A Note on Divisional Charts

Since I assume the audience here (in this series of articles) is intermediate to advanced in their knowledge of astrology, I will take the liberty of not explaining basic terminologies or assumptions which form an integral part of such writings. I wish to discuss a few topics I am asked about very frequently-

(I) Planets in Navamsa affect you later in life?

D9 or Navamsa on a physical manifestation represents the spouse/ marriage and the dignity of planets and hence is to be consulted for marital matters along with its status as one of the most important of all divisionals.

The reason for this high importance of D9 is the fact that it is akin to the fruit if D1 or rasi chart is the tree. Navamsa signifies the real dignity of a planet as it represents the dignity of the learnings the planet gives via its dasa or early in the early part of life.

In a spiritual context it is the crystallized thought process one develops after learnings and experiences in life and thus the concept of it triggering later in life or later in a dasa

This is the logic that goes behind a planet strong in Navamsa giving better results later in life or later in the course of its dasa as the Navamsa will depict your internal/ soul’s learning from what the planet offered in its dasa

Another point to keep in mind is that the concept of exaltation and debilitation holds more value in D1 than any other harmonic including navamsa. Exaltation comes in particular sign nakshatra and degree for each planet due to deeply specific reasons as per sage parasara. But keep in mind as an example moon is exalted in the second pad of krittika which is the first navamsa of taurus. In the second navamsa of taurus moon becomes mooltrikona. BUT..in Navamsa or dasamsa or any other divisional 2nd pad of krittika does NOT fall after first in Krittika etc. In other words the ‘lengths’ are immaterial in the harmonics

Hence in any divisonal, even though the software will spit out a degree in that divisonal the planet has, it is insignificant as exaltation is defined for D1 as the nakshatras dont exist in divisonals as they become mathematical points. So a deeply exalted Moon in 2nd Pad of Krittika, will not give bad results later in life or later in its dasa!

So what does it mean? A planet in its own ‘shade’ i.e. own rashi or mooltrikona rashi is stronger than an exalted planet in a divisonal like navamsa or any other divisional. Hence Jupiter is preferable to have in Saggi or Pisces in any divisional as opposed to Cancer as far as shadbala or manifestation of results is concerned.


(II) Is Saturn better to be in Capricorn/ Aquarius as opposed to Libra in Navamsa?

Aquairus is best followed by Capricorn and then Libra. Also a Virgottam planet is strong too (unless the virgottam is happeing in an inimical sign for the planet) Hence Virgottam in Aries will not be good as Saturn is debilitated and agitated in Aries as it considers Mars as a mortal enemy

mathematically the saptvarga component of shadbala contributes about  60-65% of entire shadbala potential for a planet. Saptvarga as you know is one of the components of Sthana Bala for a planet.

From an understanding perspective a planet in own sign in a divisonal is precipitating that energy deeply as its signifying it’s own energy. As an example, in a divisional sun in aries is precipitating the energy of mars much of which is not really sun’s agenda. However it is still good as Sun considers Mars to be a great friend, but Sun is best placed in Leo in terms of any divisional (from a mathematical perspective of strength as well)

(III) Are Yogas to be considered in Divisional Charts?

This is highly controversial among Vedic  astrologers. In my humble experience and knowledge, the answer is NO!

Divisionals are not independent charts by themselves. They provide deep rooted and specific information in particular areas of life but have to be seen in context of the D1 chart and not independently read for Yogas etc. That does not mean one should not observe the interactions of planets in divisionals as they all have a meaning, but a Gajakesari Yoga in a divisional is irrelevant in the absolute context as the yoga is not physically occurring. Physical manifestation of planets is happening ONLY in the D1 chart and hence Yogas in the divisionals are mathematical formulations and not ‘Live events’ actually influencing the person in the physical manifestion of day to day life.

I advocate the Rashi Tulya Navamsa methodology. As an example in Navamsa if Jupiter is placed in cancer and in Rasi chart it is placed in Virgo as the 9th house, then Jupiter is also affecting the 7th house of the chart as Cancer will be the 7th bhaav in the lagna chart. hence the significations of Jupiter in 9th in D1 will manifest or ‘Ripen’ through 7th bhaav significations which can include spouse/ partnerships or foreign lands (all 7th features)

Another important point to note is that if a planet is Virgottam in any divisional, it will tend to give the effects of that Chart significations very strongly. Example say Capricorn lagna and Mercury in 9th house (ruling 6th and 9th) and virgottam in navamsa (in virgo in navamsa). Now this Mercury even though doesn’t rule the 7th house or marriage or even if not related to Moon (lord of 7th house) will still tend to precipitate marriage or marriage related effects for the native as D9 (navamsa) is also the chart of marriage and Mercury has become Virgottam in that particular Harmonic. So such results can precipitate in the dasas of Mercury regardless of no apparent connection of Mercury with the 7th bhaav of marriag in this case.

Likewise a planet Virgottam in Dasamsa will tend to give career/ job related effects very strongly in its dasas and a planet Virgottam in D3 will tend to give sibling related effects in its dasas etc.

233 Responses to A Note on Divisional Charts

  1. Dinesh Maini says:

    Dear VS
    The interpretation of vargottam planets for delineation of D1 is wonderful!
    Dinesh Maini

  2. sambit says:

    Planets in conjunction or mutual aspect in D1 are if in conjunction in D9 again then what will be the effect and the difference if 2 malefic planets conjunction and benefic planet conjunction

    • VS says:

      If a planet is in conjunction in D1 and D9, it means they are within 3.3 degrees of each other. it is a very stong combination. The effects will be as per the houses ruled by the 2 planets as well as they house where they are conjunct

  3. sambit dash says:

    Kapiel raaj in one of his video mentions that debilitated saturn in D10 does really well and although it may create problems initially but it does well and secondly he mentions that planets in fire signs do really well in D10. What is your opinion in this regard?

    • VS says:

      Kapiel is a good guy. he gets excited often too

      you can not generalize any such rule that Saturn debilitated in D10 will do well. or planets in fire signs do well in D10. every horoscope and effects will be different. In general exaltation and debilitation is not that relevant in a divisional chart than in rasi

      in any divisional chart, best is to have a planet in its own sign, next is best friends and friend’s sign etc. so lets say for Saturn, it is best to have it in aquarius, then Capricorn and then libra and Taurus and venus is an intimate friend of Saturn. Next will be signs of mercury then Jupiter etc.

      having Saturn in an inimical sign of aries, cancer, leo or scorpio is the worst situation as far as any divisional including D10 goes

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        With Capricorn asc virgottam in D-1, D-9; Saturn sitting in Pisces with decent strength , shadbal 105 in D-1, saturn’s BAV 5, SAV for Pisces 36; However in D-9, saturn in Leo and Sun in Aquarius; Does this mean Saturn is not good in the later part of life (50 years and older may be)?

        • VS says:

          it means Saturn is saturn

          • Sundar says:

            Does the concept of marakasthana apply to D-9?

          • Sundar says:

            VS, since you mentioned “Saturn in an inimical sign of aries, cancer, leo or scorpio is the worst situation as far as any divisional “, I was thinking..could D-9 significantly alter the D-1 for saturn? Also does it matter that saturn sits in the 8th house in D-9? Thanks.

          • VS says:

            any divisional affects that area of life more for any planet

            so D10 planet good or not affects the area of life in terms of career/ job etc.

            strength or weakness in any divisional only modifies the D1 a little. Not completely over turn it. So a debilitated and combust planet in D1, no matter own house in all divisionals will only redeem some of the strength and will mostly remain negative towards its significations in the chart

      • sambit dash says:

        Okay an additional query I had read an article on saptarshi website about the concept of bhavotamma where the planet is in same house in divisional as birth chart and few examples of prominent people having such placement was shown but in divisionals we only consider the sign not the house placement so what is your opinion in this regard?

        • VS says:


          It is a very good question. the concept of bhavotamma is indeed very important.
          the logic is the actual understanding of the underlying reason. A planet in 7th bhaav in D1 will be in 7th bhaav in D9 only if it is in the navamsa which is right at the center of the bhaav. So lets say Capricorn ascendant rising at 18 degrees. If a planet sits in 17 degrees in cancer, it will be in 7th bhaav in D1 and D9. thus it will be very strong in residential strength (closeness to bhaav Madhya).

          careful this means bhaav Madhya not rashi Madhya. in same example if lagna degrees is 3 in Capricorn, then a planet at 2 degrees in cancer will be bhaavottama

          • sambit dash says:

            Okay but is it applicable to only D9 because i have got a chart where ascendant at 19 deg and rahu and ketu at 18 deg and both in same house in D10 as in ascendant but not in D9. Is bhavotamma concept applicable here?

          • VS says:

            bhavottama is applicable to all divisionals

            you have to be careful with it. say same example of 18 degree Capricorn rising. A planet is at 18 degrees in 9th bhaav in D1. This planet will be in lagna in D9 not in 9th in D9. that’s simple maths. You have to get a bit deep into how the divisional calculations are done

            bottomline is that a bhaavottama planet – especially one which is bhavottama in many vargas is bhaav 1 or 7 especially will be potent and yoga creating…

            so if a person has venus at 12 degrees in lagna and lagna degree is also about 12. venus will come in bhaav 1 in most divisionals and will automatically become a raj yoga creating planet for the native

          • I have seen a horoscope that shows bhavottama Sun (in ascendant) in almost all possible varga charts that Jhora creates (except D(27), D(45) and those provided under the menu of ‘Higher Division’.

            I tried to find interpretations of Bhavottama but no sufficient details/sources could be found.

            Any idea how this Bhavottama Sun in Ascendant can be deciphered?

          • VS says:

            usually any planet that is very close to the bhaav center (same degree as ascendant degree of each bhaav is the bhaav center)
            will show up either in the same bhaav or trinal bhaav to it in most divisionals. if this is a kendra like lagna, this planet is now affecting all aspects of life and hence becomes a paramount planet for the chart. if it is well placed and aspected, it can guide the entire life of the individual

      • Harsh says:

        Sanjay Rath Sir in his exclusive D10 lecture series mentioned that any debilitated planet in D10 gives good effects because a person put efforts in the are represented by that planet so automatically those areas improves.

  4. sambit dash says:

    Got it. thank you

  5. Sundar says:

    VS, Is Pushya Paksha Ayanamsa more accurate if it can be calculated correctly? To quote from what I read:

    Chitra Paksha: “we actually can not fix Spica there, for it does not even lie on the ecliptic plane or the zodiacal plane! We can merely fix the projection of Spica onto the zodiacal plane, at 0Li0”.

    Pushya: “Delta Cancri (Asellus Australis) is at the centre and it is indeed right on the ecliptic plane, i.e. at a latitude of 0°! We define Pushya-paksha ayanamsa by fixing the sidereal longitude of Delta Cancri at 16Cn0”

    What is your observation in all the horoscope readings you have done?

    • VS says:

      good and important question

      i have done tremendous research on normal Lahiri aka chitrapaksha

      modified lahiri, fixing spica works better but the difference in Lahiri and modified lahiri is small

      I have not utlized PP much and i think the degree of each planet will jump by approximately 1.3 degrees and many planets can change signs or nakshatras and navamsas. I dont think that would fit a lot of research I have already done…hence i dont think PP is accurate

  6. dheer says:


    if sat is deb in D1 but exalted in D9 but conjoined with rahu, will the native still experience d1 deb.

    secondly, in varga charts transits are to be judged as in d1 or we have to erect the as if now varga then judge. example, saturn is scorpio transit so in d10 we have to take same scorpio sign or we have to check in which rashi saturn is in d10 of current time chart and then take that rashi.

    • VS says:

      any planet debilitated in D1 and exalted in any other divisional will still remain debilitated for its overall effect. however a great placement in a divisional implies that the aspects of life related part of life get improved. Or in other words if Saturn deb in D1 & own house in D10. so Saturn is a negative planet for the individual, however in career related matters, it will not do much damage and might even help

      • Sundar says:

        Related question Vivek:
        How about a planet in good strength in D-1 but placed in an enemy house in D-9? I have heard that D-9 represents the phala whereas D-1 shows the potential..Is this true?

        • VS says:

          Like I have said before D1 is the most important. D9 gives a better color and can reduce or intensify the impact of a planet to some extent. however if a planet is very strong in D1, D9 can only take it from 100 to say 80 as an impact but not below that

  7. Digamber Purohit says:

    Sir, general comment – majority of these planets only bring negative results to people. This is is my overall observation. For e.g. in Leo (Simha) ascendants, Jupiter is friend to Sun, but because of 8 house lordship, will cause some hardships or hurdles, no matter where it is placed. Same with Mars – acts as Badhakesh (9th lord) while also being the yogakaraka for Leo lagna, and so gives mixed results at best. I’ve seen charts of Makar and Kumbha (Lagna, rashi or both) and even mighty Shani did not spare them from ill effects of Jupiter who of course is enemy here. Some of them had really tough time in Venus, Mercury sub-dasha (even though friends of Shani…!) Really peculiar.

    • VS says:

      No that is not correct. The ownership of a planet is just a small part of the story. most vital is the placement, dignity and aspects/ conjunctions/ yogas a planet is involved in an individual chart.

      so venus for Capricorn is a yoga karaka for sure. but if placed combust in enmical sign or Leo in 8th bhaav without any Jupiter or Mercury aspect, its dasas will cause more harm and pain than good. So everything is specific to individual horoscope and placements and not just generic or functional nature of planets

  8. sambit dash says:

    Have you ventured into nadi astrology because in my limited knowledge its analysis is completely different then parashari and how accurate can it be?

    • VS says:

      actually most nadis (there are many different kinds of nadis) rely on parasari principles exclusively

      the rules dont change, emphasis is placed on slower transits of saturn, jupiter, rahu and ketu as well as yogas in the chart.

  9. Sundar says:

    Vivek, does the concept of bhaav, aspects apply to D-9 and other divs? Like..Can I look at the 7th from the D-9 asc and see how the relationships will be affected?

    • VS says:

      relevant bhaav from divisional is vital. example 7th in D9, 4th in D4, 5th in D7, 4th and 9th in D12 etc

      • Amit says:

        Hi VS

        You mention that no varga chart is an independent chart and has to be seen in tandem with D1, so you use Rasi tulya Navamsa conccept.
        However, you mention in the above answer, you mention that “relevant bhaav from divisional is vital. example 7th in D9, 4th in D4, 5th in D7, 4th and 9th in D12 etc”. You have also discussed the importance of Bhavattama planets in other answers.

        1) So, I have a basic doubt. Do Bhav’s actually matter in a divisional chart or not?
        2) Example Sun in 10th in D1 (in Pisces), and SUN in Leo in 10th house in D10. Now this Sun is Bhavottama in D10 (10th house, Leo in D10).
        Here, will this Sun give result of 10th house for the native OR of the 3rd house (in D1 leo falls in third house)

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          calculations of planets in any divisional is a mathematical concept and not real. most important to note is the ascendant of the dvisional and the related bhaav from that ascendant. here again the sign is important. since the concept is mathematical, the yogas as they exist in D1 dont exist in any divisional

  10. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Does the lagna lord of a divisional determine the strength of that divisional like the Lagna Lord does for D-1? (I understand the D-1 lagna lord alone does make the D-1 strong).

    • VS says:

      both lagna of the divisional and the karaka of the divisional (sun and moon in D12 for parents, venus for spouse for males etc)

      karaka should not be in lagna of divisional – a placement that becomes tricky and gives results like bhavo karak naashe, example venus in 1st house in D9 for males

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        In fact, I am seeing in front of me the D-9 of a divorced couple’s horoscopes; Mars in
        the 7th (with Moon) in the girl’s and Venus in the asc in male’s; that’s the reason I have been pestering you on the DIVs.
        How would I see if there’s a 2nd for the girl? Do 2nd marriages work out better in such cases? Much thanks.

        • VS says:

          When I say I cant do personal readings, it doesn’t mean you ask bits and pieces of info from a horoscope. that ways it is impossible to read any chart anyways. Now coming to what you asked – forget all divisionals. First see what is happening in D1 and why is the divorce indicated? see in both girl and boy’s chart by simply the planets, karakas and dasas/ transits.

          If you can answer that well, the D9 will all come next. Divisional chart readings are not that simple, rules don’t work simply as in D1 and I have seen people get very confused in divisionals and just interpret them in whatever they want to …that’s not right. just focus on D1 and do thousands of case studies first. once you get to a good level of expertise, the divisional charts will start to make more sense. these are to be used to confirm something you see in D1, not stand alone charts for readings…

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        Venus for male (wife) and Jupiter/Mars for female (husband) should not be in the ascendant from a Sthira Karaka angle.

        From a naisargika karaka angle since Venus signifies marriage for both male and female and Venus being the significator of the 7th, it should not be in the 7th in D-1, but Venus or Jupiter can be in the 7th in D-9.

        Am I correct?

      • Promila says:

        Hi VS
        You said Karaka for divisional should not be in the ascendant of divisional – that acts like Karaka bhavi Nasha.

        1) is this applicable for Mercury in ascendant of D10? Asking this since there are so many Karakas for 10th house, like Sun,Saturn, Mercury – so do all of them cause Karako Bhāva nasha when they are in ascendant of D10?

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          I consider only saturn in D10 lagna as negative as saturn is the main significator of karma/ career

          • Ravi Siva says:

            Hello VS Ji,
            There are opinions that Ke/Rahu in ASC in D10 causes the individual to be not motivated to work. Can you share your thought on this?


          • VS says:

            i dont think you can generalize as such. however generally rahu and ketu create illusions, mental stress and disease and fears/ paranoias and hence if they are not well aspected in a chart, they will tend to spoil some qualities of the house they sit in

  11. Sundar says:

    Sri VS:
    Venus being the marriage Karaka for a male, can I do the following:
    Look at:
    1. The house in D-1 where Venus is seated.
    2. The sign in D-9 where Venus is seated.
    3. The corresponding house in D-1.

    I am, like, analyzing it like I do the 7th lord. Is this valid? If yes, what kind of conclusion can be arrived it in terms of the Phal.


    • VS says:

      look where venus is situated and then look at the 7th sign from it. then look at the arudha of the 7th sign from venus. All these will show wife..the strongest of these bhaavas will show most. if any of these falls on 7th house from lagna, then it will show most

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        S. Rath has defined Arudha pada as the “mount”, which would give it a lot more importance as compared to what most others that say it is the “maya” of the house. How do you define it? Can you also put that in the context of the above (arudha of the 7th from Venus).
        Much appreciated.

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        I need a clarification on “arudha of the 7th sign from venus” :
        If the 7th sign from Venus falls in the 3rd house from Vrischik lagna, should I take the arudha of the 3rd house or should look at the nth house from Venus to Saturn (say Saturn is 9th from Venus) and count 9 from Saturn?

        • VS says:

          if taurus lagna and venus in capricorn is the horoscope of a man.
          then in addition to scorpio (7th house) and mars and ketu (rulers of scorpio), you have to also look at venus and then next 7th from venus (in this case cancer) and arudha of cancer in the horo. Meaning say moon is in Leo. So arudha of 7th from venus will be in virgo. Virgo will become very important for the married life/ wife of the male. look for commonality. Meaning say the same person has mars and ketu in virgo. in this situation 7th lord, co lord and arudha of 7th from venus all are related to virgo. Virgo sign will be either lagna/ arudha lagna or moon/ sun or otherwise very important sign of the spouse of such a male, even more so than scorpio sign. Strength of venus in the horoscope – dignity, direction, shadbal and associations of mercury become vital to understand the wife of the native and her fortune or lack of it

      • Amit says:

        Hi VS – so when you say the “the strongest of these bhaavas will show most. If any of these falls on 7th house from lagna, then it will show most”

        a) by strongest Bhav, do you mean the strongest as per Bhav Bala (as shown in JHora)?
        b) As per bhav bala, planets in a house matter a lot, even if they are malefics like Saturn, Rahu. A house containing Saturn, Rahu and a strong Sun would have a high Bhav Bala. So suppose based on the rules above if such a house is one of the 3, then that will show the wife?
        c) So we should first look at 7th house in D1, then uppada Lagna, then the above rules as per the karaka venus or what is the pecking order of the rules?

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          I wish it were as simple as strongest being shown in any software. these shadbal and bhaav bal calculations certainly help and direct a person. but they can be wrong many a times, because they are complex calculations dependent on 100s of assumptions that go behind them. in general experience teaches one more than pure numbers. Bhaavs whose lords are exlated or otherwise strongly placed in a chart are strong. Bhaavs which deposit general benefics or aspected by general benefics are also stronger. A bhaav with very high SAV bindus is also strong. a Bhaav depositing or aspected by many natural malefics – sun, saturn ,rahu, ketu and Mars becomes weak etc. So in general use these rules more and dont rely on on the calculations from any software

          • Varun says:

            Sir, a bhava aspected by general malefics weakens. However some of these malefics are functional benefics as well.
            For instance, Rahu, Mars, and Saturn watching over 10th house pisces. Here Rahu and Saturn are functional benefics.

            So what will be the net effect? If we say that all the planets are in ok dignity.

          • VS says:

            I recommend reading Shadbal and Bhaav bal calculations by BV Raman to understand the maths behind these calculations in detail.
            only generic nature is considered in terms of bhaav bal, not functional nature of the planet

          • Amit says:

            Hi VS

            When you say: “Bhaavs which deposit general benefics”

            by this you mean Bhavs where general benefics are placed, say like Jupiter in 2nd house (irrespective of the sign) or the bhavs whose lords are general benefics, say like Bhav madhya in libra/Sagi?

            Best Regards

          • VS says:

            simply means the rashi and bhaav where generic benefics of malefics exist. this is a part of the calculation of bhaav bal. in this context saturn is always malefic and jupiter always benefic as we are looking at Generic not functional nature.For those who are interested in details, please read BV Raman’s treatise on shadbal and bhaav bal, which goes in great detail in these calculations. I highly recommend it

  12. S Sharma says:

    Dear VS ji,

    Hope you are well. A few questions when you have a chance, many thanks.

    Which more often ( Or perhaps there is rough parity) possesses the dominant narrative, lagna of a given D chart or the pertinent house of the varga ? (Pertinent House = 7th house for D9 or 10th house for D10 etc..).

    How do varga lagna and the pertinent house differ if at all?

    How would you handle a severely conflicting scenario? E.g. Saturn in Aries in D10 lagna and Mars in 10th in Capricorn – there is NB in this setup so please ignore it.

    Thank you!

    • VS says:

      Both lagna and pertinent house are important in a varga chart. lagna for the overall strength of the varga chart (or lack of it) and pertinent house for the specific significations in the life for that chart like career/ status from 10th of D10

  13. Sri says:

    1. What’s your opinion about the effectiveness (towards it’s Lordship & Natural Karakatwa) of a planet when it’s placed at Gandanta Point?
    2. Any positive change can be seen/ expected, if the same planet is at Exalted position?
    3. What would be the change in results while the same Exalted planet is also Vargottama?

    I tried for detailed information about Gandanta; but could not find apart from What it is. Can you please share me any reference about it?

    • VS says:

      Gandanta points are sensitive more than other rashi sandhis as these are points where both a rashi and nakshatra changes and hence a HARD stop
      any planet which is virgottam will be deeply colored with the significations of that rashi which means it will be highly influenced by that sign. so most important is to see the lord of the sign – its placement, dignity and aspects

      if a planet is virgottam exalted (own sign) which occurs only for Mercury, then it will give very good results if the bhaav is a Kendra or kona

      • Baskar says:

        VS ji,

        Dharmesh Mehta in one of his videos says that any planet in Gandanta degree is very strong . However , I feel that this Gandanta point is a fire and water junction. Any planet there will be in deep distress and hence may not perform well..meaning No good results from Functional benefic and No bad results from Functional malefics.

        Am I right?

        • VS says:

          Any planet which is closer to a rashi sandhi is weak in terms of balaadi avastha. the color of that planet in context of its depositor is weak. This is just one of the avasthas and doesn’t paint the entire picture. however in general, planets in gandanta will be weak as opposed to strong

  14. You have many strong points, and very sound reasons. All Divisional charts is the produced by mathematical procedures. Why should Yogas be considered in Vargas. They are not actual planetary relationships. I have the stand point with you.
    James C. Pattalung

    • VS says:

      Yes, Yogas should not be considered in divisionals, it is not a standalone chart like D1
      however in D9 if planets are together in the chart, they will act as related for the individual

      this is the same rational as in D1 planets are divided as per 4 trikonas or triangles
      planets in any triangle are strongly related to each other, very much like conjunction. So if a planet is at 8 degrees in 4th bhaav and another at 11 degrees in 12th bhaav, they are both going to act as if conjunct. The mathematical extrapolation of 9th to each other manifests in navamsa or D9 divisional. So for this chart that’s important to see

      but say moon and venus are together in D9. their yoga will not act as per the rulerships moon and venus have in D9 chart. but as the ownerships they have in D1 chart

      • Sundar says:

        Sri VS:
        The yogas in D-1 will not be affected by Venus/Moon conjunction in D-9 but the conjunction will apply to other areas in D-1. So even if Venus and Moon are not aspecting individually or mutually in D-1, during the Venus or Moon Dasa, will they will act together?

        • VS says:

          yes if venus and moon are together in say aquarius in D9 …look at the bhaav that aquarius is in D1
          that’s what both will affect during their mutual periods

          • Sundar says:

            Is the Aquarius Bhaav in D-1 the only one affected?
            how about the bhaav they are posited in D-1? Is there a partial effect?

          • VS says:

            No ofcourse the bhavs that they are placed in D1 will be most affected

          • Priyankaa Collins says:

            Very true have seen moon and Ketu conjunction in navamsa cause mental stress and depression during moon ketu periods.

          • Sundar says:

            Quoting you for convenience: “yes if venus and moon are together in say aquarius in D9 …look at the bhaav that aquarius is in D1
            that’s what both will affect during their mutual periods”.
            Isn’t this a concept similar to Rasi-Tulya-Navamsa? In this case, if Venus was in Aries in the 5th bhaav, the fruits of Venus in the 5th will ripen through Venus’ effects on the 3rd bhaav (Aquarius)?

          • VS says:

            yes it is Rashi tulya navamsha

      • Rahul says:

        Vivek sir
        If two planets forming rajyog are together in all divisional charts and they are within 10 degree of bhava madhya in rasi chart and their house lord is also strong in ownsign so can this rajyog be called as very potent?

      • Amit says:

        Hi VS

        I am unable to understand this statement well “but say moon and venus are together in D9. their yoga will not act as per the rulerships moon and venus have in D9 chart. but as the ownerships they have in D1 chart”

        For example: for a Gemini ascendant (D1) native with Moon in 4th house and Venus in 9th, however Moon-Venus conjunct in D9 in Aries, and also conjunct in Virgo in D-10 – what effects will such a native see with respect to Venus and Moon?

        Best Regards

        • VS says:

          the statement only implies that bhaavs can not be interpreted as simply in divisional charts as D1 because divisional charts are a mathematical calculation and not a real physical one. if 2 planets are in one navamsa, it implies that at a deeper karmic level, these planets are both related to a common planet (the navamsa rashi depositor)

  15. Baskar says:

    Shastiamsa chart

    VS ji,

    Is it true that Parashara gives more importance to Shastiamsa chart than D1 chart?

    Lagna changes in Shastiamsa chart every two minutes .. Very few people may have their birth time recorded with that much accuracy.

    Which one gets mor precedence? D1 or Shastiamsa chart?

    How do we read Shastiamsa chart and what are its uses?

    Kindly let me know.

    Thanks much.

    • VS says:

      Yes more importance is given to D60
      that is why twins have different horoscopes

      however since it is not known with accuracy and even ayanamsha and many other settings will change the lagna in D60, it is advised to only rely upto D10 more and you can take a look at the planets in the D60 chart from a transit perspective. Example capricorn lagna, mars owns 4th and 11th. so in D60…look at where Mars is placed…not what it rules…example mars sits in taurus at 11 degrees…when saturn transits over 11 degrees in mars…then 4th house and 11th house in chart will be affected…even if mars doesnt own the 4th in D60 and is not placed in 4th or 11th in D60

      • Baskar says:

        Thank you VS ji.

        The more I learn this ancient science of astrology, the more I come to realize how little I know so far and how much more yet to be learnt.

        Thanks for teaching me again.


      • Baskar says:


        Is it true that the true dignity of a planet is best seen from Shastiamsa chart more than even Navamsa chart?

        Please let me know.

        Thanks much.

        • VS says:

          theoretically yes. However in D60 I advise to only look at the rashi of a planet and not bhaav. the lagna of D60 changes too rapidly and time might never be known that accurately without detailed birth time rectification

          Also in real life experience, I feel that when a planet is very strongly placed in D1, no other 1 divisional can cancel the goodness effect. Likewise when a planet is in very poor dignity in D1, any other strong divisional placement, regardless of which harmonic (D9 or D45 or D60) etc, can cancel the negative effects

          So in the real Phalit concept of Kaliyuga, I believe D1 and yogas therein are the most relevant and important..

      • Sundar says:

        Quoting “when saturn transits over 11 degrees in mars”. You mean the transit position in the D-60?


  16. Baskar says:

    VS ji,

    If a planet is Vargottama in his friend / neutral houses in D1 and D9 but at the same time has a low Shad bala, how will the results be during its dasha period assuming in good dignity and placement?


    • VS says:

      Don’t take shadbal too literally. Just use it liberally. Unless it is very low (below 80%) or very high (above 150%) don’t use it much. Use other simpler versions of basic jyotish. yogas, avayogas, avasthas and dasas/ transits

      • Baskar says:

        Thanks much VS ji..

      • Baskar says:

        Thanks VS ji.. As far as I know, Shad bala calculation does not include “Residential strength”.. Closeness to the Bhava Madhya..

        Also, I don’t think it includes Vargottama in the calculation.

        Thank you for guiding me to not to put too much emphasis on the Ganith aspect.

        I truly appreciate your guidance .

        • VS says:

          residential strength is not included in shadbal and yet is extremely important in real life practice. ofcourse the closer the planet is to bhaav Madhya…the stronger its impact will be in its dasas

          virgottam just means same in d1 and the varga of D9. 7 divisional placements allocate points to shadbal scheme so yes it is built in. however if a planet is in an enmical sign like mercury in cancer and also virgottam, it dsnt get strong, rather weaker

      • Charlie says:

        If a planet’s Shadbala is lower than 80%, does this simply means this planet is very weak? Which means the things this particular planet signifies cannot happen?

        Am I correct? Also, if it is better to hv a FM lower than 80% and a FB higher than 150%?

        But how abt a planet’s shadbala is higher than 150% will behave and produce specifically?


        • VS says:

          100 means the planet has adequate strength
          Caution with Shabbat is to use it as one od the tools and not overemphasize the mathematical component of jyotish. In general yes good to have Dusthana lords weaker than kona and Kendra lords

  17. Baskar says:

    Do we need to make Bhava chart for divisional charts too in order to analyze if the planets moved houses ? Just noticed that JHora has this feature.

  18. Vishwajit says:

    Dear VS,

    At the time of birth a particular planet stands delibilated.
    During MD the planet will begin its journey on a delibilated note and as it progresses it can gain strength. It will take a while before delivering results. Can this hold true.

    Please let know. Regards, Vh

  19. Vishwajit says:

    Dear VS,

    What planetary combination/s can lead to career break or change in career sector.

    Please share, Vh

    • VS says:

      many combinations possible. Multiple strong planets in the 4-10 axis or 3-9 axis can indicate work in different careers. Rahu is the karaka for changes related to work especially if in 2-6-10 houses or conjunct/ aspecting the 10th lord. 10th lord in the 3rd house can give fluctuating and changing careers over the span of an individual’s life

      • Vidya says:

        Dear VS,
        Are there any combinations for work from home(sit at home for online work), short travel(travel close to home), long travel(travel overnight/weekly eg consultants/sales etc)? Are they based on 3, 4, 10, 12 house combinations?
        Thank You.

        • VS says:

          relation between 10th and 4th can lead to partial or full work from home
          short travel is 3rd and long travel is seen from the 9th house. the 3-9 and 4-10 axis dictate the things you talk about

  20. Baskar says:

    PushKara Navamsa /Pushkara Bhaga:

    Dear VS ji,

    I understand these are auspicious locations in Navamsa. If a functional malefic is placed in Pushkara Navamsa / Pushkara Bhaga, what will be effects ..in general and also specifically during its dasha ?

    Please let me know.

    Thanks in advance .

    • VS says:

      the significations of a any planet in pushkar navamsa/ bhaag will improve. it does not matter whether malefic or benefic

      • vidya says:

        Does it include for pushkara bhaga being in 6/8/12?

      • Baskar says:

        VS ji,

        Does these positive impacts seen only during the planet’s dasha period ( or ) through out the life? Same question for any Pancha Maha purusha yoga / Gajakesari yoga etc., please let me know.

        Thanks much.

        • VS says:

          Dasa periods for sure, however generally once the right age for a yoga approaches and it gets activated via the right dasas and transits, then the yoga will generally remain active through out life after that. Planetary ages have to be considered here. Some comes from experience and intuition.

      • Baskar says:

        VS ji,

        One follow up question on Pushkara Navamsa /Pushkara Bhaga.

        I quickly looked at the charts of my immediate family and friends to better understand this concept.

        This is my observation so far. If the dasha planet is placed well in chalit chart, it gives good results irrespective of Pushkara Navamsa / Bhaga.

        If the dasha planet is placed in dusthana , it does not matter if it is Pushkara Navamasa or not. It still gives bad results.

        So, seems like Bhava placement gets primary importance whereas Pushkara Navamsa etc., are just supportive.

        Kindly let me know your thoughts please.

        • VS says:

          yes, that is true for almost all points. The first and foremost is the bhaav position in the D1
          then is the rashi wise placement and dignity of the planet
          next is the conjunctions and aspects the planet receives
          then comes the divisionals and shadbal etc.

          • Baskar says:

            Oh..I forgot to write a thank you note for your reply.

            I thank you very much for taking time to help me understand Vedic astrology.

          • VS says:

            No need to thank repeatedly. I am not doing any person a favor here. Goal is to encourage people to learn this beautiful art for themselves and not just request readings all the time. It takes time and patience but it can be learnt if one tries

  21. Rahul says:

    Hi vivek sir
    Is it proper to see native’s carrier from eleventh house from vernada lagna?also mr visti larsen has given a formula to see carrier through rashi chart before moving to d10 chart.he grouped planets according to their dharma like sun rahu and mercury in kshtriya group chandra jupiter and ketu in middle class mars saturn and venus in lower class group.his opinion is to look for carrier through planet associated with amatyakaraka that is for political carrier on should have rahu associated with amatyakarka and for carrier in arts related field mars should be associated with amk.please enlighten us wth ur thought although i know this is a long subject and you might not have time

    • VS says:

      I am not aware of Visti Larsen’s method and hence can not comment. I usually like to stick to older more defined principles in addition to my own learning from case studies

  22. Aditya says:

    Dear VS,

    I need your feedback on the following

    Any person reaching new peaks of achievements for last 7–8 years , it is most likely that he is scaling through 9, 10 and 11th house journey of Saturn and beyond that 7.5 year long reversal of fortune happens.

  23. Sundar says:

    Hello VS,
    Are planetary aspects applicable in divisionals?


  24. Baskar says:

    VS ji,

    Suppose an ill-placed functional malefic in D1, is placed well in its own MK house or its own house in D9, how do we interpret the results?

    Does it become more “licensed” to do more evil because it’s functional nature is Malefic ( or ) gets mellowed down to do less evil due to the fact that it is placed well in D9?

    Please let me know.

    Thanks much for answering my questions.

    • Baskar says:

      Hello VS ji,

      I was out of country and just cam back to the US.. Could you please help me understand ?

      Thanks again for your great help!

      • VS says:

        what is the question again?

        • Baskar says:

          VS ji,

          If a functional malefic is placed in a dusthana in Chalit chart but good sign in D1, I think it could give mixed results..but mostly negative.

          Will there be a saving grace, if the same planet is placed well in D9, say a Pushkara Navamsa or Own house or MK house? Kindly let me know.

          If it helps, how much will the negative effects reduce?

          Thanks much.

          • VS says:

            you are right in the general thinking. how much etc is very subjective. will depend on the individual scenario. plz don’t forget that each horo is different like each person and his/ her destiny

  25. Mrugesh says:

    Hi VS,
    Do you consider Pushkar Navamsha? In practice, what is your opinion about significance of it?

    BTW, thanks for sharing your knowledge via Q&A! If you can make more case studies videos, that will be great!

    Thank you,

    • VS says:

      Hi Mrugesh

      Thanks, I intend to add videos and actually revamp a lot on the site, but I have been busy, latter half of the year, I will get more time. Till then I will keep up with Q&A

      Pushkar Navamsa is a subtle concept. It is always good to have a planet in a PN in general and the concept is that the planet gets more ‘poshaaka’ = nourishment if it happens to be in a PN and hence by rule of depositors (in this case navamsa depositors, it gives good results
      a PN can only be of a generally benefic planet like Jupiter, venus or mercury

      • Baskar says:

        Great VS ji.. Videos will be great. I request you to do some case studies as well. It will help understand the concepts better.

      • Mrugesh says:

        Hi VS,
        A related techical query on Pushkar bhaga degrees.
        E.g., Cancer 7 degree is pushkar bhaga. Is it centered at exact 7.00 or is it the 7th degree? I.e., from 6.00 to 7.00? Or is it any degree where 7.** ? I.e., actually the 8th degree?

        Thanks in advance!

        • VS says:

          this is actually disputed among researchers. In my opinion 7 means the 7th degree, implying peak at 7 degrees but 6 to 7 is all the same more or less. very much like exaltation or debilitation degrees

  26. A Sivakumaran says:

    I find your blog very insightful and thanks for sharing.

    My question is –

    do you apply dasa periods derived from divisional charts ?
    JHora software gives various dasa periods derived for every divisional chart


    • VS says:

      No dasa periods from divisional charts is a mathematical and research topic perhaps but isn’t really advised to anyone as it might not mean anything, especially for beginners as well as moderate knowledge astrologers. I would think it can be a research topic for highly advanced and experienced astrologers

  27. Siva says:


    Does SAV & BAV apply in Divisional charts as well ?



  28. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    when I look into divisional charts in JHora, the AK, MK etc change from that of Natal chart
    Do I analyze the Divisional charts with a different Atmakaraka etc for each div chart ?


    • VS says:

      No, that is a mathematical calculation in the software. Do not analyze jamini karakas of standalone divisional charts

  29. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    In JHora, there are multiple options given for caluclating Dasamsha – Traditional Parasara and 3 more options under Parasara with even sign reversal – 1. start from 9th and go reverse 2. go reverse and end in 9th 3. start from reverse 9th and go reverse.
    All 4 options give different charts. Any idea which chart to chose under which condition ?



    • VS says:

      yes astrology is an art with ongoing research and JHora gives you many options to experiment with. I would recommend using parasari options as default unless you are an advanced user doing your own research

  30. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    Does Argala work in Divisional charts ?



  31. Siva says:

    Hi VS

    JHora gives separate Ashtakavarga for D Charts
    Should I use the Ashtakavarga of D-10 when analysing for Career wrt transits or house strength ?



    • VS says:

      use D transits only for the slow planets of saturn, jup, rahu and ketu. In that context, yes use the Divisional bindus to ascertain power of transit

  32. Sundar says:

    Hello VS,
    Are the transits of the Varga lagna lord and the corresponding house (e.g. For career, the D-10 lagna lord and the D-10’s 10th lord) indicators?


    • VS says:

      no it gets meaningless to look at a varga lagna lord in transit. use main transits of slow planets over any chart to get real results

      • Sundar says:

        Hello VS, the transit in the varga chart is in relation to the D-1 natal Moon. If the transit from natal moon is not good in the Rasi chart itself, there is no point in looking at the Varga transit, but if it is good, I would look at the varga to see the added strength. Am I correct on the above?

        • VS says:

          mainly if the horo yogas are bad and the dasa indicates negative events then no transit over any chart good or bad will do anything good. transits only precipitate what is arleady promised in the chart, else not

  33. Sundar says:

    VS, can Virodargala to a Paapargala be caused by a malefic (generic and FM)?

  34. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Is the 7th lord in Navamsa an indicator of the nature of the spouse? So, if the 7th lord is posited in Aries, would it show a spouse with a potential Mars domain lagna?

  35. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    The divisional Karaka planet is not good if posited in the div’s lagna (like Venus in D-9 lagna). How about the div’s vital house’s lord posited in Lagna? Example, in D-9, mars posited in Taurus lagna?

  36. Tejas says:

    My question is, does dignities like Exaltation or Debilitation apply when we use the concept of rasi-tulya-navamsa . As ! You mentioned that it cannot be applied in navamsa. But we are now taking those planets from navamsa and putting them in Rasi chart.
    Kindly explain.
    Thanks. 😊

    • VS says:

      as per shadbal rules, planets in their MK house and then own house get most points in divisionals and except mercury, these signs are always different than the exaltation sign of any planet. rashi tulya xamsha concept always works. for any amsa, not just navamasa

      • Sundar says:

        Hello VS:
        Follow up question..
        Navamsa represents the phal and hence the interpretation that “the phal of a dasa/bhuti of planet X in D-1 will ripen through the transposed bhaav from D-9”.
        Say the dasa is of the 9th & 10th lord Saturn posited in the 10th. Saturn is in Dhanur in In D-9 and Scorpio in D-10.
        Since D-10 is also giving phal, will the phal of the 10th come through the 8th and 7th bhaavs both colored by Saturn?

        • VS says:

          this concept of phal is not mine and i neither agree nor disagree with it. I think each divisional has to be seen with D1 as a rashi tulya method and interpreted for an increase or decrease in the dignity of the planet in that particular harmonic…thats what it is to me

          • Sundar says:

            VS, I don’t mean to beat around this topic. Please see your remarks beginning with “I advocate the Rashi Tulya Navamsa methodology…” in this blog. But in the above answer, you mention “this concept of phal is not mine and i neither agree nor disagree with it.”.
            Have your views on this concept changed somewhat over time ? And, how does the dignity of the planet change for a harmonic based on RTN? Can you give a small example?

            Thank you.

          • VS says:

            My views haven’t changed at all on it. Not sure what is your question here? D1 is the most important chart and any divisional chart including navamsa has to be seen in the context of D1 and not completely independently

  37. r pristine says:

    a planet is neecha in D1. but it is not neech in D60, & it’s D60-depositor is uchcha or swasthani in D1.
    will the the strength of such originally neech planet, then improve considerably? (other
    things being equal) . thanks. regards.

    • VS says:

      D1 effect can not be overruled by one or more of the other divisionals

      D1 will dominate. however if a planet is placed in its own signs in many divisional charts, then ofcourse it will be prone to give good results in various aspects of life and hence its bad impact in D1 is somewhat muted or changed

  38. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Can we correct the D-9 lagna by looking at trinal planets from the previous or next lagna? Say the lagna in the chart is Mithuna with Venus in Meena and Budh in Scorpio. This person pays a lot of attention to detail and is interested in fashion. He is a also a good speaker. A Leo lagna would make Venus and Mercury trinal and make this fit the person’s characteristics.
    Is this just speculation or a valid method? If it is valid, can you shed some additional light on the trinality of various planets from lagna in D-9.

    • VS says:

      i have no issue with your method, only way to know if it works, you should try it out on a very large number of horoscopes. Otherwise my guess is as good as yours on it

  39. Mayuresh Amdekar says:

    Hello VS !

    Excellent articles !

    Are vargottam debilitated planets very weak or they tend to overcome their debilitation to some extent? My personal experience is that vargottam planets in d9 mean simply strong and fixed event related to them. If debilitated and functional malefics, then fixed traumatic event is guaranteed. What’s your take ?

    Mayuresh Amdekar
    MD, USA

    • VS says:

      Virgottam is something that these days is used only with D9 or navamsa
      Technically a planet repeating a shade in any divisional becomes strong

      the good and bad depends on the placement, overall dignity and aspects as well as lordships etc. example a debilitated virgottam mars for aquarius is likely to do less good than a debilitated virgottam mars for libra if say moon is also in cancer etc. so virgottam just implies an enhanced intensity, by itself the intensity can be good or bad

  40. Ravi says:

    Hi VS,

    What about the rashi virgottam in divisional charts. Please throw some light on it.


    • VS says:

      virg uttam just means a good varga or divisional. technically this is not just for D9 just that D9 is talked about more than others. when any planet is virguttam in any divisional chart, that planet is strongly colored as per that rashi for that aspect of life like career from D10 as an example. good or bad depends on what sort of rashi is it in D1, where is the rashi lord, dignity of rashi lord etc

  41. Mayuresh D Amdekar says:


    Should the exchanges in divisional charts be given importance? More specifically, in D9, would exchanges between planets mean both the planets become good in dignity atleast from the navams perspective? Of course as you suggest, overall dignity will prevail looking at placement in D1 and the aspects etc.

    Mayuresh D Amdekar,
    MD, USA

    • VS says:

      Divisional chart exchanges have meaning more only during the respective dasa/ antar/ pratyantar combos of the said planets related to that field of life. so for example if venus in cancer and moon in libra in D10, then their mutual periods in vimshottari will give results related to job/ career/ status and the effect whether good or bad will depend on the dignity placement and yogas of these 2 planets as well as their mutual temporary and permanent relation in D1

  42. Srivatsa says:

    Hi Sir,

    I want a General prediction of my horoscope. How does it Go


    Best Regards,

  43. Piyush says:

    Is parivartan yoga applicable in d9 chart?

    • VS says:

      yogas, even though existing in divisionals, are not to be interpreted literally like they are in D1.
      Yogas in any divisional are relevant when said dasa combinations as well as transits operate in the context of the main rasi chart only

      thus, divisionals becomes an advanced topic, which as per my opinion, should only be delved into once the basics have been mastered and lots of case studies have been done

  44. Deb says:

    Respected sir,

    my question is…. e.g in D1 mars is in CANCER .. in D9 & D60 mars. is in SAGITTARIUS (considering rasi only)

    Now say if we take D1 with 3 points and D60 =4 points of priority

    which one shall be more visible in the person ? the adventurous passion of Sagittarius mars or emotional traits of cancer mars?

    • VS says:

      No! mars will behave like in cancer. the higher harmonics bring a flavour into the planet regarding those aspects of life in particular and not the overall planet.

  45. Ram says:

    Does parivarthan apply in divisional charts for eg saturn in scorpio and mars in aquarius. does this lead to parivarthan in D-10 chart or any other divisional chart?

    • VS says:

      yes it applies but not directly in terms of a yoga like in D1
      if for example moon sits in saturn sign and saturn in moon sign in D10. then moon/ saturn or saturn/ moon dasa combinations in vimsottari will give intense career related events. Good or bad will depend on mutual positions, dignity, strength and the promise they hold in D1 first and then D10

  46. Gauri says:

    Hello Sir,
    I have a question – do divisional charts have different transits (Mahadasha and antradasha) than Lagna and Rashi charts? Can it happen that a person has Saturn magadasha for Lagna but Venus for D9 or D7? Please respond, thanks

  47. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    In varga charts if Rahu and Mars are in opposite rasis, can we say that Rahu is “aspecting” Mars and vice-versa. I am asking because there is no aspect as such in vargas

    • VS says:

      no you can not say that. only if their rasi depositors in the varga chart are connected in D1 then there is an indirect relation in the 2

  48. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Any validity to this: D-9 lagna controls the phal of D-1’s 1,5,9, D-9’s 4th controls D-1’s 3,7,11, D-9’s 10th controls 4,8,12? If valid, what’s the logic?


    • VS says:

      I dont know about ‘controls’
      however the central point of each bhaav will lay in the same trikona in D9 so ist in D9 will have the 1,5,9 point of D1 as per navamsa, 4th in D9 will have the central point of 4,8.12 in D1 etc

      • Sundar says:

        If you explain this concept of mid points in D-9 / D1 briefly or in any way, that would be great. If it would be too much, that’s OK. Thx as always.

        • VS says:

          Hi, Not sure what the author meant and hence can not comment on that.
          however mathematically speaking say Aries lagna 1 degree. now this will mean Aries ascendant in D9 and the most effective point of 1-5-9 trikona will be controlled by the Aries 1st house of navamsa, likewise the 8th and 12 houses will have cancer navamsa in the most effective point of 1 degree. Cancer will be the 4th rasi in D9

          likewise each kendra in navamsa mathematically controls that particular trikona in D9

        • Diya says:

          Do degrees not hold any significance in navamsa? I have Venus and Sun in d9 4th house in sign of Taurus, Venus being 2 degrees higher than sun. Is Venus combust?What does this combination alone say about my married life?

  49. spring says:

    Hi sir.. .
    Can we consider nakshathras in divisional charts?

    Does the condition of Amk in d10 chart gives clues about the career?

    Thank you!🙏

    • VS says:

      No. No nakshatras exist in divisionals. Divisional degrees are a mathematical concept and nakshatras dont exist as they do in the rasi chart

  50. souj says:

    My DK is Saturn and my AK is mercury. In lagna chart, Saturn is in 7th house aquarius and sun & mercury are in 1st house leo. But, in D9, Saturn and mercury are conjunct in 1st house. AK DK conjunction. what does it imply?

    • VS says:

      does not imply much apart from read the yogas from their house ownership. also since saturn rules 7th, sits in 7th and is DK, it will heavily related to the spouse who might be a saturn dominated person

  51. MRG says:

    Hi VS,
    I wished to request some more knowledge/patterns for analysis of divisional charts. Upto now you have basically advocated seeing dignity of planet via sign placement (and not house). And apply Rashi tulya amsha to see it’s house effect in D1.

    It will be great if you can say more about house placement of amsha in generic way.

    For example, in your mahadasha analysis, the house lordship is not important. House placement is more important. But say, in 7th lord is placed in 10th house. But in navamsha it is placed in 7th house. So can we day that something related to 7th house may also transpire in dasha apart from 10th house?


    • VS says:

      when a planet is placed in same sign in rasi and any divisional it becomes varg uttam or gains strength in terms of a repetitive pattern for that sign in rasi and that divisional (this is usually spoken for only navamsa but virguttam is true for any divisional)

      likewise when a planet is same bhaav in rasi and any divisional, it becomes Bhaav-uttam and its intensity to impact that particular bhaav is magnified as well

  52. Rahul says:

    If a planets are in the same sign in navamsa chart, do they affect each other? I think in divisional charts planets are coloured by the sings they occupy

  53. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    If the 10th rasi is Meena and Moon sits there.. dispositor Guru is 6/8/12 from, Moon will be impeded. Related question from a D-9 angle that I read about and would like you to clarify; it goes this way..
    Also, look at the 10th lord (e.g. Sun) in D-9. If Moon is 6/8/12 from Sun in D-9, Moon in D-1 will be impeded. This implies Moon in D-1 gets strength from the 10th lord in D-9. If this is true, I have a related question. In D-1 shouldn’t I be looking at where Moon is placed from Guru rather than from Meena?


    • VS says:

      not really connecting to the D9 example
      Either way, in D1 if a planet is 6/8 from its depositor, some energy is blocked (also depends on degrees as sometimes a 6/8 might be 5/9 as per bhaav when you incorporate exact degrees)

      however if say a planet is in 10th in D1 and its depositor is in the 5th or 9th – the relation will be 6/8 or 2/12 and yet since both the planets are sitting in good bhaavs, the actual output might be still very good depending on other aspects and strengths etc. some delay or struggle might increase in mutual dasas but overall the effect might not be blocked much and with proper dharma (5th and 9th) the karma (10th) will still remain intact and strong

    • Sundar says:

      Hello VS:
      After getting a little more clarity from the source of my information, he was referring to the following from BV Raman “Concerning the first house” about the lagna lord in the 7th. My 2nd all-caps paragraph has BVR’s reference to where the D-1 lagna lord sits from the D-9’s 7th lord in D-9. Hence my earlier added question re: D-1, namely, should we see if the rasi dispositor is sitting 6/8/12 from the planet or should we (also) see if the planet is sitting 6/8/12 from where the dispositor is sitting?

      When the lord of Lagna is in the 7th in conjunction with the 7th lord, the native will have pilgrimage. If unmarried, he will have marriage. …….


      Thanks a lot.

      • VS says:

        it is the same concept as in D1. if planet A is deposited by B or A is conjunct B in rasi, then in navamsa they should ideally not be 6/8/12 for the effects to really come out

        I dont claim that this is false. however in my experience it is more important only in the rasi chart for overall effects of planet A. In any divisional, the impact is more relevant only to that particular aspect of life represented by the divisional

  54. Rahul says:

    Can bhava exchange happen in bhava chart like rashi exchange of rashi chart?

  55. Amit says:

    Hi VS

    May be a silly question: you have mentioned that degrees do not matter much in divisional charts. So when studying say D10, if someone has:
    a) Sun in Leo in 10th house in JHora
    b) but when seeing the Bhava chart based on D10 in JHora we see that SUN moves to 9th house

    >> Then in D10 we should consider SUN in 9th house or 10th house?
    >> Basically the question is: should we check the Bhava chart for each divisional or not?


    • VS says:

      degrees in divisional chart is a mathematical progression. the planet is not really in that sign at that degree. the only real physical chart is the D1
      in divisional charts, consider the bhaav as the entire sign itself and dont worry about degrees

  56. Avinash says:

    Hi VS,

    What happens if a planet is vargottam but debilitated in both Rasi and Navamsa (or any divisional chart)?

    Sorry if you already answered this question earlier.

    Thank you,

    • VS says:

      Usually isn’t good but for mars and venus in this situation if the planet is getting proper neechabhang then it can be a strong neechabhang raj yoga as well

  57. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    Taurus lagna, Venus/Mars in the 4th; Saturn in 8th and trinal to Venus Mars. Sun in 3rd with Budha forming yoga.
    The fourth house looks strong in the Rasi chart. The 4th house in D-24 (learning), D-12 (parents/mother), D-4 (residence) all look good. In D-16 (vehicles) Capricorn lagna, Saturn is debilitated and Mars in lagna. The person (whose chart it is) does not have have accidents but many cars bought for all his children were damaged multiple times and D-16 somehow points to this.
    Tula is the sixth and MK for Venus in the fourth shows accidents for the person and there was none.
    How can D-16’s results be seen in D-1 itself? Should I see accidents from vehicles for the person in the 4th from the Paaka lagna?


    • VS says:

      Frankly I have never research vehicular accidents in D16 and thus difficult for me to comment. In general, any divisional, see which sign the dasa (level 1, 2 and 3) are sitting in and when that combination comes up in vimshottari, effects are seen.
      for example planet X MD going on. X is is aries in navamsa, in Gemini in dasamsa etc. when X Md and Mars AD happens, results related to marriage/ relationships/ spouse etc will happen. When X MD and mercury AD occurs, results related to job/ career will happen etc.

  58. Rohit says:

    Hello VS,

    I have a query please do reply..suppose if in d1 chart the lagna lord is strong and forming raja yoga like for virgo lagna mercury is conjunct venus in 2nd house of libra forming dhan yoga and raja yoga and for capricon ascendant saturn exalted in 10th house of libra aspected by venus in 4th house but in both the instances the lagna lords gets debilitated in 1st house of navamsa respectively would such good yogas in lagna chart be reduced dramatically since their lord gets debilitated in navamsa..thanks!!

    • VS says:

      it might reduce the effectiveness or durability of the yogas involved but just debilitation of a planet in navamsa is not enough to cancel any of its good yogas

    • I apprehend, you may misuse the dhana yoga privilege you have in D(1) chart. However, there is no need to take it as a pre-determined fatalistic condition. Life is a continuous process of evolution. If you exercise greater care about not creating negative karma while availing your dhana yoga e.g., not to hurt others who are lesser privileged, you will not create a situation that may warrant you to learn the lessons of how to live through challenging financial condition.

  59. Pranav says:

    Hello VS,

    Generally, what are your thoughts on (2-3+) debilitations in the Navamsa that do not have a neecha-banga? Haven’t seen any posts talking about this specific case?

    1.1) Would this have any spiritual implications like the loss of ego perhaps?

    • VS says:

      not sure I can make generic statements on spiritual implications. Just depends on the overall chart and its yogas and avayoags

  60. Sundar says:

    Hello VS:
    For birth rectification, as an example, I have heard that if Venus, Moon sit trinal to lagna, the person may sing well or have a good voice etc. Is this true? Are trinal conjunctions valid in vargas even though planetary aspects / yogas are valid

    • VS says:

      any planet trinal to rashi or navamsa chart will manifest its generic qualities in the character of an individual. as for singing, dancing etc, they are just interpretations of the characteristics of planets. should not be taken too literally but liberally. idea is to see that the personality of the individual has those characteristics in navamsa for time rectification

  61. Harry Bajwa says:

    Hello VS. Thanks a lot for this beautiful article. I have 3 queries:
    1) Does the concept of Neechbhang Rajyoga apply to divisional charts as well?
    2) If 10th Lord is relatively well-placed in Rasi chart (D1) and D10 but debilitated in D9, how would be the overall impact of its mahadasha on the career? As an example, in my horoscope of Leo Lagna (3:35 am; 12 Oct 1981; Ludhiana, Punjab, India), Venus (lord of 3rd and 10th house) is placed in the 4th house (hence getting the directional strength) and aspected by Yogkarka Mars from the First house. In D10, the Yogkarka Venus as the 10th lord is placed in its mooltrikona sign Libra in the 10th house, along with Ketu. However, in D9, Venus is debilitated in Virgo in the first house (but Venus depositor mercury is in Kendra, hence this may lead to Neechbhang)
    3) Somebody told me that if the 3rd Lord of Rasi chart is debilitated in D9 (as in the above horoscope), this is auspicious (akin to the debilitation of 3rd, 6th and 8th lords of rashi chart within this chart, which is one of the rules for Neechbhang). Please discuss your views on this concept.

    • VS says:

      NB or any raj yoga is not be seen literally in any divisional other than using it in tandem with D1. also focus on the area of life you are looking at for the particular divisional chart. if career than D9 is not as relevant as D10 ofcourse etc.

  62. sudeep pandey says:

    So thankful to you sir, You were the ONLY right person.requesting you to check your fb messenger.
    Saurabh Pandey

  63. Karthik says:

    Hello VS,

    Except Sun and Saturn, all teh planets debilitates in friend’s / neutral sign. In many cases you have explained that it is good to have planets in friendly signs in divisional charts, through it might be the debilitation sign – say, Mars and venus.

    In case of mercury , would it better to have mercury in pisces rather than aries, scorpio or cancer in divisional charts?

    • VS says:

      mercury is pisces navamsa is probably equally bad as cancer as mercury considers moon as an enemy
      As for mars, mercury considers mars as a neutral

      where a particular rashi falls in rasi chart and how strong and well placed the ruler in rashi chart is etc will also have a lot of bearing in the final outcome in addition to just the rashi itself

  64. Dolores says:

    It is said that the D60 chart is more important than the D1 chart, so what happens when a planet is debilitated in D60? Does it mean that its performance going to be weak even though it might be in his own sign in D1 (& D9)?

    Can a planet be combusted in a divisional chart? How would you read a close conjunction with sun and another planet in a divisional chart?

    • VS says:

      D60 can not be seen as an independent chart without reference to D1. Also being extremely sensitive to time, one should remain cautious about using it as a stand alone chart as the lagna will change every 120 seconds or less. I recommend using such higher divisionals only after a lot of experience in astrology in general

  65. Ravi Siva says:

    Hello VS Ji,
    Can you please put all the rules of how to read a dasamsa (D10) chart? You have touched upon it briefly in your write up, but it would really be great if you can have a write up similar to “How to judge a Mahadasa” for reading the dasamsa chart.


    • VS says:

      Hello Ravi, It is hard for me to make a separate writeup for each divisional as there are many. every divisional has to be seen in tandem with the rasi chart. nothing that is not promised in the rashi chart can manifest only from a divisional
      each divisional has a specific area of life that it focuses on. dasamsa obviously is for career/ status. a planet placed strongly in dasamsa will support career/ social status and image and vice versa during its dasas etc

      • Ravi Siva says:

        Hello VS Ji,
        I understand the hardship for you to write for all divisional chart. However, most of us who consult astrology are for the 5 main reasons, higher studies, children, marriage, career and wealth. If you can write a “How to …” for the above with relevant divisional chart, it will a huge benefit for everyone. I have tried to search the web for reading D10 chart, but there are so many conflicting rules. I rely on your writings for my education of astrology and I (am sure most of us who visit this site) would greatly appreciate it if you can allocate some time from your schedule for this.

        Thanks & Regards

  66. R pristine says:

    Sir; since Nakshatras not applicable in divisionals, do we have to ignore Exaltation strength in D9 & D60?

  67. R pristine says:

    Sir; In d9 :is Guru stronger in Dhanu than in meen?

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