical sign.
      however say Jupiter in Taurus for Capricorn ascendant. Now Jupiter is in 5th rashi and bhaav. if virgottam and venus is strong, this is very good

      • Veena says:

        1. If Saturn is in Simha – vargottam and in 10th house (scorpio ascendent) & Lord of 10th house Sun is placed in 8th house.
        Saturn is a functional benefic, but Sun is in 8th house, then what effects?

        2. What if Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka are both vargottam?

        • Veena says:

          And even if 10th lord is placed in 8th(gemini), if it is in pushkara then dignity of sun is good. Then vargottama saturn will give good results. Am I correct?

        • VS says:

          AmK and AK virgottam will always be good unless they are virgottam in an imnical sign
          Saturn is an arch enemy of scorprio’s lagna lord and hence even though owning a Kendra removes some blemish, it remains a functional malefic for scorpio

          virgottam is usually good, but in this case it is virgottam in its eternal enemy- Sun’s sign and is hence aggressive. Sun does not have great dignity in this case in the 8th bhaav (depending on degrees and aspects which I don’t know). Shadbal showing high for Sun is common and doesn’t mean its good in dignity. Depositor in 8th will mean breaks and blocks in career and trouble from powerful people in the organization/ govt where the native works

          only from the info you have provided, this will lead to joint pain, vehicular accidents, trouble and delay in career growth, especially if the person follows a social/ political career or a job in the government. Some success can be there but a defamation or drop in image/ career can happen

          • Veena says:

            Thank you for the very clear explanation on vargottam in inimical signs – when it can do good and when bad. There are very few explanations in the www with examples.

            Also searched for info about pushkara bhaga and pushkara navamsa in your blog but did not find any. Please let know your thoughts on that.

          • Sundar says:

            VS, general question in this context:
            Lagna Lord Mars considers Saturn as neutral to it. Saturn considers Mars its enemy. When Saturn is functionally neutral due to kendra house lordship, should we look at how the Lagna lord sees him, in which case, it remains FN; or should we look at at the other way around?


          • VS says:

            you have to look both ways. So if one is neutral and one is negative, the effect is more likely to be negative. If both are neutral (example Saturn- Jupiter) then the nature is truly neutral

  45. Joyjeet goel says:

    Hello VS , could you please give some insight on why ketu in 8th house makara lagna with sun in 12th house creates friction with higher authorities

    • VS says:

      Sun represents authorities/ govt
      When Sun is placed in dusthanas and if conjunct or trinal to the nodes (Rahu/ ketu) it gives bad results
      Sun in 12th is also maran karaka avastha, meaning very weak

  46. grv says:

    Moon of own sign is good or bad in 8th house,what would be effects,pls give some detail if there is no aspect and sitting alone?

    • VS says:

      moon is usually very negative in the 8th house
      in its own sign, if bright, it can give an emotional and sensitive person (secretly), even if the person doesnt outwardly appear like that to the world
      however there is tendency to get into obsessions with alcohol/ drugs etc
      Also the individual can have a tendency to easily get sick at the change of seasons- colds/ flus/ bronchial problems and anaemia are likely

  47. Charitha says:

    Hi if sun and rahu both are in 7th house but very apart from each other and sun crossed run and moved ahead by 16 degrees .is it still grahan dosh?what will be the effect on marriage life of having sun and rahu in married life even though they are apart from each other.can jupiter who is lord of 7th house and placed inn3rd house solve marriage life issues for a gemini Ascendant??? Because jupiter is maraka planet for gemini lagna

    • VS says:

      at 16 degrees and separating, the grahan dosha by itself will be feeble. however 2 separative planets in the 7th house will create power struggle and friction in married life. Even at times when the marriage is fine, conditions for living separately might be created in such scenarios

      Jupiter aspecting its own house will certainly provide relief via wisdom with age to this condition

  48. Varun says:

    Good day Vivekji! Is Sun’s AD in Saturn’s MD always negative for a Gemini ASC? This Sun is Neechabhilashi(1 degree Libra) and is close to Mercury(1 degree Libra) and Jupiter(28 degree Virgo). So we can say that it is a conjunction of 3 planets Sun + Mercury + Jupiter. It probably also gets neechabhanga both in Rashi and Lagna chart due to Saturn being in Kendra(Virgo, 4H).
    Also, If I understand your comments above correctly, Sun being Vargottama (in 11H in D9) makes things worse.


    • VS says:

      No rule of ‘always’ will precipitate every time. You know that I don’t read individual charts here and hence not possible for me to pinpoint the exact results which need the analysis of all planets, dignities and rashis, not just a few here or there

      in this situation, if the lords of all 4 kenrdas are deeply combust due to being within 5 degrees from sun, it will surely decrease the power of the entire chart. However the placement of the important planets – mercury, venus and Saturn and their strength is vital to observe in the chart

  49. Disha says:

    Hello sir …sun with juipter sign is good combination or bad juipter with 27th degree and sun with 15 degree does it gives bad effect on husband moon in the first house with pieces ascdent

  50. Mandar says:

    Hello sir…In my chart there is a combination of Sun and Rahu in 12th house of Sagittarius lagana.What is the effect if this combination comes together in the Kundli? The degree of sun is 18 and Rahu is 28

    • VS says:

      Rahu and Ketu eclipse the luminaries – i.e. Sun and the Moon
      If they are close to either of the luminaries, it is an affliction in the chart. Sun represents the soul and rahu is a demon.the person becomes unpredictable and unreliable and always running after material comforts/ benefits. their heart is not at peace with whatever they have and they wish for more. If lagna lord or lagnesh is also involved in this combination bu conjunction or aspect, then the problems intensify even more. Heart trouble as well as trouble to eyes/ eyesight is possible in this combination

  51. AS says:

    hello VS,

    Mercury in pieces on revathi nakshtram which is a 9th house for cancer ascendant with exalted jupiter in cancer, sun in aries which is tenth house.Does this make budaditya yoga or debilitated mercury gives the bad effects even under the influence of jupiter .


    • VS says:

      no budhatiya yoga unless sun – mercury within 8 degrees. Mercury is weak, partly neecha bhang. results can be mixed. bad for education, especially higher education or education abroad will not give much benefit. injury to the hands (nerve pinching) etc is possible also.

  52. Rahul says:

    Hello vivek ji namaskar
    I have read your statement about sun and moon conjunction in lagna or any intend to say that this is auspicious conjunction.but i have seen some videos of mr sanjay rath on youtube in which he is claiming that sun and moon conjuction is called amavasya yog and this yog destroys any verga chart completely if this is present in those vergas..please give your opinion.

    • VS says:

      hello rahul – sun and moon together will obviously cause amavasya (new moon) where moon has no light and is dark. However keep in mind that this is only one of things to be watched out for..if this happens in 3 or 10 or 11, it gives rise in a persons life with time. If one of both planets are in high dignity and the depositor is strong, they can give very good results in any kendra/ kona as they are friendly to each other and represent the mind and the soul. The person can have an intense personality and his heart and soul are in one direction

      on the other hand if this happens in 6th 8th or 12th or if the planets are weak, aspected poorly, then it will completely destroy the bhaav they are situated in for sure

  53. dr. s.r.soni says:

    hello vivekji…….. what is your opinion regarding scorpio ascendant chart having sun and rahu both in 6th house, provided sun is exalted here [lord of 6th house mars is in 2nd house ]…..sun is in nakshatra of venus which is swagrahi in 7th house and rahu is in ketu’s nakshatra…..plz express your view

    • VS says:

      Many things have to be seen collectively to judge, not just 2 planets.
      however the person will remain injury prone and will have more than one accidents/ surgeries in life. there is danger from fire and wild animals in life

      in terms of career, good to be in taxation/ audit or government jobs. Politics can also be a possibility if some other factors support. Administrative roles will suit the person. Nature will be a bit aggressive and competitive but venus can make for a sweet diplomatic speech to cover the aggression and ambition beneath the surface

  54. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    How does Sun do in Capricorn for a Leo asc? Its a FB sitting in a upachya/dusthana/enemy house. Also if ascendant is virgottam, what is the effect of this placement?

    • VS says:

      Not a good placement to be in dusthana in a deep enemy’s camp. will give diseases unless saturn is strongly placed. if rahu aspects sun in this case, the diseases can be terminal and serious

  55. Jayanthilal says:

    How vill sun mahadasha be for a leo ascendant? Sun is in 3rd house in conjunction with ketu and mercury.sun is neech state, what remedies can i perform?

  56. Madan says:

    Dear VS,

    How would sun mahadasha be for a pisces rasi and lagna.. where sun is in lagna along with a combust moon and mercury? …would mer and moon become malefic here? As mercury is debilitated and combust and moon is also combust..would there be a neechbhang by mercury being the lord of 4 & 7 houses?


    • VS says:

      typically not a good combination, will depend on other planets and aspects and the dignity and placement of Jupiter as the depositor and lagna lord

  57. Rahul says:

    Hello vivek ji namaskar
    I found your articles very informative.
    Can you please elaborate about GRAHAN DOSH?i mean to ask about effect of grahan dosh

  58. selva says:

    Dear VS, Please let me know How Saturn Mahadasa for Taurus ascendant?..Saturn in 5th house Virgo along with Moon and Mars. Ve exalted in 11th house aspecting 5th house.Mercury in Ascendant itself 1st house.Sun exalted in 12th.Ju in 6th house.

    • VS says:

      Hi Selva
      by itself Saturn is a yoga karaka for Taurus and sitting in virgo, it is in a friendly sign and also ucha abhilashi. although in this case it will be retrograde due to the distance from the sun. the effects will depend on how close mars and moon are to Saturn. the closer they are, the more agitated Saturn will be. Less than 5 degrees is not good. Also venus Saturn sambandh will improve Saturn and create a raj yoga. this opposition, the closer it is to exact 180 degrees apart, the better it is

      • Sundar says:

        If I may humbly add VS:
        I am a Taurus ascendant with Jupiter in the 6th. It is a FM sitting in a Upachya house. I have no enemies, get through obstacles well and love small (and large) animals like I do my children (Jupiter). The 5th aspect of Jupiter (children like aspect I suppose) on the 10th of work makes me treat projects at work like they are there to be taken care of by me with great responsibility yet with no undue stress. My retrograde Saturn is in the 8th and I think it makes me work very hard with its 3rd aspect. I think it has caused emotional turmoil and anxiety as well; being a Karaka of the 8th and being a Yogakkara, may be it does not, some other planet does. May be you can comment on this 8th position..


  59. Naren says:

    Good day,
    If sun is Leo (ASC) and Saturn and Venus in Libra(3rd bhava -Saturn in exaltation) and moon in 6the Bhava (Makra rasi); what will be generic effect of Saturn dasa / Sade Sathi.

    • VS says:

      if the age is for working (not a child or old) then sadhe satti will give a strong impetus to have an independent career or business related to some glamor field (fashion, cinema, arts, ladies articles, beauty articles, anything that has a sense of pleasure or glamor attached to it). the person can have very creative tendencies in work. sadhe satti can also lead to marriage in this case if age and situation as such. minor health issues possible

      • Naren says:

        Thank you very much. Incidentally would like to mention that in Navamsa chart both Moon and Saturn are in Makara and Jupiter is vargottama (in Gemini) in both Navamsa and Rasi. Navamsa ASC in Tarus. Thanks again.

      • Naren says:

        Good day,

        If the person happens to be around 60 years old what will be the generic effect. Thank you.

        • VS says:

          There is no such generic rule that can be sweepingly applied. One has to see the horoscope carefully for individual effects

          If Saturn MD after 56 of age, it is going to be intense (positive or negative depends on the chart)

  60. Bansi says:

    I want to know which gemstone is ideal for me. I have been trying to understand this and all astrologers have suggested different things. I suffer from low self esteem, lack of vitality, passion and will power and havent been able to move forward in life constantly struggling to battle this. My chart: capricorn ascendant with sun 13 deg & mercury 18 deg in first house, 2nd house venus 20 deg & ketu 6 in 11th rashi, 8th house Jupiter 14 deg, rahu 6 degrees, mars 20 deg in leo sign, 9th house saturn 3 deg and Pluto 28 deg in virgo sign, 5th house moon 26 degree in Aquarius sign, 11th house uranus 1 deg & neptune 28 deg in scorpio sign. I just want to know which gemstone i should wear.

    • VS says:

      i do not give personal readings and a full valuation of the chart is needed for gem recommendation. From what you have written, wearing a neelam will likely help. Try wearing one on a saturday in the waxing phase of moon. if you dont feel better in a week or so, remove it

  61. SB says:

    Hello Sir,

    Hope this finds you well. I recently came across your website and it helped me to learn a few things about my chart. I happen to have a Saturn placement in the 10th house in Capricorn. Currently i am undergoing Mercury mahadasha and Saturn antardasha(till March 2019). I am unable to understand that i have been facing a pressing career issue since March 2017 ever since i graduated from a premier educational institute. Its been distressing me as everything falters at the last stage with a “position on hold” kind of a reply. I would be indebted to you if you could enlighten me with this. I sent you a “query” and then i realized to read in the blog section. I read a few of your comments and i realized that you do not conduct a personal reading. So i thought of asking this instead.


    • VS says:

      Hi, you have correctly realized that I am unable to do personal readings
      sounding from the data you have given, for Aries ascendants, the period will not improve over the next few months. It was not good till Oct/ Nov of 2017. hang in there for some time, lessons of Saturn always lie in patience and a slow and steady approach towards life

  62. Manikanta says:

    Hello sir,

    my sun is in debiliated sign i.e., libra with 12 degrees and lord of libra Venus is in virgo lagna. Even,Venus is debiliated in birth chart but exalted in navamsha chart and my sun is in 10th house in navamsha chart.May, i know about neech banga raja yoga regarding venus and sun planets . will sun shows its power in my chart as i am preparing for govt exams. Please, help me out and give me advice sir.

    Waiting for your answer sir.

    • VS says:

      I don’t do personal readings. however if you have a virgo ascendant, then sun in libra in 2nd will be very weak anyways due to being a night time birth and debilitation in a non Kendra house. Typically government jobs are not recommended in this scenario and I would advise corporate jobs

  63. Sundar says:

    Vivek, Sun, as a karaka of health and bones is neech in Libra. Assuming the asc lord is strong, does this still have some negative implications?


  64. Sundar says:

    VS, during the MD of of sun sitting in the 3rd bhaav and Moon in the 11th for a Taurus asc, will the effects of 11th also be manifested due to Moon being the dispositor of the Sun? If true, is there a way to subjectively say how much of the 3rd and the 11th will manifest?

    Thank you.

    • VS says:

      subjectively the stronger Sun is, the more will its own agenda (house it rules and house it is placed in will be)

      this is the real basis of say a Neecha bhang Raj yoga that almost no one will ever explain to u and i will here, for free ofcourse 😉

      a neecha planet in kendra, say mars in cancer in 7th bhaav. Now mars own agenda is weak as its debilitated. Moon if exalted and high directional strength in 5th house and say far away from moon. Now if this mars is sitting in moons sign, mercurys star and both moon and mercury are exalted, what will happen in mars MD is that it becomes an agent of moon and mars. Its own agenda becomes secondary and backburner. Hence the terms neecha bhang raj yoga. Likewise not just need, any weak planet (in enmical house etc) will be weak and unhappy. but if the depositor is very strong, then the planet is not able to damage the house much, rather it becomes an agent of the owner of the house, which as itself strong and well placed can give raj yoga

      • Sundar says:

        VS, I think “what will happen in mars MD is that it becomes an agent of moon and mars.” is a typo I think; should be Moon and Mercury.
        So, to understand, the NBRY will be for the significations of the dispositor’s house but colored by the Neech planet?

        • VS says:

          yes Moon and Mercury correct
          yes the impact will be of the house where the NBRY planet is, then also the place where the rashi dipositor sits and finally where the nakshatra dipositor sits. if the nakshatra dipositor owns 2 houses, take MK house as dominant unless the lord sits in the non MK house in the horoscope. So for example capricorn lagna, mercury rules 6th and 9th. MK is 9th so 9th nature dominates unless mercury sits in 6th itself or full aspects 6th from 12th house of saggi

  65. Ravi says:

    I have a conjunction of sun, saturn and ketu in the 10th house, in sign of pisces and my ascendant is gemini. In this conjunction sun is sitting with 2°,saturn with 3°and ketu with 24°.Also the lord of 10th house, jupiter is in 7th house with 20°.
    What kind of profession I could enter?

    • VS says:

      entire horoscope including lagna degrees are required for any accuracy in predictions. I can not give personal readings here unfortunately as I get hundreds of requests everyday.

  66. Pathak pranav says:

    Hello sir i have tula lagna in my second house there sun venus and mercury is place and saturn and moon is place in 12th house. I am always facing financial problems a lot and sun is in 0 degree plz can you tell me. What to do guruji pranam..

    • VS says:

      Pathak – you can not predict based on a couple of planets here or there. One has to see the complete horo as well as dignities, yogas, divisionals, shadbals etc .

      I do not provide personal readings. however I can say that look at mars and ketu in the chart as they are the ruler and coruler of scorpio as your 2nd bhaav. the stronger they are, they better for your finances. sun at 0 for a night time birth makes it weak, but a strong mars will eventually over come these deficiencies in the chart

  67. Vishwajit says:

    Got to know about your work and website. Gratitude for sharing your thoughts and answering the queries addressed by viewers.

    I wanted to know few things on Gemstones and its Effects:
    1. Are these recommended to pacify or nullify weak planets.
    2. How does one gauge the impact in the initial few weeks /months of wearing.
    3. For e.g. Rahu is in 10 th house (Profession) from ascendent and not letting other planets to give results in the same house because they’re in Rahu’s constellation. So Gomed is recommended. Can this protect from office politics and support hard work.
    4. If needed I can share the exact degrees and constellation.

    Regards, Vh

    • VS says:

      1. to increase the power of the planet you wear it for
      2. You observe the functional effects of the planet – are they improving, same or worse
      3. It depends on many other factors including other planets, aspects and yogas etc. However wearing a gomed can certainly help in career related matters in the case
      4. Sorry but I do not provide specific readings, only general learning for the benefit of students and astrology aspirants

  68. Vishwajit says:

    My humble request, please ignore my earlier post. Some typo errors inadvertently.

    Thanks VS.

    I agree given the fact Sun is in swati nakshtra and delibilated, Gomed is a good option.
    Few doubts – How long one needs to wear Stones like Gomed, diamond, etc. (months /years).
    Do these stones need periodic purification.
    Is it necessary to wear in a metal

    • VS says:

      For planets that are poweful benefics in the chart – one can wear them for lifetime, no need for any recharges
      for some planets which are generic malefics, especially Gomed or cats eye – one should wear only during maha and antar dasas

  69. Vishwajit says:

    1. Out of 100%, how much importance you will give to a MD – AD – ongoing transits (Sun, mars, jupiter, etc.) which keep changing.

    2. If MD or AD is weak then can an ongoing transit help giving the desired result.

    3. If a planet like sun is delibilated in natat chart house no.10 but exalted in house no.12 in Navmasa. How can this be interpreted and whether results would vary.

    4. Can we use moon sign for interpreting reults or else better to stick to the rising /ascendent.

    • VS says:

      1. Transits have to be seen in synchronization with the dasas. The transits of Saturn, Jupiter and nodes is more important that other faster transits
      2. No if MD/ AD weak, transits cant help much
      3. too general to answer. A planet strong in D1 and weak in D9 tends to lose its potency after initial good results in its period
      4. Moon sign should always be used in tandem with lagna. Lagna is still always most important. Yogas that repeat in the main and moon lagna tend to be much more powerful in phalit results

  70. Smriti says:

    I have Aquarius ascendant, with Saturn (3°) in 10th, aspecting Jupiter in 12th. Sun is with Mercury (CR) and Venus (CR) in 2nd. Moon, lord of 6th, resides in 8th. I have been suggested by astrologers to wear Neelam and Opal for marriage. I am 32. It was told, without remedies, marriage is difficult. Should I go ahead with these remedies?

    • VS says:

      sure why not do the remedies. no harm

      • Smriti says:

        I tried wearing Neelam, got hospitalized for a week, and remained on bed-rest for a month. Could it be, because Saturn is aspecting 12th house of loss, hospitalization. Or, the quality of the stone mattered?
        Also, I would want to ask Sir, Jupiter is debilitated in 12th Capricorn. Is Saturn causing a neech bhanga there?

        • VS says:

          I have no idea Smriti as I don’t have your horoscope. Secondly I don’t do personal readings for now

          in a general sense, the quality is not that important as the actual stone impact on you. if it didn’t suit you at all, I would rather not try it again. It is highly likely that it will do more harm than good!

  71. Varun says:

    Hello VSji – If a planet is debilitated in many divisions including d1, does it means that it can negative results as well? For instance, if a person is in Saturn MD and Sun AD with Saturn in good disposition and strength but Sun in 5h Libra and also fallen in no of other divisions, so one should not expect anything good but on the contrary negative events can occur?. Also considering the current transit where Jupiter is in Libra and Saturn in 7h activating 1st and 9th house thru their double transit.


    • VS says:

      I don’t do personal readings. if you message a doctor and say “I have a stomach ache. also consider that the wind is blowing outside and I ate an orange 2 hrs back and other food. what is causing this?”

      this is exactly how it is when repeated questions keep coming with 1% info expecting 100% answers. A specific question stripped off and made to look general doesn’t become general unfortunately.

  72. rachen says:

    Since Ishtaphala is used to predict dasha nature and Sun always has less Ishtaphala in Sagittarus, how to predict Sun dasha for such charts? How to predict Surya dasha for Scorpio ascendant with Sun (5 deg) & Mercury in Sagittarus and Jupiter in Pisces?

    • VS says:

      I will not reply to the specific part of your question as that needs a complete chart analysis and not just standalone one planet

      for the generic part of your question – istha phal is one part of 100s you have to see for the overall analysis of a planet. low IP planets can give very good results & high IP planets can create big hurdles in life. It all depends on the functional nature of the planet, its combinations with other planets, strength of its depositors, its overall strength in the chart etc.

  73. Vishwajit says:

    1. Sun and Saturn don’t get along. The former while transiting its auspicious house succumbs to Veda if the latter is 7 houses away.

    2. At the time of birth if Saturn is in 7th house in ashlesha nakshtra from ascendent, can your spouse be older or more matured than you. Would late marriage help in better time ahead.

    • VS says:

      1. Vedha (obstruction) does not occur in the sun-Saturn pair nor in the Moon-Mercury pair

      2. its possible. No generic rule can exist. case by case analysis required

  74. Vishwajit says:

    Thanks VS.
    1.Will it possible for you to please share the list of planets and which house or rasi they belong to.
    2. Does gandmool exist. If yes which are the nakshtra that need to perform remedies, if any. Aswini, revati are few of them.

    • VS says:

      this info is already here on this website as in what planets rule what etc. Gandmool is one concept and should not be given over importance to. It might or might not make any significant impact

  75. Preetam Basak says:

    Thanks VS. A very well informed article. I would like to know the effect of Venus (4.55)-Sun (7.00 )-Mercury (8.30 ) conjunction in 8th house (libra) for Sagittarius moon sign. Mercury being 7th lord and Venus, the significator of spouse how the relationship with spouse and in-laws will be influenced due to this conjunction?
    Is there any denial of govt. job as Sun (significator of govt.) is considered to be debilitated in libra? My 10th house Sagittarius is occupied by moon (10.20) and saturn (21.45). Please suggest.

    • VS says:

      For individual chart readings and predictions, one has to look at the complete chart in totality and not just a few things here or there. Right now, unfortunately, I am not providing any personal readings. Thanks

  76. Aditya says:

    If moon is alone in 3rd house from Capricorn ascendent, can one consider moon mahadasa as good period for 10years.
    If moon in 3rd house aspect 7th house which is occupied by Saturn. Can the results vary.

  77. jai says:

    Hi VS,

    I have Sun (Lord of 8th) in 7 th house(Cancer) with Cancer sign lord Moon.
    Both Sun and Moon in 7th house caused Amavysa yoga and In your description you mention sun in 7th is never good.

    Would you please suggest any remedy for this?


    • VS says:

      fast on mondays

      • jai says:

        Thanks for this..

        There is another thing:- I Use JHora to read charts. In JHora Combustion is not shown although both Sun and Moon are with in 6 degree difference. But one thing I have noticed Both are in different Nak.

        has JHorna not shown Moon combustion because difference in Nak of Sun and Moon?

        Thanks and regards

        • VS says:

          No, its because JHora will show combustion for the 5 main body planets. Moon being a luminary and moving around quickly is considered weak within 36 degrees of sun and partially weak upto 72 degrees from the sun. waxing is better than waning in general. Thus in theory not much defined about moon combustion but within 15 degrees of sun both sides, it is very dark and hence weak and susceptible

  78. Anu says:

    Hello sir, I found your website while looking for sun as atmakaraka. Very informative. Thank you.
    I have a bugging question … How do you determine the quality of soul.. I mean ‘on right path of spirituality, good Karma’s.. when sun is debilited in 4th with neecha bhanga?

    • VS says:

      It is a very subjective question. For one’s soul, which manifests into character and actions in life, one has to look at the lagna, lagna lord and all aspects these 2 have. Secondly we have to look at sun and the rasi where sun is and the lord of that. 3rd we have to look at AK planet and its position and its rashi and depositor

      the net sum of these 3 will dictate the overall nature of the person. more the planets that affect these, the more multivaried the personality will become. Strong and benefic planets will ensure a gentle soul and vice versa

      • Anu says:

        Thank you for your reply, sir!

        How do we judge the spiritual advancement if any, the person can make in this life? Does the sun’s avasta is one of the deciding parameters?

        • VS says:

          sun can be one of the factors. However the lagna lord and Atmakaraka planet will dominate the level of the soul of an individual. malefic planets as AK make a person more spiritual if aspected by both Saturn and jupiter

  79. Bhaskar Banerjee says:

    What inferences can be drawn from the following combination:
    Capricorn ascendant
    10H with Libra having 4 planets:
    Sun at 10° – Saturn at 2°41′ – Venus at 8˚09′- Jupiter at 23˚34′.
    Present Mahadasha- Saturn (May 2017-2036).
    1. Any Possibilities of govt job ?
    2. Whether teaching line is advisable?
    3. Any Rajyog to fructify?

    • VS says:

      I don’t do personal readings. In this case Saturn and venus are causing a raj yoga..however the closeness to sun causes reduction in the good benefits. by itself, sun will create raj yoga in its dasas and can suddenly elevate the status of the person in its dasas. better to work in corporate sector as venus and Saturn are stronger than sun which represents the govt sector

      • BR says:

        A quick question:

        There are Malvaya and Sasa yogas formed by Venus and Saturn respectively, but Sun is causing an affliction. In addition to “combusting” Venus and Saturn, Sun is debiliated also.

        So, does Sun’s debiliation mean that it would be weak and won’t take away enough strength of Venus, Saturn? Or, will Sun combust them even strongly in it’s debiliation, since it’s also a negative planet for capricorn.

        • VS says:

          yes sun cant harm the planets much. but its a day time birth and middle of day kind of birth and hence sun is near to midheaven. sun will not functionally damage much but will still reduce the brightness of venus and Saturn. Also venus as depositor is not just combust but also less than 10 degrees away from its deepest debilitation point and has 0 direction in 10th house. Thus, raj yoga will still come, but a bit dampened and also sun itself in dasa will execute yoga as well as Saturn.

          • Sundar says:

            VS, if Sun is the “karta” of the yoga when it it is not part of the yoga, does it bring shades of its generic AND lordship karakatvas into the yoga executuion?

          • VS says:

            yes it will bring its own general and functional nature shades in the yoga as well. but the functional effects of Saturn and venus will dominate as they are much stronger than sun in this situation

          • Baskar says:

            Excellent reply VS ji.. You had mentioned a concept called “Karta” planet and Sun becomes the Karta planet here, I guess ..a also NBRY too.

            I have quick question. Having Pancha Maha purusha yoga, Malaya yoga ,is great for Mr.Banerjee.. Because of 10th house placement whereby lacking directional strength, does the power goes down by a few percentages or lot?

            Please let me know.

          • VS says:

            venus in 10th for capircorn will always do good. directional strength lacking just sometimes delays the impact but doesn’t deny it. more important is the placement of sun near the planets making them darker…even still, Saturn and venus combinging in 10th for Capricorn is a powerful raj yoga

  80. Sundar says:

    When Rahu is trinal/conjunct with Venus, Venus is least corrupted by Rahu when exalted/MK/Own Rasi? Assume Venus’ Shadbal is good in all 3 cases. Venus in exaltation is in an excited state and I was thinking Rahu can excite it more..hence asking.

    • VS says:

      rahu will suck the energy of any planet it conjuncts or the sign it is placed in. if the planet is strong, rahu will give strong results and vice versa. as for the planet itself, if close to rahu or exact trine to it within 8 degrees or so, then that planet will take on some evil nature as it is eclipsed by rahu.

      as an example if rahu sits with Jupiter in the 5th bhaav or 11th bhaav. then rahu Md or AD will likely give sons/ children. Jupiter MDs will create problems for children

      • AJ says:

        Dear Vivek,
        In reference to your response above “Rahu will suck the energy of any planet or sign … Jupiter MDs will create problems for children”, is it the same for Ketu as well? Or will Ketu and conjunct planet behave differently than Rahu and conjunct planet? It should be different since Rahu and Ketu are not the same – but i dont know ‘how’ different.

        • VS says:

          ketu amplifies the energy of the planet it conjuncts with and will itself behave like that planet as well as its depositor. However ketu does not usually spoil the planet it sits with

  81. Rahul says:

    Hi vivek ji how are you ?i want to ask a question related to what is written on your website that is sun rahu yuti give government job especially this yuti is related to 10 th house.but somewhere i have read that sun rahu yuti in 11th house is much better as this placement give atmabal(selfconfidence)

    • VS says:

      sun and rahu in 10th or 11th are both good. they give public figure kind of roles in which the person can have a leading or administrative position. if both are strong and langa lord is powerful then the person can go into politics and rise very high

      • kundan raj says:

        Vs Sir. ….it is also applicable when strong sun and rahu is in 9th house? If yes then it will give rise in administration? Or politics?

        • VS says:

          yes. 9, 10 and 11 are the most visible houses in a chart. any planets placed here will dictate the public/ extrovert life of a person and combinations here can thus dictate the direction of life and career for any person

  82. Rahul says:

    Thanks a lot vivek are a genuine ambassador of vedic astrology..GOD BLESS YOU

  83. Mani says:

    Sir, I have Venus Rahul conjunction in Virgo lagna and shani Ketu in 7th house. Will my marriage be love or arranged. Please tell me..thank you sir.

  84. Divya says:

    Please help me sir ,I’m really waiting for ur reply vs sir

  85. Divya says:

    If lagna is of 0.36degrees as we should consider before Lagna r present lagna as it is called sandhikalam, sir.

    • VS says:

      there is no hard and fast rule unfortunately Divya
      One has to learn this from experience and the kind of actual manifested results for the person. However in the end it will be one of them and not both

  86. Mani says:

    Sir I have sun in Tula rashi with 12th degree, is my sun debilitated tell me I am waiting for your reply….

    • VS says:

      what is there to wait sir, Sun is debilitated in tula rashi and so yes it is debilitated. ALthough it has crossed the weakest point of 10 degrees and so now recovering a little bit everyday

  87. Mrugesh says:

    Hi VS,
    I have one doubt on use of moon lagna as an alternative lagna. It is a prevalent practice that use ‘whichever is stronger among moon (lagna?) or ascendant’ as a reference and read the chart from there.

    Here, Moon itself should be strong? or Moon lagna should be strong? For example, Moon can be in Leo and combust with Sun in Leo. This will make Moon Lagna strong but a weak moon?

    Thanks in advance!

    • VS says:

      it is more about moon lagna
      however in practice lagna will always dominate as it is more specific that moon and sun lagnas

  88. KVS says:

    Sir, in my horoscope – Mesha Lagna, Sun is placed in 8th house along with Budha and Rahu. People say Sun is badly afflicted by two malefics – Budha & Rahu and there is strong Pitri Dosh. Is this correct? If so, who is causing the dosh, Budha or Rahu or both ? Budha is not combust.
    Will Sun give its effects as he is my Amatyakaraka ?
    How will it effect longivity?
    Guru is placed in the 6th house. Is that good for 6th house and bad for Guru?
    I am a medical doctor. Shani & Shukra are in the 10th aspected by Guru & Mars.
    Does adverse position of Sun who is Amatyakaraka affect my profession?
    Thanks for your valuable comments.

    • VS says:

      by itself sun with rahu in 8th is not good. mercury in 8th isnt bad as it will give vipreet raj yoga in this scenario. addictions/ smoking etc is possible and fluctuations in wealth in life will occur. more than that, oen has to see the chart in detail and im sorry that i cant provide individual readings for now

  89. ajinkya says:

    good evening sir,
    in my kundali, sun and mercury are placed in 10th house of leo, where sun’s degree is 19:57:45 and mercury is 27:13:28. is it a good sign? in profession, what profession will suit the most?
    thank you .

    • VS says:

      ofcourse sun is own sign and mercury is going towards its exaltation and hence both are placed well. politics or govenrment jobs can be good. more than that needs a proper analysis of the chart. I dont do personal readings. good luck

  90. Narayan says:

    Dear sir…person born in pieces lagna has sun 17.5deg and moon 10.5degree combust in 7th house of virgo so would it lead to bad results from planet moon who happens to be lord of a kona..and for a person born on amavas moon gives bad result??

    • VS says:

      moon very close to the sun is genereally not good ofcourse for the moon. however the aspects on this combination and trinal to this combination will dictate the final result as well as the strength of the depositor

  91. rohith says:

    sir i am born with taurus lagna with venus and ketu is in lagna itself along with saturn in 10th house can u tel me odds in my horoscope?

    • VS says:

      I don’t do personal readings and a horoscope is not just 1 or 2 planets but a sum of all the points. By itself having both malavya yoga and sasa yoga in a patree is great for a Taurus ascendant and hence it sounds very promising

  92. Shyam says:


    If a person has venus in 4th house of aries with asthavarga of 7points(yogakaraka for capricon asdentant) But at 29.5degree and capricon lagna rising is 13.5deg would it still give good result or it being in the very end of a sign makes it very old to give any good results..and the results of such a planet will be felt only in its mahadasa or even antardasa??

    • VS says:

      venus is a yogakaraka and will remain beneficial. how good or bad will depend on its strength and that depends on many factors including some of those that you have mentioned which are residential strength and baaladi avastha (what degree in sign)

  93. Ramesh says:

    Does a good sun dasha help in stock market or gambling? Since it’s mentioned sun in 11th is related to laabh.

    • VS says:

      it could or could not, just this factor is not enuff to conclude anything

      • Ramesh says:

        Thanks, Sir. Is the sign as important as the house? For example, you mentioned 10th or 11th house is best for sun, but what if 10th or 11th house is enemy sign like saturn or debilitated sign like libra? In such cases, is the house or sign top priority?

        • VS says:

          the sign will dictate the level of happiness of a planet. an unhappy planet will not give the best results even in a good bhaav ofcourse

          • Ramesh says:

            Thanks again, Sir. Is there a difference between enemy sign and debilitation sign? Or are the negative effects similar in both?

          • VS says:

            enemy sign is always bad. in debilitation, sometimes it can be very good especially when the debilitation is cancelled.
            Also venus and mars get debilitated in the signs of a lord they consider friends and hence is not that bad by itself.

  94. Asena says:

    Dear VS

    Thank you for the wonderful knowledge you so willingly share with the audience.
    It is very, very helpful ,really enlightening.

    Here are my questions:

    1/What do you think of the relationship between Western and Vedic astrology? It seems to me both give good results each in their own way as long as their methods & calculations are not mixed and each one stays within its own grounds. It also seems to me that Jyotish is more of an algebraic in nature and the Western more of a geometric one.
    2/ What are the main dangers of a waning Moon in Taurus in both 12th h. in D1 and in 8th H in D9 (no aspects whatsoever), naksh. Rohini, star Aldebaran (15:00)
    3/ Is a Sun of 29 + degrees in Virgo considered to be – old, close to debilitated, other? What does and old Sun tell about the soul journey?
    Would highly appreciate your thoughts on that.

    • VS says:

      HI Asena

      My intention is to not create any controversy or argument here.
      As for my opinion western astrology is incorrect as the basic premise of the signs is incorrect due to the non incorporation of the movement of Aries 0 degrees in the sky.

      your moon question is too generic, it will all depend on the aspects, dignities, balas etc on it. Sun at 29 degrees in virgo is within 10 degrees of its fall and approaching. Further it is at the end of a sign and hence by definition this is weak. however if this happens for someone with Sagittarius ascendant of 29 degrees then this sun is smack in the middle of the 10th bhaav and hence will floridly execute 10th bhaav results. Unless mercury is strong (like exalted in virgo) such florid results can be mixed in real nature

      • Asena says:

        Dear VS

        Thanks so much for your kind reply. No malice intended on my side either. Regarding the Moon -I will have to dig deeper yet it seems very troubled as Ve is in Sc in opposition… About the Sun- yes Me is in exaltation at 13:00 Vi and so simply a good intellect that the Sun does not “burn”, I suppose.
        A wonderful site you have, thank you once again,will keep on reading.

        Best regs

        • VS says:

          generally moon closely conjunct or opposition with venus will unsettle the moon as venus considers the moon as an enemy. in practicality, the mind might be overtly indulged in relationships/ romance/ marriage etc. especially for female charts. in taurus- scorpio this can lead to obesssion and deep jealousy and insecurity related to the partner

          sun burns any planet within roughly 6 degrees on either side of it

          • Asena says:

            Yes, that is true.. Hopefully, the fact that 6th h is Upachaya will help a little with time. The thing that puzzles me, though, is that Moon is considered exalted in an enemy sign…also it seems that a waning Moon has no chance of redemption so to say, exalted or no exalted, vargottam or no vargottam, is that correct? Even the 12th and then 8th placement seems to be just a trifle problem compared to a waning state, right?
            Thank you once again for sharing your insight & best regards

  95. Dev says:

    Date : 13/05/1988

    Time : 04:53 am

    Place : Arki, Himachal pradesh

    Can you predict me about my life (health, wealth, profession, social etc)

  96. Sayan says:

    In my lagna chart Sun in 10th house and i am cancer ascendant and moon and mars an 9th house , and in D10 chart sun in 2nd house in Scorpio . is it good for career ?

  97. Rajesh kumar Sahoo says:

    Is Sun in 10th house(0’23”) {Moon too in 10th(3’09”)} a weak position for sun since its in an enemy house for Taurus Ascendant?Does Sun become malefic due to moon?Also does this combination constitute pitru dosha?

    • VS says:

      like real life, astrology has deep shades and not just black and white. A deep and comprehensive analysis of all the planets, yogas, avayogas, dignities etc has to be done to ascertain the shades of good and bad

  98. sneha dutta says:

    Are planets in initial degrees weak,especially if Sun is in initial degrees (0 -1 degrees) in 10th house?

    • VS says:

      not necessarily. as discussed in many other questions here before, there is balaadi avastha and residential strength and these are separate metrics

  99. Pooja says:

    I have retrograte saturn in my 7th house..
    Its bad for marriage life?
    My d.o.b. is 18 august 1992….4:30a.m.
    Place aligarh ..uttar pardesh

    • VS says:

      sorry unable to give personal predictions. Just saturn in 7th retrograde or direct can not be detrimental to marriage. You have to see many other factors.

  100. r pristine says:

    sir: sun, as a functional benefic, deeply combusts mercury;without any aspects on the combination. apart from weakening mercury, will it be afflicting it too giving bad results to mecury’s significations? even if mercury’s strength improves by depositor? kindly clarify. thanks.

    • VS says:

      i cant clarify without seeing the actual horoscope which I am unable to do so. barring this, it is not clarification it is speculation and that has no point. so will have to skip this one

  101. Sundar says:

    Re: Sun as the 8th lord being neutral. If it sits in the 2nd and 5 degrees from Rahu, it does have the potential to bring sexual scandals into the family but not as much as Venus as the 8th is with Rahu in the 2nd for Meena lagna, am I correct? In the Makara lagna case I am seeing, Rahu and Sun are in Meena Rasi but Sun sits in the second, Rahu is the 3rd so it’s not Rahu itself bringing the scandal into the 2nd.

    • VS says:

      cant answer specifics w/o a chart which I don’t do here ofcourse
      however for Capricorn lagna sun is a neutral only as long as it does not combust any other given planet in the chart or ideally not within 15 degrees of other planets….sun when it gets too close to rahu is usually never good as it is in grahan and it spoils rahu also as it is now functionally related to the 8th lord and an enemy

  102. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For a Mesha lagna: Budhan, Soorya and Shukra in Kanya, Shukra in 5th bhaav, Budhan very close to Lagna degree and Sun about 13 degrees from lagna, I have the following questions related to Soorya dasa:
    1. Does Budhan become the karta of the dasa being exalted and much stronger than Sun?
    2. If #1 is true, does budhan color the dasa with his generic karakatvas or functional karakatvas or both?
    3. Since Venus is debilitated and aspecting the 7/8th lord Saturn, does Venus get activated. If Sun is the karta he would dominate the dasa and the shukra bhukti may not show much of its debilitation (am I correct?), but if Budhan is the karta, does Venus’ aspects on Saturn show up?
    4. He sits in the 5th though, so I believe Venus’ effects will show in the 5th bhaav, is this correct?

    Sorry, lot of questions but had to lump them.

    Thank you.

    • VS says:

      hard to answer in a generic manner but budha will be strongly negative in this case and will create abdominal and sexual organ health issues as well as marital issues. person might become sick repeatedly to become obsessed with sickness/ germs and get obsessive compulsive disorders. venus will give 5th if in 5th bhaav in chalit. however its depositor is strongly in 6th and hence venus dasha will give 6th and 5th combined and cause physical distress and mental distress thru love/ romantic relationships

      • Sundar says:

        Thank you. Budha as lord of the 6th in 6th is like any 6th lord. The sicknesses you have mentioned (especiallty obsessed with sickness/ germs and get obsessive compulsive disorders), is it due to Shukra’s debilitation spoiling the 6th bhaav and its lord Budha?

        • VS says:

          it is because virgo is the general sign for health and mercurial disorders will give a nervous/ anxious and obsessing nature on it. venus in such a situation, no matter how rich the person is or not, will make the person live relatively normally and not enjoy luxuries or pleasure of life much

          • Sundar says:

            VS, should we analyze natal planets/dasas in terms of their general sign? E.g. for Vrishaba lagna, budha in 7th but general sign Vrischik (kaal purush 8th)? If yes, to what extent does the general sign play a role. Thank you, I am learning, which I love to do.

          • VS says:

            yes general sign is always important but it is tertiary…primary is the house and functional nature, secondary is the placement of planets and aspects on the house and the placement of its ruler

          • Sundar says:

            VS, mercury in the 6th in own house and also in the general 6th own rasi should not be the cause for mercury to give diseases. Is is spoilt by the Venus debilitation (in whic case, question is, is it possible that Mercury gives neech bhang to Venus and still get spoilt?) or is due to Saturn’s aspect. Thanks again.

          • VS says:

            not serious diseases but surely will give interstinal vulnerability as mercury is potent functional negative planet for aries and aspected by karaka of sickness in house of sickness will give trouble related to intestines, abdomen and nerves, even skin disorders

          • Sundar says:

            Many thanks to you for clearing up so many of my doubts.

  103. Narayan says:

    Can you please give your view point on the below mentioned:

    Mercury and Sun are conjunct in Swati constellation. Here Mercury is combust.
    Mars is in Vishaka and combust.
    Venus is in scorpio and not combust – performs parivatana yoga.

    How will the Mars MD be for a person with Capricorn rising.

    Thanks and regards, Narayan

    • VS says:

      overall chart has to be analysed. However just in general from the placements mentioned, it can be a good horoscope with lots of energy going into the field of arts/ writing or even law (depending on other planets). The period should be good for career/ earnings

  104. saswat says:

    I am a Capricorn ascendant with sun (11 degree) in 9th house conjunction with venus (1 degree 49″) saturn (29 degree 06″) and mercury (19 degree).

    Moon in lagna or first house 16 degree.

    Rahu in (6th ) and ketu (12th).
    Guru is in 10th house and mars in 11th house respectively.

    I am getting delayed in marriage. Whether sun will be benefice for me.
    What is your suggestion on this.

    Thanking you in advance

  105. laksmy says:

    Sir iam an libra ascendant.(female) .Sun and venus degree difference is 8 degree(in 7 th house).Is there a strong venus combustion.And i have a full positive aspect from jupiter to the 7 th house.

    • VS says:

      venus and sun at 8 degrees apart is not strong combustion at all for venus. In this scenario (unless venus is retrograde) venus will remain strong and so will sun as it will be exalted

  106. Asena says:

    Dear VS,
    Kindly please share your views on the following:

    1/ What will be the general effect if debilitated Sun is the same degree as Ascendant?

    2/ What will be the general effect if any 2 grahas are at the same degree in different rashis, no other aspects between them?

    3/ What will be the general effect in Sun is close to debilitation, eg. at the very end of Virgo, and (as far as I know) nil astabala /mrit/?

    Thank you in advance.

    • VS says:

      1) weak health and unstable/ untrustable personality
      2) No such general effects
      3) it becomes weak. whatever leo rules in the chart will also suffer

  107. kundan raj says:

    Hi sir…as you told that sun rahu is good in 9 , 10 and 11 house..leo lagna exalted sun 7.19.rahu 6.18 venus 29.43 altogether in 9th house.depositor mars is in 5th house…in general here rahu mahadasha good for administration or politics? Here sun venus conjunction happens or not?

    • VS says:

      rahu dasa will give good results here yes

      • kundan raj says:

        Hi sir. .here rahu sun in same nakshatra also as you mentioned in your article .is this conjunction good for administration. ?

      • Sundar says:

        VS, Rahu is in Marana karaka Sthana in the 9th and also 8th from its MK (Kanya), will still give good results?

        • VS says:

          jupiter is exalted in 8th from its MK sign. so as per such logic, jupiter will never give good results exalted?
          also MK of virgo for rahu is debatable at best. different authorities have different opinions. I think gemini is own house and taurus exaltation for rahu and aquarius is MK

      • Rahul says:

        Sun and rahu in close conjunction first give explosion in life than after that positive things happen.please state ur opinion sir

        • VS says:

          no such generic rule applicable to all. there are over 7 billion people with very different destinies and these are denoted by the individual charts. hence the complete chart with details has to be seen and not some blanket rules

  108. Mks says:

    For the Aquarius asc, if Sun (father) & Rahu with Mercury in the 6th house and Mars in the 9th house (father’s house), how it will affect native’s relationship with the father. Thanks

    • VS says:

      there can always be a power struggle/ friction due to mars in 9th however more important to see the state of venus as the 9th lord and its dignity and relation with saturn – the lagna lord

      • Mks says:

        I asked:
        For the Aquarius asc, if Sun (father) & Rahu with Mercury in the 6th house and Mars in the 9th house (father’s house), how it will affect native’s relationship with the father. Thanks

        You replied:
        here can always be a power struggle/ friction due to mars in 9th however more important to see the state of venus as the 9th lord and its dignity and relation with saturn – the lagna lord

        Follow-up query:
        Venus is in 7th house. Also, the asc lord Saturn & Jupiter both in 3rd house (mutual aspect with Mars in 9th). Please advise how the native’s relationship will be with the father. Thanks

        • VS says:

          from the limited info I have, the relation will not be good but not just father, in general with any authority figure like boss etc

  109. Kumaran N says:

    Very illustrative article.
    I have a general observation: For Pisces ascendant natives, Sun being the ruler of 6th is a malefic. But say lagna lord is in strength in leo (6th house) and being in a adhimitra rasi, while sun is in a upachaya, say 3rd. what can be predicted during the dasa of Sun?

    • VS says:

      For Pisces, sun can give some trouble but is not really a malefic as jupiter and sun are mutual friends. A well placed sun can give a very good career/ job

  110. Ramani says:

    SIr- I am Aries ascendant. I have Ketu in Lagna, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Sun in Virgo 6th house, Moon in Gemini, Saturn and Venus in Scorpio 8th. Rahu in 7th in Libra . How will be my Sun dasa? Sun is not well placed.
    In Navamsa I have Ketu aand Sun in Lagna Virgo, Venus in 3rd Scorpio, Saturn in 4th Sagittarius, rAHU 7TH sAGITTARIUS,
    Moon in 10th Gemini, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer 11th , Mercury 12th Leo

    • VS says:

      Hi, dont do personal readings and in any case the full chart with all degrees and details is required

      in general the sun dasa can cause intestinal and stomach issues constantly. career will give slower than usual progression but in the corporate world or the field of medicine/ hygiene good progress can be made in the dasa
      overall period will be mixed and not too bad

  111. Perfect Sun says:

    I have sun exalted in Aries and specifically in Ashwini at the 10th degree AND in the 11th house and indeed have always seemed to become friends with people who end up helping me out in life. I’ve never become friends with any famous.

    • VS says:

      you might become sooner rather than later. Either way sun exalted in 11th will give lots of benefits and a potential income source from government or semi government employers/ sources

  112. Madan says:

    Hi vs,

    How relevant is the d10 chart concerning career along with the D1 chart. How would the Mahadasha of sun be for a pisces ascendent , if sun is in lagna with moon and mercury? In d10 chart of sun mercury and Rahu are placed in aries ( i.e 10 house from lagna)

    • VS says:

      both have to be looked at tandem and in harmony. D1 dictates overall results and a divisional is used for fine tuning

      • HB says:

        VS ji, I have sun (8.27) and rahu (16.05) in third house how does this effect higher education like masters, PhD? Also Ketu is in 9. Please advise

        • VS says:

          very generic question looking for a specific answer.. can not be answered by itself. a full chart has to be analyzed

  113. Rahul says:

    Vivek sir
    Sun with high shadbala(more than 160 % ) and high vimshopak bala(more than 15) is in conjunction with rahu .does rahu eclipse sun in this case?

  114. Anand says:

    Very good article. Consider a native’s father’s early death. Some astrologers say it’s due to weak sun (in the native’s chart) that father dies early, others say sun is powerful in the native’s chart so father doesn’t survive. Which is true? A powerful sun can kill father or a weak sun?

    • VS says:

      by itself a powerful sun can never lead to an early death of father
      you have to look at the 9th house, 9th house lord and sun and 9th from sun. All in totality have to be see
      only case of powerful sun that can (perhaps, not always) lead to early father demise is when sun is in own house in the 9th bhaav for saggitarius ascendant if sun is also alone
      in this case a concept of bhaavo karaak naashye applies which can be detrimental to father’s health and or longevity even though the natives father might be a person with impeccable character or even famous/ powerful

      • Anand says:

        That’s amazing. One doubt. Does early death of father always mean sun is the culprit? For example, let’s say a native’s father dies early but in the native’s mercury dasha venus bhukti. Do we consider mercury and venus as the planets causing father’s death, or must we still see the sun as the planet causing death?

        I guess what I am asking is: even if father’s death takes place in some other dasha instead of sun, must we still see sun as the culprit (because sun represents father)?

        • VS says:

          9th bhaav, 9th lord, sun, 9th from sun and arudha of 9th from sun. The more powerful and commonality of all these will show father

          • Anand says:

            I understand that. I am just asking about the dasha factor. Let’s say we’ve established sun is extremely weak for a native (whereas 9th bhava, 9th lord etc. are fine). My question is: Will father’s death take place only in sun dasha of native or in any other dasha? I am talking about DASHA factor only.

          • VS says:

            No such rule. It will take place usually in the dasa/ AD of planets ruling or sitting in the 4th or 10th bhaav as they become 2-7-8 from the fathers bhaav. Rahu is also highly prone to cause seperation from father or his death as it causes eclipse to the sun. sun dasa could be a factor or not, depending on the chart

          • Anand says:

            You said earlier that a powerful sun can never cause father’s early death. Let’s say a native has a powerful sun. But let’s say the native is going through the dasa/AD of planets in 10th bhaav. Will a powerful sun be helpless to prevent father’s death (since you said 10th is 2nd from father’s bhaav)? So point is: will dasa/ad of planets in 10th bhaav cause father’s death even if the sun is strong?

          • VS says:

            point is that any of the 9 planets can cause the death of the father and I have no special statistics to show that sun will cause is statistically significantly more than the others
            instead of focusing on generic planet significations, focus on the functional nature of planets, the yogas, bhaavs in which they are formed and the strength of the planets as well as their closeness to the bhaav madhya for predictions

  115. Krish says:

    Great stuff but onething has always confused me. Enemy signs exahnging. Sun and saturn are enemies. But if sun in saturn’s sign, saturn in sun’s sign – does that mean enemies become friends???

    • VS says:

      no just means that they will have interwined destines and hence can at times act as uneasy coworkers as both are afraid of the control of the other

  116. Veena says:

    Dear VS
    For birth within last 3 hrs of krishna chaturdashi, Sun Moon conjunction (moon behind sun within 10 degrees) along with Mercury(direct and not combust) happens on 7th house of leo for a Aquarius ascendant, does it give a difficult married life/partnerships?

  117. Mayuresh D Amdekar says:


    A question:

    How to interpret a combustion when sun and the other planet are in different houses? Also, if sun is a functional benefic, should the combustion be considered less malefic

    • VS says:

      a combust planet has to be within 6 to 8 degrees of sun, regardless of sign
      a combust planet can not protect its own significations (of the houses it rules) it can be more brilliant in its general characteristics. for example mercury deep combust can make the intellect/ IQ very high but whatever bhavs are ruled by virgo and gemini will get damaged

  118. Robert Shaw says:

    Dear Respected Sir,

    I am a Pisces Ascendant who will be entering into Sun Maha-dasha in the very near future. My Moon is also in Pisces, Jupiter in the 9th house in Friendly sign, and Sun in the 10th house @ 8 degrees, Ketu @ 10 degrees, Venus @ 21 degrees and Mercury at 27 degrees, all together in the sign of Sagittarius. Sun is aspected by exalted Saturn in the 8th house.(Mars in 11th Rahu in 4th) As far as I understand Sun in the 10th is a good placement but due to the Sun being 6th house Lord the different conjunctions and aspects, it seems that the period would bring somewhat mixed results at least in regards to Sun. Can you please Kindly give me your interpretation of whether it would be a good period and what I may expect during this period ??? Also, do you think it would be better or worse in general than my previous Venus Maha-dasha and why do you consider the position of Jupiter when interpreting Sun Maha-dasha ??? Thank you very much for your kind reply.


    • VS says:

      Overall it should be a good dasa for career related issues. some health issues might be there. More than this, a detailed reading of the chart is required, which I dont do here. thanx

  119. Pranoy Mondal says:

    Date of Birth -15.09.1985
    Place Diamond Harbour
    Time – 10:50 am
    Can I got Govt. job?

  120. Hemlata says:


    If someone has weak sun (debilitated in navamsa), would wearing ruby help?

    Thank you

    • VS says:

      more than navamsa a planet should be first seen from rashi (d1) chart
      if a planet is a functional benefic but weak, its stone can be worn. If a planet is a functional malefic and weak (or strong) its stone should not be worn

      Navamsa positions by themselves can not dictate stone feasibility

      • Rahul says:

        My ascendant is virgo with venus in 12 th house .can i wear diamond?almost all astrologers asked me to wear GOMED .i cant understand the logic behind the suggestion.i ve sun and rahu in 11th house cancer

        • VS says:

          gomedha is a stone for rahu not venus. and typically it is suggested if the position of rahu is good in the chart and/ or the person is under rahu dasa. Rahu in 11th is generall considered good

      • Hemlata says:

        For sagittarius ascendant, sun is most benefic and in 12th house (with saturn). Moves to libra second house in navamsa.

        Would you recommend it and if yes, what kind of ruby?

        Thank you so much for your help.

    • Sunny Harvey says:

      Hello sir, could u analyse this.

      Capricorn ascendant at 01,20
      Jupiter(Bharani), Moon(Ashwini) and ketu(Bharani) conjuction in aries 4th house
      Sun(Rohini), venus(kritika) and mercury(kritika) conjuction in taurus 5th house. Venus combust, mercury retrograde
      Saturn and mars conjuction in 7th house cancer. Both (Pushya)
      Rahu in 10th House libra, (Swati)

      Jupiter- AK
      Mars – AMYK

      Appreciate your assessment

  121. narayan says:

    For Capricorn ascendant, If sun is placed in 10th House of libra (Debilitation), and venus in 11th house of Scorpio. During dasa sandhi period, can Sun behave positively.
    Please share your views.

  122. Harish says:

    Hello sir Virgo lagna sun mercury Mars in 2nd house and venus moon in 3rd house is there any problem to father

    • VS says:

      no way to say sir, a full chart analysis is required

    • Sundar says:

      Ninth lord (father) Venus is the 3rd and 3rd lord Mars in the 2nd. There is a parivartana between 2nd and 3rd lords which is not that bad since 3rd is the least malefic of 3,6,11. Venus is also quite strong. Venus is 3 degrees from 11th lord moon which could indicate gains from this person to the father. The father’s karma is his own, I don’t see how this person can affect his health. Looking at this chart as a way to see the father’s health, you can say, “I see some health issues for this person’s father since the 9th lord is close to the 11th”, but this chart cannot be the “cause”.

  123. Azade says:

    Cüneyt conjunction moon in 11th house
    And Rahu in 3rd cancer.
    What an efect does that have ?

  124. Jairaaj says:

    Sir, i am having Capricon ascendant with Mercury in Lagna, Sun-moon in 2nd house aquarius, Rahu-shukra-shani in 3rd house meena rasi, Jupiter-ketu in 9th house Virgo and Mars in 11th Scorpio. I have been advised to wear Ruby as well as Pearl by different astrologers since both sun and moon conjuct in 2nd house. Can i wear both gems simaltaneously or if i have to choose any one of them, which would be considering my natal chart planet position ? Currently i am passing through Ketu Mahadasha>Rahu antardasha and i am having kaal sarpa yoga at 3/9 axis in my natal chart. Please offer your valuable comments. Thanks and regards

    • VS says:

      i dont offer personal readings here. From the limited info you have shared, generically speaking neither Ruby nor pearl will suit you. Diamond can be worn and perhaps green emerald and thats it

  125. Rahul says:

    Vivek sir
    Association of tenth Lord with sun may give
    Government job. This association must be seen in bhava chalit chart? But some astrologers are of opinion that conjunction and aspect must be seen in RASHI CHART. I think bhava chart should be look into for conjunction and aspect.. What’s your opinion sir

    • VS says:

      Chalit or rashi is just mathematics

      10th lord in degrees close to sun or sun close to middle point of 10th bhaav is relevant. Closeness gives strength to yogas. Even a bit far means a weaker yoga but yoga is still a yoga

      • Rahul says:

        Thanks sir

      • Rahul says:

        Moon close to middle point of 10 th bhava may also give carriers relating to the public but this may or may not associate with government. What’s your opinion sir

        • VS says:

          Yes Moon can give professions related to public dealing and travel/ movement. if it is also related to Sun/ Rahu the other karakas of Government and politics, then roles in politics are possible

          • Rahul says:

            In the above question if sun and rahu are located in cancer sign can it be said that moon is associated with these 2planets?

          • VS says:

            yes but also should be conjunction/ opposition/ trinal to moon or one house ahead of moon. Meaning 1,2,5,7,9 from the position of moon to have full association

            Basically only rahu and moon can give power and fame but not political in some sense (example gandhi had moon and rahu in cancer in 10th) he never held a political position
            sun is authority/ king/ government etc
            mars is domination/ control/ power/ anything with guns and gurds, police etc

            so usually politicians as the highest level have some permutation and combination involving sun/ moon/ mars and rahu with the 10th house/ 10th lord or saturn or lagna

  126. Rahul says:

    Thank sir
    For such a beautiful reply.

  127. Rahul says:

    For the consideration of conjunction of a planet with sun, can we take 15degree as ORB of sun?

  128. Rahul says:

    Thanks sir

  129. Ravi says:

    You are doing a great job to simplify many concepts of Jyotish, Thank you!

    Do you consider Cazimi effect, i.e. when a planet is extremely close (less than 17 minutes) to Sun, instead of combustion, it gets positive brilliance from Sun. I am not sure if this has Vedic astrology basis. I have seen some astrologers, especially in the US use this principle. Here is the reference.

    I quote from the website:
    Finally, when in the very core of the Sun at 0° 17’ or less, a planet is cazimi and is briefly strengthened by its contact and union with the solar principle, being reborn and re-forged in its own depth of being and these are conjunctions finding a true alignment between the inner self of the individual and the principle of the planet. They are often described as bestowing some kind of brilliance or genius.

    • VS says:

      no i dont subscribe to this idea

      • Rahul says:

        I think the safe distance from the sun is (10-15 degree) for any planet

        • VS says:

          yes beyond 15 degrees, it is certainly 0 combustion effect. from 10 to 15 you can consider a very mild burn. Mostly it is within 8 degrees that the combustion acts and that too for Mars, jupiter and saturn

          for mercury and venus only within 3 to 4 degrees does it actually act in real phalit jyotish

  130. Veena says:

    What happes when most planets get placed either with sun or a sign before or after sun (except ofcourse one of the nodes) and sun is strong (own sign, vargottam etc). Will the effects be mostly difficulties/obstacles as sun shines brightly blinding the effects of the rest of the planets(atleast during the 1st half of their dasas)? And the focus of life too much on the bhav sun is located?
    Thank you

    • VS says:

      by itself nothing can be said for the given situation except that the more the number of planets that are very close to the sun (within 15 degrees) and the more the number of planets that are in war with each other (within one degree) the more the good effects are minimized

      • Rahul says:

        Planets have their different orbits so how can they be in war with each other? If two planets are giving rajyoga but they are within one degree can it be said that effects of rajyog is nullified?

        • VS says:

          it is obviously a not a literal war. it is just a jyotish manifestation of results. the idea is that they will tend to block each others energy out as competing for the same space in the zodiac. also the raj yoga is not nullified at all. In my experience, it still remains intense, however some uncertainty comes into the results

  131. Abhi says:

    Sir, what is the generic affect of this dasha for capricorn ascendant with sun in 9th aspected by saturn

    • VS says:

      hi, for any lagna and planet placed in bhaav x or y, it is no longer a generic impact that we are discussing. in that sense each planet can be in 12 rashis and 12 lagnas and so 144 different combinations for each planet only seeing the lagna and rashi only. one has to see the overall aspects and conjunctions of planets and the yogas in a chart and their strength to find out the power of each planet and its effect in a given horoscope

  132. Harsh says:


    Very good article on Sun.
    Have sun conjunct mercury (within 1 degree) in Virgo in eleventh house exactly opposite moon in Pisces in fifth house. Mercury lords two houses (8th and 111th). Can you please provide what will be the effect as mercury is deeply combust.
    In d9, Sun + Ke in 9th house Leo, Ju + Me in 8th house Cancer
    In d10, Sun + Me in Sagittarius ascendant

    Looking forward for your inputs.

  133. Vikas says:

    Hello sir

    I have a question regarding the position of Sun with respect to other planets. I know that outer planets become retrograde (hence stronger) the further they go from the sun.

    My question is that what will happen when an outer planet is in exact oppostion to the sun, in a mutual aspect?

    For example, Jupiter in Gemini at 16° and Sun in Saggitarius at 16°. Will Jupiter gain strength? How much strength will Jupiter gain? How will the sun (generally) affect Jupiter and how will Jupiter affect the sun?
    Is it the same as a conjunction?

    • VS says:

      conjunction definition – planets in the same sign and close to each other
      opposition definition – planets opposing or opposite to each other

      2 planets exact opposite to each other are forming a yoga with each other as they both mutually aspect each other. whether that yoga is good or bad depends on the functional nature of the planets for the chart

  134. Karthik says:

    Hello VS,

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

    I have two basic questions.

    1) General malefics do well in 3, 6, 10 and 11. But 6 is also a dusthana house which makes a planet weak. So if the general malefic is a functional benefic, say Sun for a Scorpio ascendant or Saturn for Libra ascendant, would a placement in 3,10,11 houses be preferred over 6th house?

    2) The exaltation is at a certain degree for all the planets – say 10 degrees at sun. Just want to understand the relative strength of Sun within Aries. Would Sun at Aries 1 degree be stronger than Sun at 11 degrees?

    • VS says:

      thanks for the wishes and wish you and yours the same

      generally speaking it is always better to have a malefic in 3rd or 11th and 6th and 10th are a bit secondary to this theory. however example saturn for taurus ascendant is exalted in the 6th and a yoga karaka, hence it can give extremely good results in the 6th. Thus no generalization can be made on anything. thanks

  135. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For Capricorn lagna Saturn in the third is probably not bad but it’s close to debilitation. Your thoughts?

    • VS says:

      sure. saturn in jupiter signs is usually good in my experience. even though both treat each other as neutrals, I have seen in actual experience that they act as friends in real practice. Most Naadi shashtras also mention these 2 planet to be friendly to each other and infact many Naadi sources treat the conjunction of saturn and jupiter as a Maha Bhagya yoga.

      • Varun says:

        I have not felt any effect of this so called maha bhagya yoga. I have Jupiter and Saturn conjunct ( less that 10 degree) in virgo both from Moon and Ascendant

        • VS says:

          I can not comment on individual charts. As the heading of these articles state – they are Generic effects and hence will not apply to all cases. Individual chart yogas, avayogas, dignity and strength of planets and applicable dasas will dictate the final results

  136. Karthik says:

    Thank you, VS.

    Does the concept of planets in the Upachya houses apply to Moon and AL chart too? Or is it only relevant for rasi chart?

    • VS says:

      yes ofcourse it applies to planets from AL and moon as well
      in fact if there are only natural benefic planets in the 3rd and 6th from Arudha lagna, this is known as Saadhu yoga – or the person has a gentle aura around him as the 3rd and 6th stand for courage/ aggression/ critique and competitive approach of any individual

  137. mohan says:

    please also write on generic effects of Moon and mercury. your writing is a great help when looking at charts.

    • Karthik says:


      VS, it would be of immense help to everyone if you could write about the four general benefics. Especially the impact for the signs where they become functional malefics.

  138. sampath says:

    Dear VS Sir,
    Could you share your view how would Jupiter mahadasha period be for Taurus moon sign individuals,if Jupiter is placed in 10th house and is in Cancer sign,would it be a good period for them as jupiter is lord of 8th and 11th house and how would be the general effects of antardasha period of different planets.

    • VS says:

      Please refer to my article -“How to Judge a Mahadasa” and utilize the 20 odd factors that you need to see to judge any mahadasa

  139. B Pr says:

    i am karka lagna with sun in 2nd house at 8.38 deg. with venus at 7.30 deg.,
    would like to know if this is deep combust or cazimi.
    please advise if this will affect my appearance , confidence and life in general
    currently i am undergoing 2nd year of shukra mahadasha and feel neglected and depressed at times.

  140. Harry says:

    Hello VS. Hope you are doing fine.
    Kindly give ur valuable opinion on this scenario: Sun (24°54’), Jupiter (26°40’) and Saturn (19°57’) are in conjugation in the 2H (virgo sign) for Leo Lagna chart. The depositor of 2H, Mercury, is retrograde (8°17’) in 3H (Libra sign)
    1) How do you see the overall impact of the conjugation of 3 planets in Virgo? Is it a rajyoga, because there are multiple kendra-trikone combinations?
    2) Being a night-time birth, Jupiter and Saturn will be bright. Is the phenomenon of combustion of Jupiter and Saturn operating or is it negligible?
    3) Does Budhaditaya yoga exists? Retrograde Mercury and Sun are 13° apart (> 8° which is the limit for Budhaditaya yoga) but because of the retrograde motion, will the effective distance between Sun and Mercury decreases for the Budhyaditaya yoga to manifest ?

    • VS says:

      buddha aditya yoga in some sense always exists as mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the sun. However unless the 2 are within 6 to 8 degrees in the same sign, it does not exist in manifestation. night time birth still have combustion as the planet is still close to the sun – just that neither the planet nor sun are ‘visible’ during the night time and thus such combustions are felt more internally/ mentally as opposed to externally

  141. Harry says:

    Thank you VS.
    Is the conjugation of Sun, Jupiter and Saturn a strong Raj yoga for Leo Ascendant Jatak. The scenario is:

    “Sun (24°54’), Jupiter (26°40’) and Saturn (19°57’) are in conjugation in the 2H (virgo sign) for Leo Lagna chart. The depositor of 2H, Mercury, is retrograde (8°17’) in 3H (Libra sign)”.

    There are 3 Kendra-trikone combinations: Sun+Jupiter, Jupiter + Saturn and Sun+ Saturn.
    So how powerful is this 3-planet conjugation?

    • VS says:

      not very powerful by itself as sun and saturn are deeply inmical and jupiter is weak in virgo. virgo is functonally neutral and a marak sign for leo ascendant and thus overall this combination can give some wealth but also problems with family and speech. the person can get into trouble due to not being able to control what they say and how they say it. they can also worry too much and eat too much leading to stress related eating disorders and anxiety issues and nervous issues

  142. Simmi says:

    Scenario 1: Planet X is sitting in the house of lord Y, and is aspected by Y. Obviously, the aspect of Y is good for the house. However, does the aspect of Y is good for planet X also? (Assume X and Y are either friends or neutral)

    Scenario 2: Planet A is sitting in house N and in the nakshatra of planet B. Planet B aspects planet A. In this scenario, does the aspect of B good for planet A and house N? (assume A and B are either friends or neutral)

    • VS says:

      in both cases, there will be an increase in strength in the planet. however many other things have to be seen ofcourse to give the final outcome

  143. Tarun says:

    Sir my sun , venus and moon are in 9th house in pisces at 1 degree 43′, 16 degrees 26′ and 26 degrees 42′ respectively. Can you tell what will be the effects of this conjunction. Also will i get leadership roles in my carrier as Mars is in 10th house. Also can you tell about my spouse and and marriage.

    • VS says:

      hello, I dont provide personal readings here. Generically what I can suggest is that treat your venus and moon as conjunct and not sun due the degrees of seperation between these planets

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